But I will not abuse this role. Thank you higher ranks for this opportunity.

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* * *

Ironically, Zirianata was no stranger to strangeness.

I would dare say that we could not function without these abnormal occurrences. The wonderous dimensional shards placed in the right hands were why the Days Union thrived. The horrifying darkness creatures prowling the streets kept our wonderful Outbreak Control employed. And every other anomaly reported was what put enough money in my pocket to keep on paying rent.

Years of experience in my field of detective work desensitized me to quite a lot of the gruesome things I witnessed. At most, a gory crime scene would give me a quick shiver down my spine, but that was only a challenge to build my resilience to the grotesque cases landing on my desk. The last case that really struck a chord with me was one regarding a cannibalistic butcher, where I listened to the Union's Weapon Specialist struggle to breathe in panic as they shakily recounted their traumatic experience of getting their leg torn off and eaten right in front of them. But after the files were turned in to our Civil Police department, I truly believed that nothing else could shake me to my core.

Oh, did I think wrong.

The case awaited me on the hickory desk of my tiny office: a case reading "MESSENGER" in red ink. As I opened the folder, I found a single piece of paper with a photograph attached to it by a small paperclip. The paper only gave rudimentary information: observations about its appearance, the location of its first sight, and its behavior at first glance.

"The anomaly, only called the 'Messenger,' is a (presumably) humanoid at least a foot taller than average Daynian height. It has a stout build (most likely capable of impressive physical strength) with a black buzzcut, black eyes, and milky white skin. It presents itself in a blue mailman outfit, complete with a hat and brown messenger bag. It was first spotted in Yutir by individuals, who report it to have 'appeared out of nowhere' and offer letters to them. Although this anomaly has not been found as an employee in any Daynian cities' mailing departments, it has successfully delivered mail expected and addressed to the individuals it appears to. It displays a rather polite and cheerful persona, though witnesses have reported that 'something was dreadfully wrong with it.'

"Below are the names of individuals who have reported to have witnessed it:"

Aris Stenley, Ikashev Antonovich, Yaroslav Evangef, Shyla Marcus, Desies Caecus.

At first glance I already could tell something was off; all of the names were attributed to different nations. While Aris and Shyla were Daynian names, Ikashev was definitely a Daybreakian name, Desies was a name of the Tyusian language, and Yaroslav was the reporter of the Sunrise Republic.

So this anomaly had no ties to any nation...

I stuffed the file into my bag and headed out for Yutir's database offices. It was a good thing that I had made a reputable name for myself and my accomplishments since it paid off in the form of the employees of the resident databases accepting my request. As it turned out, Aris lived in Yutir, Shyla lived in Maghold, and Ikashev was recently punished under capital imprisonment for his Daybreakian affiliation and spying efforts in Chaparov. A random call across the office declared another good tidbit of information about Yaroslav's visit to Yutir at 13:00.

I thanked them for their compliance and walked back out on the bustling streets of Yutir, my eyes glued to the asphalt as I formulated my plan: request a meeting with Aris today, interview Yaroslav, and interrogate Ikashev.

Luck would have it that I bumped into Aris while in a coffee shop drafting my correspondence to her. Her name tag gave it away when she served me my coffee, and I welcomed her to sit in my booth for an interrogation. After gaining the approval of her manager, she slid into the uncomfortably stiff seat and glued her brown eyes to the pen and notepad I drew from my bag.

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