Chapter 6: Nicole's POV

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I had the weirdest dream ever last night. It was about Dylan. We were on some sort of date or something like that. It was weird, but satisfying at the same time. It almost seemed real, but like a Disney princess story at the same time. I wish the hug in that dream was real. Maybe it will happen, maybe I will be the lucky girl to win his heart.
My clock goes off early this morning. That's right, Taylor invited me to lunch. I kinda don't wanna go because I'm really tired, but I will anyways. I go downstairs. Crap. Mom is working and Luke is hanging out with his friends. Home alone.
What can I wear? I looked through my closet. Aha!! I pull out my navy blue dress with green, pink, and red flowers on it. I also pull out a navy blue knitted cardigan to go with it since I'm cold everywhere I go. I look for what shoes will go with it. Navy blue flats with a bow. Perfect.
I look at the text message to see when he was picking me up. "I'll be there around 10:30. See u in the morning :)" 10:30! It's already 10! The problem isn't that it takes me long to get ready, its the fact that Taylor is always like 20 minutes early. He doesn't revolve around Earth Time... He revolves around Taylor Time!
I rush into my bathroom and throw on some makeup and then curl my hair. I honestly don't know why I'm getting so preppy. I mean its just lunch with my best friend. As I was curling the last piece of hair, the doorbell rings. "I'll be right there!!" I yell out of my bathroom window. I look down at the front door. That doesn't look like Taylor?
I go into panic mode. The guy is dressed in all black, holding something in his hand. My heart is racing. I can't just ignore the knock because I already yelled out of the window so whoever it is knows I'm here. I get Taylor's number pulled up on my phone. I walk slowly down the stairs as I hit "Call".
The phone starts ringing. C'mon Taylor. You always answer. Please don't do this now! It's been about 15 seconds... Nothing. My heart is beating faster and faster. There is another knock on the door, this time, sounding like a piece of metal. A gun.
I tried calling Taylor like 5 times until I finally gave up. I need someone who can help me and get here fast. I started thinking of who I can call. Mom? No she's working. Luke? He's with his friends. Ms. Valariea? Nope, not here today. I start scrolling through my contacts. I don't see anybody that can help me. Then I remember the piece of paper Dylan gave me. It was his number.
I quickly dial the number and within seconds he answer the phone.

"Who is this?"
"Dylan, its me Nic. I know your new to the neighborhood and everything but I really need your help. I need you get get another phone and call the police. Now!"
"Woah woah woah... What's going on?"
"I will explain later please just hurry up. I want to live."

There was another knock, this time louder and the man spoke, "You have 10 seconds to open this door before I open it for you!" His voice was firm and very demanding.

"Ummm, Nic... What was that?"
"Dylan focus, there is someone standing outside my front door threatening to break the door down. He has a gun. Call the police!"

The man starts counting down. "10..."


Now I'm to the point where I'm screaming at him. I'm obviously panicking and shaking so bad I think I might drop my phone.

"Ok Nic, calm down, they said that they will be here in a couple of seconds. They have police a block away already."

"Omg Dyl thank you so much."

I was so caught in the moment that I forgot the man was still there. "5...4..." His voice was intimidating. Shit, this is how I die. "...3" His voice was getting louder every number he said. "2....."
There was a really loud bang followed by groaning. I peek out of the peep hole thingie. Oh my god. They just shot him in the arm. He was still alive but they needed to get him to stop somehow.
Right after they got him in the ambulance and locked away, I see Dyl sprinting from across the street. He was running at me full speed. Once he got to me, he embraced me in the tightest hug I've ever been a part of.
"I thought I was gonna lose you." He said, his arms still wrapped around me. "Since when do you care so much?" I pull away from the hug looking at him very confused. He gazed into my eyes held my cheeks, and within seconds, I felt his lips on mine.
"Even though I have only known you for a couple weeks, I have liked you since I opened that door on the first day we moved in." He smiles and looks into my eyes, " I might be taking a chance here, but... Nic, will you be my girlfriend?" His smile is so big and bright its almost blinding me. We look into each others eyes and I can't help but smile, "Yes!!" His smile gets bigger and he kisses me again.
I look in my driveway. Taylor saw everything. I heard his tires screeching and I knew he was gone.

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