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"There's someone else." Everyone had turned their heads toward the stairs they had previously travelled down. Observing how serious Hana seemed to be walking down the stairs.

"Woah, she's so pretty!" One of the girls said earning nods of agreement while keeping their eyes glued on her

"Her outfit is so good." Another one of the girls said before averting her gaze to the guys who looked in awe.

As Hana made her way down the narrow stairs she had picked up on the rest of the singles conversation. She made it to the last step before making her way over to the group; she scanned her eyes over the group looking at all of them before locking on someone. Making her way over to the seat she chose she bowed at the girl before placing herself next to her.

"Hi, I'm Park Se-Jeong." The girl next to her spoke while holding her hand out with a warm smile.

"I'm Choi Hana." She greeted back eagerly shaking the girl's hand. Once they had finished their conversation Hana turned toward the group. She smiled at all of them and received the same gesture back.

While everyone is looking at the view or a certain someone who's piqued their interest a chime goes off gathering their attention.

"Hello, Singles." A female voice speaks.

"The hottest inferno in the world, Single's inferno is back." Hana laughs awkwardly.

"I'm the Master of Single's Inferno, and I'm here to help you find love. First, I need to tell you the rules of Inferno. Inferno is isolated from the world. You will not be able to use any electronic devices. For food, you must cook for yourself with the ingredients provided. Progressions, ages, and places of residence must not be revealed. Using only your natural charms, you must actively win over each others hearts to become a couple. Those who become a couple will spend a night in paradise. In paradise, luxurious suites await you. And there, you can reveal to your partner your profession, your age, and your place of residence. Whatever information you hear during your stay in Paradise must not be revealed in Inferni under any circumstances."

"There are maps of the island on the table in front of you. Please split up into teams of three in the order you are seated and begin exploring the island now." Everyone is looking at the map figuring out where they should go while Hana is searching for a group of people to join and decides to join the man next to her.

"Hello, do you mind if I join you guys?" Hana asks the group of three.

"No, No. Go ahead!" The girl in the group says with a smile and gestures to scoot closer. Hana smiles and thanks her while scooting to get a look at the map. The group makes their way over to their destination, introducing themselves.

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