Started with a mere hello

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Luigi wakes up to a orange figure in a claded suit of armor carrying him in one arm and blasting the Metroids with some type of foreign arm weapon in the other.
The orange anonymous figure carrying him takes a look at him and continues to shoot at the strange creatures as well as other unknown enemies he's never seen before.
Luigi's eyes slowly shut, not knowing whats ocurring and how he ended up here and who this figure was.
Luigi's eyes open up once again to be greeted in the balcony of the mansion, closed off and secured by the orange suited figure in armor.
"Wh-w-whats going on?"
"Who are you?"
The orange figure heard Luigi's voice and turned around, aiming the strange arm weapon directly at him, not saying a word.
"Please dont hurt me." Luigi said as his voice showed genuine fear.
Pleading for his life and hiding behind his Poltergust, the figure lowered the strange arm weapon, realizing the man in green wasn't a threat.
Luigi still hiding behind his trusty machine, was greeted by the towering orange suited figure who simply stared down at him, tilting their head in the process.
Luigi popped his head behind his poltergust and looked up at the orange suited figure.
He looked to his right and saw that distinct spaceship he saw outside the window passing by.
To his left was nothing but the dark forest with two shooting stars passing by as the trees swayed with the wind.
The armored figure then slowly took their helmet off to reveal a beautiful, blonde long haired, green blue eyed women who smiled at the green plumber and reached her armored hand out, in a greeting way.
"I'm Samus. Samus Aran."
Luigi stood up slowly and adjusted his cap and shook her arm.
"I'm Luigi."
"Nice to meet you."
As they shook hands, Luigi was suddenly lifted up and was in shock of the sheer strenght of the blonde lady. Looking at her right in the face in the process.
"Oops. Sorry for that." Samus smiled as she put Luigi down, noticing the height difference.
Luigi didn't say a word and simply stared at the tall blonde lady in her eyes with a surprised facial expression, blushing in the process.
"Thanks for saving me from those ghosts and Metroids." Luigi said politely.
"I couldnt let a fellow like you in that place all alone with those creatures." Samus said to Luigi.
"You hit your head pretty hard on your little machine. Are your sure you"ll be alright?"
Luigi paused and suddenly remembered the incident of the creatures surrounding him.
He touched the bump behind his head.
"Agh." Luigi exclaimed as he suddenly groaned in pain.
"I have a First Aid Kit in my ship. I'll help you out with that injury." Samus says in a calm and reassuring voice.
Luigi was taken aback by this kind woman. No one has ever helped or even given assistant to him before.
"Can you really treat this, Miss Aran?"
"It's a pretty serious wound and I don't think you have the-"
Luigi's talking was suddenly interrupted by a orange metallic finger, pressed against his lips, followed by a shushing motion by the women.
"I'll take care of it, Lu." Samus said in a calm and relaxing voice.
This made Luigi's cheeks swell with red.
Luigi wasnt called "Lu". He was Player 2, Mario's younger brother, the eternal understudy, Number 2. No Samus refered to him as "Lu."
Samus slowly stood up and walked to her ship with the green plumber slowly getting up and following her from behind as they entered the spaceship.
"I saw your spaceship pass by the Mansion and wondered why it looked so familiar." Luigi said to Samus.
"What do you mean?" As Samus responds to Luigi.
"I mean I saw your ship pass by here and just wondered what you were doing around here."
"You shouldnt be in such a dangerous place here." Luigi exclaimed while trying to boot up his Gameboy horror.
Samus stopped as Luigi bumped into to her from behind. Was this green little plumber showing genuine concern and consideration for her? Samus Aran? The Space Warrior?
"I had a call that the mansion had a severe Metroid infestation along with other critters crawling around." Samus said.
"If no one was gonna get rid of them the entire mansion would have served as a breeding ground for them. I'm not sure why they are here though."
"Thats weird because I also got a call to take care of those things." Luigi said.
"I have no idea how to get rid of them since sucking them up and using fire against them wouldnt work."
Samus turned around to see Luigi trying to boot up his Gameboy horror and checking his Poltergust.
"Say do you perhaps happen to have that First Aid kit, Samus?" Luigi said
Samus didnt respond and looked at Luigi until he lifted his head up and caught Samus looking at him. Admiring how considerate and kind hearted the plumber was to her.
Samus answered
"It's right here, Luigi."
Luigi smiled cheerfully at her and rocked back and fourth as Samus went over to treat his wound.
"Thanks, Samus. It means a lot."
"Sure thing, Luigi."
Samus said as she took care of Luigis wound and adjusted his cap back on.
"Say your ship is pretty cool and looks awesome."
"Why is there only one seat in the front?" Luigi curiously asked.
Samus for most her missions and explorations was always alone. Her ship was specifically designed for her and only her. Sure she met people along her missions but she almost always alone on her missions.
"I pilot alone, Luigi." Samus said.
"I've always been alone for most of my missions. From defeating aliens, conquering planets, destroying planets from invaders, defending the galaxy, battling and slaying space pirates and just doing good for the galaxy. I even saved an entire race of aliens. No one has done it but just me. It gets lonely here and being isolated for so long just effects you. Samus voice and tone in her delivery showed genuine pain and Luigi realized this.
Samus turned around to find Luigi with a face of pure sympathy and sorrow.
Not saying a word.
Luigi thought to himself.
"How can someone leave such a beautiful and brave women all alone?"
The thought of it truly hit Luigi deep down.
"You should get going, Luigi." Samus said calmly.
"I'll take care of these creatures."
Samus stood up and reached for her helmet before being stopped by a white glove.
"Let me help you, Samus." Luigi said in a pleading manner.
"If it wasnt for you, I wouldve been dead already."
"But you saved me. And my duty as a human being is to pay you back by assisting you at all times." Luigi said in a relaxed and subdued manner.
Samus turned around to see the plumber have his arm around her arm and slowly gripping it.
Samus was taken aback from this. Never in her years and years of serving the Galatic Federation that she had someone feel sympathetic and truly sorry for her and all the trauma she witnessed. From the death of her parents in the hands of her nemesis, Ridley to the PTSD she suffered afterwards and the years and years of isolation. Luigi felt genuine concern and sorrow for her and agreed to help her, regardless of how dangerous it was back in the mansion. She didn't need anything else but a little kindness once in her life.
Samus took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled out, realizing Luigi was the only one who could help her in this dire situation.
"Let's handle this. As a team. The both of us. Luigi and Samus." Luigi said proudly.
Samus placed her helmet down and turned around to hug Luigi in the process.
Tears ran down his shirt and overalls as Luigi patted her blonde hair. Surprised, yet ultimately comforting her at the same time.
Samus wept into the plumbers green shirt, just knowing that Luigi will always be there for her, no matter what.
"Thank you, Lu." Samus said
"It means the world to me."
Luigi also hugged her back in the process. For the first time in her life, Samus has someone with her and it so happens to be a green plumber named Luigi.

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