Bob could count on one hand the number of times he'd spent more than a few hours with his sister. It wasn't that he didn't like or love her - he did! She was just ten years his senior and they didn't have much in common aside from their parentage.
Mary-Alice, or Mal as she liked to be called, worked in some corporate field he didn't understand and traveled almost as much as he did. Twice-divorced, she had a set of twins from her second marriage. A boy and girl named Daniel and Diana. They were nearly eight and he'd met them a handful of times but he would say he knew them any better than he knew his sister.
So when he got a text from Mal saying she and the kids would be near San Diego for spring break and asking to meet and possibly stay over - Bob wasn't sure what to do. He loved the idea of seeing his niece and nephew and spending time with his sister. But with Zak nearing the last trimester of her pregnancy and essentially on bed rest... he really didn't want to cause her any undue stress by playing hostess.
He sent a quick reply saying he'd have to ask Zak only to realize he'd never actually told Mal he was seeing someone. Or that he was expecting his first child.
Mary-Alice: Who the fuck is Zak
Ah. Beans.
It was a stupid idea, but he decided to kill two birds with one stone and sent a picture of Zak wearing one of his faded graphic t-shirts and holding her bump.
He should have known all hell would break loose.
Despite their strained relationship, Mal had always been overprotective of him. Always trying to scare off any potential girlfriends when she bothered to come around. Sometimes he wondered if she even wanted him to be happy.
But if there was anyone who could go toe to toe with Mal... it was definitely Zak.
He checked the time. Still an hour of simulations to go before final debrief and dismissal.
"Something on your mind, Lieutenant Floyd?"
He must have been making a face because Cyclone was staring at him with an annoyed expression. Brow raised and hands on his hips.
"N-no, sir." He said quickly, cheeks heating. He put his phone away, but he wasn't paying attention at all. Hopefully Fanboy could catch him up later.
For once, he was glad it was too stormy out to fly. As much as he loved being in the clouds, he felt off kilter. There were few things he could think of more dangerous than being unfocused in the air.
His phone chimed with the first few chords of David Bowie's Starman and Bob felt his face burning. In his haste to put his phone away, he had turned the volume up instead of turning the screen off. Now the whole room of WSOs stared at him and Cyclone looked ready to end him right then and there.
"Care to share with the class, Lieutenant?" Cyclone asked.
"I-I'd rather not, sir."
Starman was Zak's ringtone.
His mind was going in a million different directions and none of them good. Was she in labor? It was way too soon! But wouldn't she call instead of text if that were even the case? Maybe Mal just showed up? But she didn't even have their address yet. Oh no, maybe Zak's family showed up. That wouldn't be good, either.
"Phone. Now." Cyclone held out his hand and Bob slowly stood from his chair and walked up to the desk. God, his day could not get much worse.
"Unlock it."
He did, handing it over.
"You have a sister, Floyd?" Cyclone sounded surprised.
"Y-yes, sir."

Happy Little Accidents
RomanceWe don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents. - Bob Ross // Robert "Bob" Floyd isn't the one night stand type. He likes to take his time. Make a real connection. But when his cousin Jenny gets married, one of the bridesmaids is a little too s...