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He placed his hips between my legs and gripped my sides. I leaned up and whispered.

"I won." He stopped moving and looked down at me.

"I don't fucking care." He captured my lips again. Grinding his dick into me. I grabbed his hair pulling him closer.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach. I felt tingles all over my body.

I pull his shirt off of him and scratched down his back. He shuddered and placed a hand around my neck.

"God, I want you to fuck me Ace." That just fueled the fire. He unties the strings around my neck and rips my shirt down the middle. He takes a knife from his side and cuts open my bra. The tip nipped me.

He stoped and looked down at me. It didn't bother me I liked the pain. He must've seen the need in my eyes because he leaned down and licked the little bit of blood between my boobs.

I threw my head backwards letting a sound of a mixture of a scream and a moan.

"Please, Ace." He started sucking on my nipple and biting it. I was a moaning mess and I couldn't stop myself from begging. He took my shirt and bra the rest of the way off me. Then he repeated the action with the other nipple as I feel his hand run down my stomach. He touched my scar and hesitated. I couldn't feel anything there it was completely numb.

I grind my hips up into his and that made him continue. He slowly kissed down my stomach and licked all the way from the top of my shorts to the middle of my boobs, it was still bleeding but only a drop.

I fucking loved watching him lick up the blood.

"Fuck Ace, just fucking fuck me already!" I'm so out of it all I could focus on was his tongue. He undid the button to my shorts and pulled the zipper down.

Then there was an explosion. We stopped as dust fell from the ceiling. Ace grabbed me and pulled me into the closet. He pulled my phone out of my back pocket as I threw a shirt over my head and fixed my shorts.

"What's going on?" He put the phone against his ear.

"Grayson get the fuck back here they bombed the house. I've got Asena in her closet with me now." I couldn't hear the other end of the conversation over the gun fire that was happening downstairs.

"Hurry your asses up!" He ended the call.

"Stay here." He handed me a gun from the top shelf in the closet. I didn't even know that was there.

"No I'm coming with you." I moved towards the closet door when he pulled me back.

"You are staying here Asena. Petrov is here for you. That's the only reason. So stay your ass in this closet until I come back to get you ok?" I just nodded my head. I'm so not staying in here. His lips met mine in a quick but passionate kiss. He pulls his gun out from the back of his pants.

"I'll be back." He placed his hand on the door knob but froze when we herd my bedroom door open. The house was silent. My heart was beating fast in my chest. I grabbed Aces hand and squeezed. Foot steps came closer to us, and the door opened.

Ace raised his gun to shoot but didn't pull the trigger.

"Derrick what the fuck!?! You couldn't yell for us to come out? I almost shot you." The man smiled.

"Come on boss you know you can't get rid of me that easy." He was a tall man built bigger than Ace. He had tattoos from his neck to his hands. He had a eyebrow and lip piercing.

Not gonna lie he wasn't bad looking but my guys were better.

"Hi Asena. It's about time we met." He wiggled his fingers my way.

"Like wise." Grayson and Cassius come barreling through my bedroom door. We were still in the closet.

"Ok y'all gotta move out of my fucking way it's getting claustrophobic in this closet." I push past Ace and Derrick.

"Are you ok?" Grayson asked worriedly while Cassius walked around me searching for injuries.

"Yes I'm fine. Stop it that tickles." I smack Cassius's hands away.

"So what the hell just happened?" I sit on the bed. Since they don't seem to be leaving my room. Dust flew up and around me. I fan in front of my face and coughed.

"We got to the building, and there was just a dead body that we found the tracker on. So we hauled ass back here blowing up Ace's phone but he wasn't picking up. So we assumed the worse. Especially when we got here the house was blown up." Cassius glares at Grayson.

"Where's your phone?" Ace checks his pockets.

"I must've left it down stairs when we came up here." I face plant my head into my hand.

"All right I'm out. Nice meeting you Asena hope to see you soon... alive. And good luck with... all that." Derrick leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

"Look I'm sorry the one time I leave my phone behind someone blows up the house and why didn't you call Derrick or anyone else when I didn't answer?" They look blankly at him.

"We didn't think about that." Cassius rubs the back of his neck.

"See not entirely my fault." I just sit back and watch this unfold. It was really amusing.

"Still what we're you doing?" Grayson looks between the two of us. I bite my lip.

"We were playing a game and whoever the fuck set the bomb off is a real cockblocker." I crossed my arms and huffed. Ace looked at me.

"A really fun game that I'd like to continue." They were intrigued now. I roll my eyes.

"What kind of game?" Grayson's face was smug, like he knew what I was planning this whole time.

"Now would y'all like to leave cause I'd like to get back to what I was doing." Ace pulls out his phone.

"Derrick, you're in charge of the clean up crew. I'll be down in a little while." Ace picks me up and I squeal. He takes me to a different room which I'm guessing was his and places me on the bed Grayson and Cassius followed us.

His hands were all over my body and it was the best thing I've ever felt. It was like I was being worshipped like a goddess as Cassius and Grayson sat across the room watching. He made me come twice before we left the room. I wanted to return the favor but he wouldn't let me. He just kept telling me not yet. And no they did not fuck me no matter how much I begged them to.

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