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A/N: I've decided to do my own silly little rewrite of Milian's story because he got rewritten and I'm silly like that. Just a reminder not to support Vandris or his former admin and that this rewrite seeks to stray Milian from his bad roots!!! If anything, this is NOT canon at all and any rewritten info/lore on Milian by DU Admins should take precedent over any details I made up myself in here.

Also thank you @MYCOPHOBIA for the inspiration to rewrite him!

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Governor Milian was born to an upper-class family in Vorbeckia whose name had held wealth and influence for centuries due to his ancestors establishing an inuine processing tycoon. Growing up, he received anything he wished on a silver platter and rubbed elbows with the Benefactor Party and other high-ranked individuals in the government. His parents hoped for him to find a comfortable place in the Union's government despite his lack of knowledge or interest in politics. For the earlier part of his life, he only remained the heir to his family's wealth and tycoon until the Governor Elections came around, where he found his opportunity.

When he first entered, he expected it to be a walk in the park; with such a rushed election, the candidates were most likely ratty plebians who would look too scruffy to look the part of being worthy enough for a vote. However, he found his nonchalant attitude toward the election combatted with candidates of much stronger passions: Chanoch Amayagda, Calypso Irafit, Izyaur Jexlor, and Synictis Iradil. When he first walked into the room where the electees were meant to meet, he instantly met Chanoch's deadly glare with a snobbish comment about his socioeconomic status, sparking a fight between the two until Synictis managed to break it up. From then on, Milian made Chanoch his prime rival during the election.

As the elections went on, he found himself to be the most unpopular candidate of them all due to his verbally expressed disdain for the working and lower classes and lack of solid goals once elected governor. As much as he wished to disregard this, he only chose to push on with the election because of his loathing for Chanoch, who had become one of the most popular candidates. Alongside his frequent squabbles with them, Milian would also act rather condescendingly toward Calypso and Synictis by calling their approaches "futile" and "timid." Sometimes, he would interact with Izyaur in a less hostile and snobbish way, yet he considered him a "social climber" with disgust in a live radio interview, which immediately severed his potential friendship with him.

When the day of the election finally came, he stood on the stage alongside the others and gave his speech, mostly earning boos from the common civilians but roaring applause from the upper-class on their elevated balconies and viewing screens. When the event took a twist where he watched a tall woman of shark-like features emerge from the crowd to catch Synictis from a fall induced by their narcolepsy, he only showed mild surprise and was unaware of her affiliations.

However, the shots of an assassination attempt shattered his uncaring air into pure terror.

He watched as Chanoch collapsed to the ground, their forehead dripping with the gaudy blue of Daynian blood. The soldier carrying Synictis shoved past Milian and began to flee, but as Calypso rushed behind her to call to the Union soldiers farther away, "She's a Daybreak spy!"

As quickly as the realization flashed through his head, the Daybreaker's tail swooshed right under Calypso's running feet, tripping them to their death by a fracture of their skull. Before the horror of their bleeding corpse stuck for too long, another gunshot rang out, and Izyaur collapsed to the stage floor.

As KINGPIN yelled, "EVERYONE, GET DOWN! THERE IS AN ACTIVE SHOOTER!" Milian felt paralyzed in his place. After so long of being granted such power and freedom, he was truly helpless in the midst of death. Helpless to stop the bullets from hitting Chanoch and Izyaur. Helpless to save Calypso from the fall to their death. Helpless to stop the fleeing Daybreaker from escaping with blood on her hands. As KINGPIN rushed to his side and dragged him offstage, he could only watch the three bodies of the electees he had known and argued with just a few minutes ago.

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