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"Ah. The reason I wanted to talk is because I appreciate how you've taken time to speak to me, even when I don't initiate the conversation." Hana says with a bright expression inching its way onto her face. Hanbin looks up at her with a smile.

"It's no problem," He said after staring at her.

"I just noticed you hadn't really spoken to anyone and wanted to be the first." He finished speaking his thought hoping for a good response. Hana looked at him immediately feeling her cheeks get warm.

"Ha, is it hot or something?" She says in a joking manner patting her cheeks in attempt to calm the flush of red down. Hanbin laughs at her actions.

"Awe, she's blushing."

"They're so cute. I think they'll go to paradise together."

"Do you have anyone you're interested in?" Hana asked raising her eyebrows awaiting his answer. He nodded taking a sip of water and when he looked back up at her she gave him a look as if asking 'are you gonna tell me or..'.

"Oh, you wanted an answer right. Im interested in one person possibly two but I like talking to one more than the other." He answered truthfully making eye contact with Hana. She hummed amused by his answer.

"Hm. They must be lucky." Hana commented. Hanbin suddenly thought if only you knew keeping his eyes on the girl who got quieter.

"What about you, Ms. Choi?" He asked trying to lighten up the mood. Hana made a weird noise trying to cover up her laughter. They both bursted out laughing at the girls mistake, and when they had thought they calmed down. Hanbin laughed at Hana's tear-stained face which caused her to laugh again leading to happy tears streaming down her cheeks.

When they finally calmed down they fell into comfortable silence either admiring the view or each other. Hana was about to say something when Dong-woo approached both of them making the environment tense. Hana smiled and waved at him.

"Hello!" Hana greeted him. Dong-woo smiled at her before looking at Hanbin who's eyes were already on him.

"Did you see the way Hanbin looked at him?"

"Ha! I'm betting Dong-woo isn't just here for water."

"I agree!"

"Can I speak to Hana?" Dong-woo asked particularly aimed more towards Hanbin who nodded and got up taking his water. Dong-woo gave him a small smile as a thank you.

"Do you want water or anything?" Hana asked him. He shook his head before fixating his eyes on Hanbin's figure walking towards the men's tent. Hana turns aswell suddenly feeling sad now that his presence is gone but doesn't let it show. She turns back to Dong-woo with a smile.

"So, what's up?" She asks curious as to why he asked to speak to her. He finally stops staring in the other males direction and turns to Hana ready to answer her question.

"Just wanted to talk since we've been so preoccupied with other people." He says causing her to give him a small smile. Hana hadn't even realized how much she talks yo Hanbin or the girls instead of other guys.

"Whoa, you're right." She responded.

About 30 minutes later, they both dismissed themselves. When Hana got back to the tent a chime went off and the Inferno Master started speaking.

"We will now Match the first couples who will go on a date to paradise." The girls all looked at each other while the boys admitted they were nervous.

"It'll be interesting if we chose the same people." Jong-woo said in the men's tent while the others agreed and tried to shake the thought off.

"The male participants have already chosen the female participants they want to go to paradise with." Hana suddenly felt nervous thinking back to what Hanbin said about two people hoping one of them was her but sometimes hopes aren't heard. The Inferno Master continued explaining the rules so the girls could get the gist of things.

" I think Hana & Hanbin will go together."

"I mean they talked so much it's be surprising if they didn't choose each other."

Nadine was called to go first. Hana gave her a thumbs up as encouragement before she made her way outside the tent. Hana could see the other girls nervousness and tried cheering them up by cracking a joke which some laughed at but went back to their previous state, and it didn't make it better when Nadine walked back in after not being chosen.

"Nadine.." Hana said when she saw her patting the seat next to her. Nadine walked over sitting down and expressing how hard it is to stand out there wondering if you were chosen as well.

"We even tucked in your baby." Seoeun pointed at Nadine's bed. Nadine thanked them with a smile before changing the conversation to who would be next; Seulki was chosen next making her way outside with her things.

When Seulki did not return it was obvious someone had returned mutual feelings. The remaining girls who's names all happened to start with an 'S' were called one by one and two of them came back trying to keep a smile on their face. Se-jeong returned minutes before So-e admitting Nadine was right about it being harder when you aren't chosen.

Hana was the next person called on and grabbed her belongings making her way to the waiting area.

"The Person I want to go to Paradise with is...."

"Kim Hanbin." She said proudly with a Radiant smile.

"She did choose him!"

"I think he chose her as well but he could've chosen his 1st interest as well."


And cliffhanger pt. 2 I kinda hinted the end of said cliffhanger if you understand congratulations!

Also Tysm for supporting me and reading as well as voting on STARGIRL.

Some may hate the next chapter and that's okay cause I'm bout to hate writing it but like drama and for the plot, I love making plots dramatic for no reason.

Anyways see ya tmrw maybe cause idk if you know this but I still attend school so updates may be slower or later than I normally post them. 😔


Good afternoon

Wherever you are and enjoy STARGIRL <3

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