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It's the next morning , Ivary's alarm rings and she wakes up .

Ivary : ( yawning ) Another day , ohh my goodness , I forgot I had to get to campus early to hand in the assignment !
Shit ! My group members are going to kill me if I don't hand it in on time .

She rushes out of bed , takes a quick shower and brushes her teeth . Lazily she picks up a nice looking off shoulder and a pair of slim jeans . Which made a good outfit without too much effort.
But , she didn't have the time to admire herself , so she ran down stairs and finds her mother coming home from work.

Ivary : Hey mom ! Great to see you ! I love you ! Bye ! ( She kisses her mother's cheek as she storms out the door ) .

Mom : Aren't you going to eat anything ?
( She turns to see her vanish , she just shakes her head and locks the door )

Fortunately , she arrived in good time and handed in the assignment. Since she didn't have any lectures to attend that first period of the morning , she decided to get something to eat from the canteen.

She sat down with a cup of hot coffee and a muffin . She started to scroll
Tik tok . She was laughing so hard at a cat video she didn't notice Colin sitting in front of her .

Colin : What are you watching ?

Ivary : Ohh ! It's just Tik tok .

Colin : So have you thought about our date ? When is the best time for you ?

Internal monologue _ _ _
Ivary : What ! He was actually talking about a date ? Maybe I should ask , just to clarify .

Ivary : What exactly do you mean by date ?

Colin : Ohh ! Sorry , I guess I wasn't quite clear on what I wanted . I meant hang out as friends and I also mean date as friends just we can get to know each other.
I'm really excited to make a new friend .
I hope the feeling is mutual ?
I do tend to assume things my way , so I maybe wrong ?

Ivary : No , not at all !
I do want to get to know you as well.
It's been long since I had a new friend .
I just have one .( With a downcast face)

Colin : Just one ? You must be very reserved .

Ivary : With the society we have in this campus , it is better to keep to yourself sometimes .

Colin : True ! I think that's why people are actually starting to know me now after three years of being in this campus . It's my fourth and people only know me because I play football for the school team.

Ivary : Ohh ! You're a fourth year student , you're almost leaving campus , so why start making friends now ?

Colin : I didn't find the right people . Believe me when I tell you that this campus was hell when I was a freshman. Even though it's not all that great now , it's better than what it used to be .

Ivary : I'm a second year student and I still think this place is hell . Hopefully this year things change and hopefully things get better .

Colin : You know the surprising thing is that , we are having such a good conversation right now and yet you left me hanging on the phone .

Ivary : Forgive me please , I'm not that great when it comes to making new friends , but with the ball finally rolling I'll be okay. I'll try do better .

Colin : No problem, I understand.
So about that date? (with a wide smile).

She took her time to consider his request, and eventually answer...

Ivary : Saturday afternoon, if that's ok with you.

Colin : Where do you what to go ? The movies, or a simple hotel for lunch ?

Ivary : Ummm, I think I have a better idea ! We will meet at four o'clock at the junction near the park.

Colin : Huh ? Okay, I'll let you lead then .
Now I'm interested to see what happens on Saturday.

His gentle smile slowly turned into a smirk, that left Ivary anticipating the same thing ,as he walked away not even sparing her a single glance.

Ivary : Now I'm worried....

Shawn : Worried about what ? I saw your Prince charming walking away.... Ohh, did you accept the date ? (With a big smile on the face )

Ivary : Yes, I did. It's this Saturday.

Shawn : That's really soon! Are you even prepared?

Ivary : No! That's why I'm worried.

Shawn : Don't worry, I'll help you bestie!

Ivary : Thanks, and by the way, why did you want to get in to ghost eye so badly ? (She asked with a tilted head )

Shawn : Shhhh! Not so loudly! Nobody should know about this!

Ivary : Okay ! Sorry. Why though?

Shawn : I can't tell you yet , especially not here , too may eyes and ears everywhere.

*Shawn was darting his eyes around the canteen, afraid someone might have over heard their conversation.

Shawn : You can't tell Colin either.( He said with a stern tone) .

Ivary : So what do I do if he asks ?

Shawn : Just tell him it's top secret. A girl has got to have her own secrets right?

Ivary : Right , but promise you will tell me eventually?

Shawn : I promise !

Ivary : And you won't do anything stupid?

Shawn : Okay ! I promise.

Ivary : Good, I have to get to class, bye .

She walks away in hurry, not wanting to miss her first lecture of the day .
Shawn sighs and covers his face with both hands .
After a few minutes, he gets up and heads home, because he was free the rest of the day .

Classes were as boring as always. She spent  some time in the library after her lectures and a bit of chatting with her group members , then she went back home.

She got home at around four o'clock to find her mom just woke up from a nap.
Her mom works the night shift in the city hospital and she was just about to leave because she had to fill in for a fellow nurse for about two hours.

They don't get to talk much, but their bond is extremely strong.
They spend most of their weekends together , and that was enough for Ivary.

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