uh... hey papyrus? i BURNT THE WATER...

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A/N: I liked the roleswapped Vich and Yok too much your honor..........

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"Alright! Let's get a move on!"

As expected, no one listened to Vichkov's first order. The Daybreak cadets in zes command continued chatting away, drawing out lighters and lazily smoking their cigarettes. It was quite a surprise to zemself how ze always opened with a softer order when trial and error proved that soft orders never got zem anywhere.

Ze huffed in a breath and barked, "LET'S GO, CADETS!"

The cadets all flinched, some dropping their lit cigarettes to the dusty ground, and answered in one deep chorus, "YES, AMBASSADOR!" They instantly hopped into the military cars and waited for zes signal. Vichkov waited for one moment, scanning zes glare across all of the unruly cadets to draw out the last of their guilt. Maybe this time was the turning point of how they regarded zes command.

Finally, ze pointed forward into the horizon and shouted, "ONWARD!"

As the cars revved up and sped across the dry, cracked dirt, Vichkov clutched to the car's handlebars and looked out at the arid, desolate terrain bordering the thick jungle behind. It was all that the Daybreak could find to take refuge in without disturbing any other previous inhabitants of Dezon—if there were any to begin with. It was quite a disappointing place to rebuild a broken rebellion, but as Vichkov believed, the greatest power emerged from the humblest beginnings.

As the top-speed winds rippled zes long cape in the winds, ze reflected in zes place in the Daybreak. The position of Ambassador was not easy; what was once a position meant to serve as a diplomat to the Sunrise Republic and other foreign powers quickly became a 'second-in-command' role to fill in. As hardworking and dedicated as the Admiral was, the work and stress of running a nation near ruins tended to pile up rather quickly. So Vichkov quickly swooped in to take responsibility for missions, military forces, and the Daybreak's projects atop zes regular duties. As much as ze grew exhausted of screeching orders to the cadets until zes voice grew hoarse, ze knew deep down how magnificent the Daybreak Coalition could be.

All ze had to do was keep working hard.

"STOP HERE!" ze yelled to the driver as they approached the abandoned village. The car skidded to a halt, nearly throwing the Ambassador off and plummeting them to their untimely death if it were not for zes grip on the handlebars. Cadets hopped out from the back of the cars and went into a side-to-side formation, awaiting zes orders as ze recovered from the sudden lurch.

The driver hopped out and profusely apologized, "So incredibly sorry for the stop, Sir!" However, a quick glare from Vichkov caused them to squeak and scamper to their place in the formation.

Ze marched in front of the brigade and instructed, "If you find any uninfected survivors, administer proper aid and load them onto the vehicles! Shoot at any infected you see! Try to retrieve their seed chips as well! Am I clear!?"

"YES, AMBASSADOR!" the cadets shouted back.

"Dispatch, soldiers!"

The cadets broke from their formation to sweep through the village. As more soldiers returned to the vehicles, Vichkov's hopes of many survivors faded when soldiers returned with splatters of black liquid on their uniforms than survivors in their arms. Still, a few survivors of the attack were patched up and returned to the back of the cars, which was quite a pleasing victory for zem.

As the last few soldiers were clearing through the tiny houses of the village, Vichkov checked through the streets for any missed survivors or creatures. Ze did shoot at a few darkness creatures hiding behind the alleys and doors, but soon the streets fell into silence. Only the howling wind and the rustle of zes clothes answered back to zes attentive ears.

Ze hummed in satisfaction, but as ze turned around to walk back to the cadets—

"Long time no see, Daybreaker."

Oh, for Goddesses' sake.

Ze recognized that voice all too well. Ze almost did not want to turn around, for it pictured the smug expression waiting for zes displeased face.

Yet Vichkov grated on zes heel to face zes enemy—zes NEMESIS. Of course, his face was nothing but pridefully furrowed brows above those red goggles, a big smirk under that mask covering his nose and mouth. His gaudy red outfit and flashy white fur around his neck ached Vichkov's eyes until he reached under zes sunglasses to rub the pain away.

"What do you want from me, Sentry Yokhlinu..? I'm just trying to do my damn job," Vichkov snarled, the displeasure of seeing Yokhlinu's face already angering zem enough to profanity.

Yokhlinu commented on such foul language with a chuckle, "Woah, watch your language, Daybreaker! There are kids around here!" He looked around mockingly, the turn of his head strangely calm in such an eerie, vacant place. "Hm... or at least there were."

The Ambassador cocked zes head away from the tall sentry and did zes best to hide the scowl hinted in zes eyebrows and wrinkles on zes face. There was no point in condemning the Aurorian for his distasteful jokes; he would never see any wrong in it... or anything of the Aurora's doing, for that matter. For such a privileged nation strolling close to a utopia, Aurora certainly loved to squash anything that tried to split away from the norm to achieve some semblance of happiness. Even so, not everything could be perfect for its inhabitants; the Prime Minister never cared for Yokhlinu and his fellow sentries, so it was no wonder Yokhlinu ended up in the habit of masking in a carefree attitude to hide his insecurities about his worth.

"Look, I don't want my time to be wasted, and I'm sure you don't either. So why don't we just go our separate ways, okay?" Vichkov scoffed, but as ze turned and took a step away from Yokhlinu, the click of a cocked gun echoed across the terracotta walls.

The aim of a gun's barrel seared into the back of zes head, but Yokhlinu's deathly stare burned deeper.

"Face me, you coward."


The Ambassador should have rolled zes eyes and walked off; ze was sure Yokhlinu would not shoot, so why listen to an Aurorian sentry of all people? But 'coward' leeched into zes mind like a parasite.

How dare that sentry call Vichkov—the Ambassador of the Daybreak Coalition—a coward?

Ze, who slaved away for hours keeping the dreams of Daybreak from collapsing into ruin, a coward?

Ze, who herded and protected the cadets from meeting their early graves, a coward?

Ze, who volunteered to run a half-broken nation when no one but the Admiral would, a coward?

"Alright, you piece of shit."

Vichkov reached for the gun in zes belt and cocked it before pointing the loaded weapon at Yokhlinu's head. Zes stare narrowed on the sentry, a mix of resentment and determination blazing in zes eyes.

"You want a fight..? I'll give you one."

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