Chapter 9: When I Was Your Man

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Connor's POV:

My eyes slowly opened to a bright light shining right in my face. I rubbed my eyes and glanced over to my clock on my side table. 2:30. How was it already the afternoon?

I flung my legs over to the side of the bed and slowly stood to my feet. I ran my fingers through my messy hair and peered out the window. I replayed last night over in my head countless times. It wasn't right. I know it wasn't. I love Emie and only Emie. Right? But that kiss wasn't just a kiss.

I'm having an argument in my head over whether or not I still like my ex who is currently dating my brother while I date her best friend. That's not something you hear everyday. To make it even better, Sophie is joining us for dinner where Emie will be. Oh joy.

I grabbed my black jeans from an open drawer as well as a black tshirt. I quickly brushed my hair as well as possible and ran down the stairs to the living room where everyone was talking about the family dinner.

"Well isn't it Sleeing Beauty?" Riley remarked.

I held in everything that I wanted to let out right then and there. But telling Riley that Sophie and I kissed would do me no good because I kissed her back. Ugh.

So instead, I rolled my eyes as I sat beside Toby who's attention was focused on his phone. I assume to be by Kyra.

Riley and I were literally wearing the same shirt and jeans. I really should get some variety in my choice in clothing.

"We're having spaghetti tonight." My mom informed me.

I nodded and went to get a water bottle from the kitchen. Spaghetti. That's what Sophie and I had on our first date. No, stop it Connor.

I slumped back up the stairs and locked my bedroom door behind me. I leaned down and looked under my bed to see a black shoe box against the wall. I knew it was still there. I scooted my way towards the back and managed to get the black box out. I put it on my bed and began to look through it. It was filled with pictures, love notes, and even a little teddy bear that she had gotten me on our one month anniversary.

Why I kept this stuff, I will never be able to answer.

A knock on the door disrupted my thoughts as I heard my name being called.

"Huh? What?" I responded not sure of who was at the door or what they said.

"I need your keys. I have to pick up Sophie. I told her I would get her early so we could watch a movie together." Riley repeated at the door.

I threw everything back in the box and covered it with my blanket. I panicked trying to find my keys. Not on the desk, not the side table, not in my jeans from last night. Then I saw them on the floor right by the door.

I opened the door and Riley looked at me suspiciously.

"I'll go get her. I have to get Emie anyways." I told him as I shut my door behind me and swiftly passed him and practically sprinted to the door.

I got to Sophie's house and waited for a few minutes for her to come outside. Five minutes later and still nothing so I decided to walk up to her door. I knocked a few times and heard the faint steps growing louder. The door opened to a surprised Sophie.

"I thought Riley was getting me..." She began.

"We need to talk." I told her moving passed her and into her living room.

"Oh sure Connor, come on in." She remarked sarcastically as she closed the door.

"I don't know what to do. We both know last night shouldn't have happened." I was practically pacing beside the living room table.

"Connor." She grabbed my wrist to stop me from walking. "Connor, look at me. I know you love Emie. I shouldn't have kissed you. It wasn't right to Riley nor to Emie. I'm sorry." She told me.

"Sophie..." I took a deep breath then exhaled softly. "I do love Emie. But when you kissed me...I don't know, I didn't back away. I kissed you back and I feel bad but at the same time, I don't. I don't know what that means."

She raised her right eyebrow in surprise and bit her lower lip.

"I don't want to be the reason you and Emie break up. I do still have feelings for you. But that's because I remember nothing of the past few months. I can't do that to Riley. You need to think about it. Do you want to tell Emie and Riley? Or should we keep it a secret and pretend it never happened?"

She looked at me waiting for an answer. The thing is, I don't have that answer.

Author's note: Hey guys! So, It's still split! Should Sophie end up with Connor or Riley? How do you think the family dinner with the McDonough's will go? Will they tell Riley and Emie what happened? Will Connor get over whatever it is that he feels towards Sophie? Lots of mystery! But I would love your feedback on whether she should be with Riley or Connor! Vote, comment, share, all that stuff. Thanks guys! <3


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