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-Third Person-

Alex woke up in his bed. Before opening his eyes, he tried to move just to check if what he was feeling is really right. He suddenly sits from lying down and observes himself. He is not wearing his clothes from the bar anymore, instead, he is wearing his pajamas. How?

From his kitchen, he heard someone preparing a meal. Before going out, he picked up his phone from his side table and checked the time, 11:45 am it said.

He rubbed his eyes gently to see clearly and then he quickly went out of his room. He is just living alone here except when Vien's with him. So, he's really puzzled as to who's in his kitchen. But maybe, it's Vien because who else could it be, right?

The moment he saw who is in there made his body freeze.

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, right! Just in time. You take your seat and I'll just set this up." Lea instructed him while giving some finishing touches to what she just made. Alex sat with a creased forehead. He can't figure out why Lea's here.

"You're married," Alex muttered; she laughed while placing the newly cooked carbonara in front of him.

"I am, and so?" She queried him while removing her apron.

"You shouldn't be here, right? And how come we're together at this hour?"

"I didn't really leave the bar earlier. I just observed you because you were so drunk. You didn't even call Vien to come to pick you up so I did what I needed to do. You were so wasted, my God! I just did that because I was feeling guilty. Parang nalasing ka because of my stories so I need to take responsibility. That's all!" She answered his second question, completely dodging the first one.

"My clothes?"

Lea laughed so loud and looked at him. "Do you think I took advantage of you? I just changed your clothes because your smell was so awful. And for your information, this isn't the first time. Remember when you were in the hospital?"

Alex nodded. "Ah, right!" He stared at the perfectly made carbonara in front of him for minutes while Lea's busy cleaning what she used.

"What? Don't you like it? I can order something naman for you if you don't like it."

"I haven't tasted it yet but I think this is perfect for my brunch. Thank you, Lea." He gave him a sweet smile but before trying the food, he asked her again. "Have you eaten? Why am I the only one eating this one?"

"Oh! I have had lactose intolerance since birth so I can't eat anything with milk, but what's funny there is that carbonara is the only thing I can cook deliciously without even tasting it. It's so ironic because I can cook it but I can't eat it. Try it!" She dared him and he did try it.

"Wait—this is really good!" His face brightens up. "It's like it came from a 5-star restaurant, huh?"

"I am glad you enjoyed it! Now, can I leave you? My daughter's waiting for me. Ah, before I forget, I also bought meds just in case." She picked up the plastic bag and placed it near him.

"Bye, sorry for barging in and surprising you. Promise, it won't happen again." She smiled shortly then she hurriedly picked up her things.

"L-Lea!" He called and she turned around.

"Yes? Do you need anything?"

"Ah, t-thank you! A-and it's fine for me if you barge in again." He scratched the back of his head because what he said is really weird.

She just nodded and laughed in reply. After that, she left.

Alex was left alone in his condo, smiling. How come at this age, 35, he is still feeling like a teenager? He enjoyed his carbonara and left some for later because Lea really cooked a lot.

He chose to stay in his condo for the whole day because he wasn't really feeling well. After Lea left, his adrenaline rush came down quickly.

Vien's been texting him all day but he chose to ignore her. He is not in the mood to talk to her and explain things. He just watched tv all day until somebody rings his doorbell. Although against his will, he stood up to open the door.

"Why aren't you answering my messages?" She reaches for his right cheek to kiss it but he dodged it. Of course, Vien's confused.

"I-I feel sick baka mahawa ka." Alex cleared his throat and turned his back. "Where you from?"

"I'm from the mall. I busied myself there because you weren't in your office."

He faced him again with squinted eyes and a creased forehead, "What? You didn't even step your foot inside the building?"

"Why should I?" Obviously, she's really clueless.

Alex sighed in so much frustration. "Vien, you're the CEO! Do you really want the job or not?"

"W-What? I thought we're fine with this set-up?"

"Vien, can't you fucking notice? Ako yung nahihirapan dahil ako ang gumagawa ng mga trabaho mo. I am the vice chairman for a reason and can we please set aside our relationship especially inside the workplace?"

"What's with the temper, babe? You weren't like this yesterday naman ah?"

He gave her a dagger look. "Do you think I should be the same every single day? Don't I have the right to get mad?"

Vien raised her hand mid-air, completely surrendering to him. "Fine. You have all the right but I just don't get why you're acting like this in an instant. As if, we are not doing this for months."

He rolled his eyes at her. "Whatever! I didn't answer your messages because you can't talk to me normally. I am not in the mood." He left there and went inside his bedroom.

Vien didn't follow him anymore, instead, she just let him be because she knows that his anger will also pass. After putting down her bag, she went to his kitchen to check if there was food. She's really hungry because she didn't eat at the mall due to too much worry for Alex.

She saw a cooked carbonara so she heats it up using the microwave and then munched it all up. She really enjoyed the food because it looks like it came from a 5-star restaurant.

Half an hour later, Alex went out of his room. He is hungry and he is really looking forward to eat the carbonara he left.

"Babe, the carbonara you made is really good, huh? My stomach is really happy." Vien told him happily. He was stopped.

"You ate it?" He asked her, almost in a whisper.

"Yes, why? I was really hungry because I didn't eat at the mall. I was so worried kasi sayo!"

"Damn, you ate it?!" He repeated but this time his voice is louder.

"What's the problem with the goddamn carbonara?"

"I saved that for this hour and you ate it without even telling me! My God, Vien! My patience is too short for you today! I can't with you!"

"Alex, you're such a child! Stop acting like this! This is not funny anymore!"

"This is a big deal, Vien! Para kang nagnakaw sa condo ko! Can you please stop acting like we're already married? What's mine will never be yours until we get married! Remember that!" He was about to leave her there again but she spoke.

"I really don't know what's the big deal with that carbonara. Why don't you just make another one? If you didn't make it, why don't you just order again? It's so simple, Alex!"

"Everything is simple for a simple-minded like you! Somebody made that for me. Can you call the person back just to cook that again? Ha?"

"Fine. I will do it! Just tell me what's the person's name and contact number. I am willing to reach out just so you can eat and stop acting like a fucking child." Their voices are already echoing inside the condo.

Maybe because of too much anger inside Alex's body, he mentioned the forbidden name. "Alright! Then call Lea!"

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