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The two best friends were searching desperately in Ivary's closet for something suitable enough for a first date.

The perfectionist Shawn Williams, could not settle for a simple outfit. The room was completely littered with clothes.

Shawn gives up and sits on the bed letting out a heavy sigh...

SHAWN : Where was the date going to be?

IVARY : The park at 4 o'clock. (she says giggling)

SHAWN : You mean we've been searching for 2 hours just for that! I thought you were going somewhere fancy? The guy seems rich, so why just the park?

IVARY : I chose the park, I wanted something simple for the first date and he agreed (she said shyly smiling)

SHAWN : OH ! so you are already thinking of a second date? ( with a smirk)

IVARY : No bestie, hold your horses ! ( she said laughing)

SHAWN : Well my beautiful friend, all the best. You know I can't help with simple, so I'll let you handle it.

IVARY : Alright, thanks for trying though. I actually think I have something in mind.

SHAWN : Okay bestie, knock him dead! ( he says jokingly) don't forget to tell me all about it ! ( he said sternly)

IVARY : I'll try bestie! ( she says laughing out loud) I'll be sure to tell you everything, since I can't tell my mom. I don't want her to worry, so I'll just tell her later.

SHAWN : Please let her know, I know she is usually tired, but you should tell her as soon you get a chance, so she doesn't freak out.

IVARY : I will, I promise. I'll get to tidying this mess.

SHAWN : I'll leave you to it, I need to go and make dinner for my little brother. Good night queen.

IVARY : Say hi to little Jack for me. Good night king.

SHAWN : I will, take care.

IVARY : Take care.


Ivary lays on her bed facing the ceiling, her mind begins to drift off....... She remembers Colin's face, his beautiful eyes and soft lips, she imagined her lips on his, what it would feel like to kiss him......

IVARY : ( shaking her head) I should stop day dreaming (chuckling a bit).

She goes back to tidying her clothes. She picks out a pair of comfortable cargo pants, black in color and a pink top and a plain white long sleeve shirt to go over it.

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something like this 🤗

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something like this 🤗.

She also decided to add a small black purse with a long silver chain to carry her phone, keys, money and a few lady essentials.

Once that was done it was around a half past seven. She went down stairs to make herself some dinner.

IVARY : Goodness!! It's creepy in here (she says entering the kitchen)

She turns on the lights and exhales sharply. She checks for eggs in the fridge and there was just enough for her to make some scrambled eggs to have with some plain white rice.

IVARY : Time to turn on the speaker and listen to some music (she said with a hearty smile)

*Say my name by Destiny child , plays in the background *

Ivary being an introvert enjoyed being alone sometimes, just dancing and singing in the house since her mother was at work. The music filled the house and she didn't feel lonely.

When her mum was at the hospital at night she had time to herself to paint, she loves art, time to watch her favorite movies and animations.

Play music through out the house, pretending she is a rock star at her own concert.

Reading novels and scrolling through social media.

Ivary continues to prepare her dinner chopping up onions, tomatoes and some green bell pepper. Mixed all the remaining eggs from the fridge with a pinch of salt and black pepper.
She set that on a heated pan with some oil and reduced the heat to medium.

She actually started to get distracted, she was singing along to the song with a wooden spoon in hand as her microphone and only realized a few minutes later..........

IVARY : ( sniffing...) what's that smell? Oh shit!! I forgot I was cooking!

She rushes to turn the scrambled eggs and luckily it wasn't too burnt, it was salvageable. She ended up laughing at herself after a sigh of relief. She proceeded to warm the rice in the microwave on the left side of the kitchen.

Once her dinner was ready she set it on the glass table in the living room along with a glass of mango juice. She turned off the speaker and turned on the television.

She decided to re-watch "Coming to America" staring the great Eddie Murphy, to lighten the mood, because honestly she had started to become anxious about the date with Collin the following afternoon.

Half way through the movie she finished her dinner and still couldn't calm the running thoughts in her head. She sighed and turned off the television.
She decided to spend the rest of the night in some silence.

She made her was to the kitchen and cleaned everything. Then made sure everything in the living room was in order.
Finally she headed up stairs to her bedroom for her bedtime routine.

She changed into her silk night dress, royal blue in color. She wore that beautiful knee length dress to sleep which sometimes made her feel like a princess.

She took a few seconds to admire herself in the full body mirror standing by the wall. She had struggled with a lot of negative thoughts about her body during her first year in Campus.... To see herself in the mirror and see her natural beauty and appreciate it, was something that she longed for and truly deserved.

She wrapped her shoulder length curly, black hair in a satin scarf and covered it with a bonnet.
After brushing her teeth and wash her face and moisturizing, she sat on her bed to contemplate.....

IVARY : To write or not to write..... Mmh.
I think I should just sleep, I won't think about it too much. Tomorrow will be good, I don't need to predict every detail (letting out a sigh of despair)

*The lights dimmed, Ivary crawled into the covers and drifted off to the sleep. *

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