The message

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The scene start showing Y/N who is sleeping peacefully in bed. He is just sleeping after the fight he had. He is happy that he is sleeping to regain energy and recover. Then the alarm then wake him up. Y/N then began to get annoy due to the alarm clock. He hyphen smash the clock and began to get up. But before he could get out of bed, he then began to stretch.

Y/N: "Alright, another day for wonderful hellhound to raise. Now time for breakfast." He said.

Then the scene change revealing to be Y/N who is in his morning outfit. He is cooking some breakfast like pancakes, eggs and bacon. Since he get paid for doings, it make his life easy for him to handle. While he cooking he then put some music that is catchy and entertaining for him to listen.

Y/N is listening to the beat as he cooking. After few minutes of cooking. The song still playing as Y/N began to enjoy with Pancakes, Eggs and Bacon.

Y/N: "Ah~ it good to eat in peace. I wonder what to do today." He said.

After a few minutes, the song is done and he manage to eat all his breakfast. The scene change revealing to be Y/N who is sitting on the couch and about to turn on the news.

Y/N: "Alright, let see what the 666 news have today?" He asked.

He turn it on and reveal to be  Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench. They explain about the war between Sir Pentious vs Cherri bomb and Angel Dust.

Y/N: "Like the usual." He said.

Then he then began to get a call. He pick up his phone and began to answer it. It reveal to be his best friend, Alex.

Y/N: "Hello?" He asked.

Alex calling: "Hey Y/N how you doing?" He asked.

Y/N: "I'm doing good, I'm just watching the news." He said.

Alex calling: "Right, hey listen I need you to meet me at the bar. We need to talk." He said.

Y/N: "Why? What happened?" He asked.

Alex calling: "..... I explain once you come." He said as he hang up.

Y/N then became suspicious why Alex talk to him like that. He start to worry if something happened to him. He remember that they should meet at the bar. But before Y/N could go, he get his stuff ready to go and put some outfit as he leaves out of the house. The scene change revealing to be the bar. Y/N walked inside the bar. He spotted Alex who is sitting alone with a drink. Y/N then saw some sweats coming down from his face. Y/N then walk up to him and said.

Y/N: "Hey Alex... are you doing okay? I never seen you like this." He said.

Alex: "Look you maybe wondering why I call you here." He said.

Y/N: "Why exactly?" He asked.

Alex: "Look I have no idea why I'm feeling like this. It feel like I'm being stalk." He said.

Y/N: "Oh shit really?!" He asked surprisingly.

Alex: "Shh, we don't know if it here. Yes I'm getting stalk by a stalker. I have no idea why. Let me tell you what happened yesterday. And.... Something happened to me last night." He said.

Y/N: "What happened?" He asked.

Alex then look at his arm showing Y/N his scar he got. It was very deep that it almost show a part of the skeleton hand. Y/N became stunned as he saw this. His expression became shock and began to worry about him.

Loona/Death x Male Legendary Hellhound ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now