Chapter 11: The Book

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Riley's POV:

"What did you say?" I questioned as Emie stared.

"I...Sophie and I kissed last night." Connor stated as I stared at him blankly.

"When?" Emie asked.

"When I chased after her. It wasn't right then and there but yeah...I'm sorry."

"You're not sorry that you kissed. You're sorry that you got caught." Emie told Connor.

I watched as Emie stormed out of the house while I looked over to Sophie who had no idea what just happened.

"Can we talk?" I asked Sophie.

"Sure." She responded unsure.

We walked upstairs to my bedroom and I shut the door behind us.

I sat on the bed silently for a moment while I glanced out the window to see Connor talking to Emie by his car. He was practically pushing her against the car to get her to stay.

"Riley, I'm sorry." Sophie whispered.

There was a long silent pause as I tried to gather my thoughts.

"It's just hard. Really, really hard." I told her. "It's not easy getting my girlfriend to fall back in love with me while she remembers being in love with my older brother."

"I know. And you've done so much for me and then I went off and did that. I'm stupid. But I told Connor that it wasn't right when he picked me up today."

She looked around and noticed a small scrapbook on my desk.

"What's this?" She questioned.

"You weren't supposed to see it yet. I was going to give it to you tonight. But it's, it's a scrapbook that I've been putting together. It's of all the pictures I have of try to help you remember."

"Can I see it?" She asked.

I nodded slowly as she grabbed the book and sat beside me. I remained quiet as she flipped to the first page; the pictures of us when we were just friends. When we'd full around but it didn't mean anything because she was with Connor.

She giggled some as she noticed the picture of the two of us throwing popcorn at each other.

"I remember this one. This was when I was...uh yeah" she cut off as I bit my lip. "You know, I used to have a crush on you. Back before I dated Connor. But you had a girlfriend so when Connor asked me out, I figured why not."

"I never knew that." I told her as she flipped to the next page.

More pictures from before we dated. These pages were filled with pictures of our days at the beach. We'd lay out together until we fell asleep and then we'd push each other into the water. But this was when she was dating Connor. Even when they dated, she was my best friend. We did everything together.

"I remember this too. I used to tackle you until I dunked you in the ocean. Hah." She had the cutest laugh.

I nodded as she turned through the next few pages. All filled with pictures of the two of us when her and Connor were dating. She remembered them all. Then came the page after.

Pictures from the night we officially got together. I swallowed hard and watched her face study the pictures. For these pictures I put little captions underneath as to when it was and what we were doing.

Her eyes began to tear up slowly until I saw a year roll down her cheek.

"This was when we started dating?" She asked.

I nodded as she flipped through the next few pages. Pages filled with pictures of the two of us dancing around the kitchen, bowling, sight seeing, and some kissing.

I could see that she didn't remember any of the pictures. I didn't exactly expect her to. I just didn't know what to do anymore.  The last page was a letter that I had written for her to read.


I know that this is hard. But I know that it's worth it. I wish I could help you remember. But I know that I don't have that power. If I could take away all of the pain that you have gone through, I would in a second. You are the best thing that has happened to me. You're my best friend and you mean the world to me.

I'm sorry that if I have made this hard. I know that you and Connor have unfinished history in your mind. But I'm hoping that maybe, someday, you will remember us together. If not, we can start new memories. I know you're confused. I am too. But we can be confused together. I know it doesn't seem like much because you don't remember, but the time I have spent with you is the happiest I have been.

The thing is, I don't want to hold you back. I don't want you to be with me because you feel bad for not remembering. I want you to be with me because it's what you want. Whatever you choose to do, I understand. You're my first love and nothing will ever change that. I'll always love you. After all, I have loved you from day one. That will never change.

Love Always,

Riley. <3

She turned to face me and tears were streaming down her cheeks. She put the book down beside her and stood up long enough for me to wrap my arms tight around her. I held on to the back of her neck and her arms around my neck got tighter the more she squeezed. I felt her tears trickle onto my shirt but I didn't mind.

She pulled away slightly, far enough for me to see her face. I cupped her face and rubbed the tears away with my thumbs.

"Does this mean that you want to be with me? Or Connor?" I asked as I looked into her eyes and moved the hair out of her face.

Author's note: And I am cutting it off there and leaving you all with a cliffhanger! Hehe. So what did you think? Do you think Sophie will choose to be with Riley or Connor? And what will happen to Emie and Connor? Oh the mystery. But I hope you liked this chapter! I actually enjoyed writing it a lot so I hope you enjoyed reading! Vote, comment, share, whatever you wish! Thanks so much for reading! <3

~Cassandra (:

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