we're not Ryanair at least we know how to land

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"Alfoe, the Primary Transmission civilians want to talk to you!"

For once, Alfoe wished that the obnoxious drone of the aircraft's engine was louder than the voices of several nagging civilians on the other side of the terminal connection. As amusing as their little shenanigans could be, he had already lost most of his patience to the finicky lights in the back half of the ship. After gutting the light's wires only to leave them hanging from the ceiling in defeat, he dreaded the thought of having to slide on the headset and hear the heterophony of questions bombard him.

"Tell the little squirts I'm busy," he snapped back before he returned to resting his head in his arms folded on the table.

"Sorry, guys! Commander's busy!" Povmil leaned into the microphone a little more and whispered, "And maybe a bit grumpy!"

"HEY!" Alfoe shot upright and landed a piercing glare on Povmil. They giggled, their hand over their mouth unable to stifle them. Alfoe pushed out of his seat and stormed up to Povmil, saying, "That's enough of you, runt!"

"Alright, guys! I suppose that's my cue—ACK!" Povmil hastily said before Alfoe wrapped his arms around their torso and yanked them out of the seat. "Come on, Commander! It was only a joke!"

Alfoe retorted, "Yeah? Well, it wasn't funny!" but a single glance up showed Povmil his amused grin crossing his scarred face. "Here, give it back!"

He reached for the communication device in their hand, Povmil held it out of their grasp and cried, "Aw, no! You're just gonna call them rats again!"

"Because they ARE!" Alfoe justified, reaching farther out to grab the device. However, doing so loosened his grip on Povmil, and they managed to wriggle out of his hold and run to the front of the ship. "Wh-! Get back here, runt!" he called, but he knew that Povmil would not relent until he gave chase.

They shouted, "VITZKI! HELP!" The blue sheen of the Pilot's goggles almost blinded them as it turned around to face them. Nevertheless, they held up the communication device and panted, "Keep this from Commander, please! And hurry!"

Vitzki silently plucked the tiny device from their hand and held it snugly in its grasp. "Thanks, buddy!" Povmil chirped before two arms snaking around them knocked the breath out of them.

"Where is it, runt!?" Alfoe yelled as he lifted Povmil off of the ground. The Navigator yelped and flailed their legs, but they learned the hard way that no amount of squirming would free them. "No way to escape now, Pov! Hand it over!"

"Never! I don't even have it!" Povmil resisted, managing to free themself in a moment of Alfoe's surprise. To confirm their claim, they showed him two empty hands and wiggled their fingers for extra effect.

Alfoe sighed, "Then where IS it? Don't tell me you lost it!"

Povmil rocked on their feet, "I would never lose something that important!" Their finger pointed over his shoulder to the person in the pilot's seat. "I gave it to Vitzki!"

Alfoe cocked his head to capture Vitzki, who was staring back through one of the plane's mirrors, in his view. Sure enough, in his free hand sat the tiny communication device with the civilians' voices chattering through it.

Povmil giggled, "You can't get it back as long as he's focused flying the plane! Hoho!" However, Alfoe's playful demeanor faded to a serious visage as he approached Vitzki and held out his hand.

"Give it here, Pilot," he ordered. Vitzki glanced to Povlone for any help, but the Navigator only helplessly gawked at the Commander. "That's an order from your Commander," Alfoe reinforced, and Vitzki reluctantly placed the tiny device back in his hand before returning his focus to flying the plane.

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