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I was sitting in their library starting at the flames. Ace walked over and handed me my drink. I sipped it thinking about my parents. They were amazing people. Non confrontational and always happy. They didn't deserve to die the way they did. I remembered that day vividly. I never looked back at it so I could focus on living.

"They were so scared that day." No one said anything. They sat on a couch slightly behind me on the left. I had moved the chair to face the fire in front of the table when we walked in here. I say I did but Grayson had to help me. It was made out of solid wood and really heavy.

"I'm not sure if they were afraid of dying or if they were afraid I would get hurt. They always knew how I was. They feared me at times but I loved them and they loved me. That's what kept our family together. I was always getting into fights at school with people bigger than me. Never ending well for myself. I'd come home bloody and beaten. They would clean me up and ask how and why I did what I did." I down my drink and hold it out for someone to grab it and refill it.

"I could never give them a reason, because I still don't know why. Maybe it's just the way I'm wired? I'm not sure." I let out a breathy laugh as a tear makes its way down my cheek. Grayson brings me my glass. I sip on it realizing I don't plan to stop drinking until I forget.

"I apologize in advance, I'm a light weight and I plan on getting drunk." I down the glass again.

"It's okay we will take care of you and make sure you don't do anything stupid or get yourself hurt." I look beside me and see Grayson there with the bottle of whisky. I take it and thank him handing my glass back to him.

"Here I'll just keep the bottle. I'm planing on finishing it." He nods and goes back to his seat. I took a sip from the bottle.

"I know I wasn't the daughter they wanted or deserved. They hid who they really were from me, but I understand why. I would've sought out after my family and end up getting them killed for running." I laughed at that. I started to relax from the buzz I was getting. I slowed down a bit so I could get all of it out before I can't remember if I did or not. Just once that's all I needed.

"Funny how that turned out. They are still dead and for years I didn't care, I only cared about my own survival. They didn't deserve that. I never looked back. I don't know what happened to their bodies I just kept on moving." Screw slowing down. I tilt the bottle back and take two gulps. I wait for it to kick in and when it did I knew I still had control.

"Fuck. I didn't even think of them. It was like their deaths didn't matter to me. I just moved on from them and even now I'm not morning them. I'm mad at myself because I can't feel even the slightest bit of remorse. That's the part that sickens me." I look over at them for the first time. Their faces were neutral, like they weren't disgusted by my confessions.

"I killed my father if that makes you feel any better." I laughed at Ace.

"Why doesn't that surprise me? You look like you would." He smirks at me.

"He killed my mother so I killed him." Makes sense. I don't question him about it. I already know that his sister was killed.

"Anyone else have a confession?" I take another swig.

"Oh better yet let's play a game." They looked at me amused. I know I looked insane right about now.

"What kind of game gorgeous?" Cassius had a devious smile on his face. I wonder what he was thinking about but my brain was cloudy from the whisky.

"Confessions. Let's go around and confess something terrible you've done. Ace already did one so I'll go." I thought about it for a moment.

"Okay I got one. When I was ten my neighbors dog would always bark throughout the night keeping me awake. One night I wasn't in the mood to listen to it because I had a bad day. So I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and snuck out the front door. I went across the street and stabbed the dog in the eye. Killing it. Then I went home and went to sleep." I was laughing by the end of my story and Grayson was laughing with me while the other two were just shanking their head smiling.

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