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Many days had passed, and Kiri had recovered. The scare had shaken the family, and as such, no lessons had occurred since, and would not until Kiri had been given the green light by Ronal. Today was supposed to be that day. Instead, there was an extremely welcome interruption. As I restocked supplies with Ronal, the horn sounded. We rushed the to entrance of the mauri and were met with a joyful sight. The tulkun were home.

Moments later, I was soaring through the water, searching for my spirit sister, Noala. We rushed to each other, meeting in a flurry of 'I missed you's and 'I have so much to tell you's.

'I am so happy, my Stela.' Naoal told me. 'I have decided I will try for a calf next season.'

'Oh Noala, I have no doubt that Eywa will bless you.'

'Thank you. It is so wonderful to see you again, my sister. Tell me all that has happened.'

I told her everything about the Sully family and our lessons, but hesitated for a moment before telling her about my little moments with Neteyam. After all, even I was not sure how it made me feel.

'I sense you are leaving a few things out.'

'I'm sorry, sister.' I signed, although I could not help but smile. Noala was always so perceptive. 'Perhaps instead of telling you, you could meet him?'

Noala screeched with delight. With promises to return, I rose to the surface, almost immediately spotting Neteyam on an Ilu, watching the Metkayina reunite with their spirit brother and sisters. I swam in his direction, mounting the Ilu behind him and wrapping my hands around his waist to steady myself.

"The return of the tulkun is always a joyful celebration. They are gone for ever so long, and only come back for a short time."

"Then why are you wasting time talking to me?" Neteyam questioned, his hand creeping over mine.

"I was hoping, my Teyam, that you might want to meet my spirit sister, Noala."

Neteyam looked over his shoulder to look me in the eye. "Of course I would."

"Txantsan (excellent)." I grinned. "Now come, she is waiting."

I dove back into the water and swam back to Noala, leading Neteyam by his hand.

'My Noala, this is Neteyam of the Omatikaya clan.' I signed to her.

'I have heard so much about you, boy.' Noala said, scanning him as she would a potential threat.

'It is an honour to meet you.' Neteyam signed back, slower, and less smoothly.

Noala looked back to me. 'He is very handsome, my Stela, and very polite. I can see why you like him, and I can't help but approve.'

'Sister!' I left out a gasp of breath. Both Neteyam and I had turned a dark shade of blue.

The rest of the day passed like a dream. Eventually, the tulkun left the bay to graze and rest, with promises to visit again before they left. A happy smile danced on my lips as I walked Neteyam back to his mauri. After spending most of the day beneath the surface, I had failed to notice the grey clouds gathering. The sky opened up and it began to rain.

"Did you have fun today, my Teyam?" I asked squeezing our interlocked hands.

"I did. The tulkun are beautiful and kind. Although, what was that Noala said about me?"

I stopped walking. "I was hoping you would forget about that."

"Maybe I did forget. Refresh my memory?" Neteyam smirked, stepping closer.

"Ay, don't do that."

"Do what, syulang?" He replied, smiling bigger.

"Don't smile at me like that."


I looked away from his face, lowering my voice to a whisper. "It is just as Naola said. I like you, Neteyam, more than I should."

Neteyam took my face in his hand and turned my head until I was looking at him again, then pressed his forehead to mine.

"That is good. Very good." He muttered. "Because I like you too, very much."


That was all I could say before he pressed his lips to mine, softly and slowly. All I could think about was him. One hand went to his hair, and the other remained interlocked with his. The moment, which only lasted seconds, was not enough, and I wished it could last hours.

"Stela." A sharp voice cut through the air. "What are you doing?"

I turned around quickly and came face to face with Ronal. The anger painted on her face was unmistakeable and red hot.

"My Teyam, go back to your mauri." I begged him.


"I will come find you later. Now go."

I watched as he disappeared around a corner, before turning back to Ronal. She hissed, grabbing my arm, and dragging me back in the direction of my mauri.

"What were you thinking?" She growled. I stayed silent. "That is not what is meant by making them feel welcome! I knew it was a boy on your mind the other day. I did not think you would stoop so low. I have never been so disappointed in my life."

"You're disappointed with me for liking a boy?" I muttered.

"No, I am disappointed with you for liking a dangerous Omatikaya boy. You have disgraced me Stela, after all I have done for you. Do not think Tonowari will let you off easy, either."

With an angry sigh, I let Ronal drag we back to our mauri, where Tonowari was not present. Ronal, not in any mood to wait, dragged me back the other way, until we arrived at the Sully mauri. Tonowari, who was talking to Jake Sully and Neytiri with a serious expression on his face, looking confused as Ronal entered, dumping me unceremoniously on the floor. The skin on my knees scraped clean off, and I hissed from the sting.

"Tonowari. This child has disgraced us." Ronal nearly shouted.

"I have never known Stela to do such a thing." Tonowari replied.

It was at this moment, with the most unfortunate timing, that Neteyam appeared from somewhere inside the mauri. I could not look him in the eye, so instead I stared at the floor. Ronal, who had other plans, grabbed me by the hair, and forced me to look up at Tonowari.

"Tell him what you did." She hissed. "Tell him!"

I did not speak, and despite Ronal's grip being no where near painful, a tear rolled down my cheek. I was embarrassed and angry. Was kissing Neteyam that bad of an idea? Ronal urged me to speak, but I remained silent, tears continuing to fall.

"Let her go," Neteyam said firmly, kneeling beside me. "It is not her fault. It is mine."

To my surprise, Ronal released me. Neteyam pulled me into his arms as I tried in vain to stop my tears.

"Why must you insist on taking the blame?" I whispered.

"I was the one that kissed you. And the worst they can do to me is make me leave."

Ronal had grown impatient. "I caught these two kissing in the village."

The adults gasped, and Tonowari stepped closer to us.

"Is this true, Stela?"

I looked up at him. His face was blank, but his eyes swirled with anger and disappointment, as Ronal's did. Neytiri was grinding her teeth as Jake held her back, his own expression one of steel. Facing the wrath of four warriors was a terrifying idea, but still, I answered truthfully.


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