8. The Strange Meal

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Yayyyy- you get a title this chapter because this one is special. Im not spoiling it too much, but someone in my comments in my first story gave me this idea. I don't remember who it was, but credit to them whoever it was :)
Tw: Cannibalism

Tommy woke up to loud knocking on the room's metal door.

He covered his ears and curled up, a little cold from the lack of no blanket and the fact he was sleeping on cement.

There was more knocking and it was getting quite annoying, so Tommy sat up.

"What?!" He shouted, cranky from his uncomfortable nap.

"Enough with the attitude or I'll make you tomorrows breakfast! Now-" Dream opened the door, "speaking of food, I have had dinner made. I want to keep you alive for now, so I'll allow you to eat with us."

Tommy tilted his head confused. It seemed too generous of Dream to be doing something like this, but Tommy knew that there was no way it could be anything but bad.

The raccoon looked away, "I-I'm not hungry."

"You're eating." Dream went over to Tommy and grabbed his wrist, dragging him out of the room.

"Ow! Please, you don't need to squeeze my wrist that tight! It hurts!" Tommy shouted, trying to pull his arm away.

Tommy noticed the other's grip soften, but not enough where he could escape. It was good enough for him though.

"You done with your annoying shouting now?" Dream asked as they walked up some stairs.

Tommy just nodded even though he knew Dream wasn't looking at him. Honestly, he was afraid to speak.

The rest of the walk was very quiet. Uncomfortably quiet. Tommy was used to some type of noise, some bickering. Anything. But it was nothing but silence here.

Tommy looked around the halls that they walked through, there was no decorations. There were plants and torches, but that was it.

He was taken out of his thoughts about the lack of decorations when Dream opened a door.

Instantly, Tommy noticed the smell of meat. It didn't smell like a terrible dinner at all, and when he looked past Dream it looked great.

Tommy was dragged over to a seat and sat down.

"Go on, eat whatever you would like." Dream smiled.

Not a nice, welcoming smile though. There was something behind it that gave Tommy the shivers.

He glanced over to where he saw George sitting. The cow gave him a little nod, signaling him to eat.

Tommy looked down to see an already full plate. He cautiously picked up a fork and started eating slowly.

Tommy's eyes lit up as he started eating more quickly, not realizing how hungry he was until now.

Dream watched the raccoon with a small laugh, causing the other to look up confused.

"Is the food good?" Dream asked with an evil smirk.

"Uhhh-" Tommy started before George spoke.

"Dream. You're already making him eat this. Isn't that enough?"

Tommy's heart raced, "is there something wrong with this food? What's in it?"

Dream laughed some more, "I don't think there is anything wrong with it. If you really want to know though, the main ingredient is.. raccoon."

Tommy stayed silent for a minute before laughing awkwardly, "wow- I-I knew that you wanted to seem scary, but I mean that is just ridiculous- that you would.."

He looked back down at the meal before laughing some more, "you- you didn't actually- tell me you didn't-"

Tommy became silent as he started feeling sick.

"It's going to be your dinner for a while, so you better get used to it." Dream said.

Tommy's eyes teared up as his stomach turned, "w-why wo-would you-" he quickly pushed the plate away.

He stood up from his seat, nearly tipping it over, "please send me back to the room. Please."

Dream thought for a moment, "very well, that's enough for tonight. George, send to him back to his room."

George groaned and stood up, going over to Tommy, leading him out of the dinning area.

As they walked, Tommy looked at George, "why are you letting him do this to me? Why- why did you bring him back??" He asked, beginning to cry, "I thought we were friends.."

"We are not friends." George spat, "Dream and I are friends."

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