Lime Green

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It was good to be back in Winterfell, the soft snow fell on my face as the ship neared the port. I tugged my fur coat closer as we got into more colder climate, I fumbled with my gloves as Cregan came towards me with a grin.

"Excited to be home?" I nodded softly as Cregan hugged me, I laid on his shoulder.

I heard soft roars and growls from the sky, I looked to see Fireheart and Grey Ghost circling around each other in a playful way, Nieves was keeping a close eye on the both of them. Nieves was bigger than both of them and seemed to be older. I giggled at them as Cregan just sighed in relief, he kissed my head and left to probably go find Jace and Baela.

"Enjoying yourself?" I turned to see Daemon and Rhaenyra, she had her hand over her belly as she rubbed it.

"I am. I'm glad you get to see my home." I responded to them, Rhaenyra came to my side and leaned on my shoulder. Over the past weeks, the three of us have become closer to each other.

"Its beautiful here, but I'm cold and your warm." Rhaenyra told me, I laughed as Daemon admired the dragons. Syrax and Caraxes came and played with them as well, Arrax and Vermax were in their own little world with Tessarion watching over.

The ship had halted at the dock, all of us slowly got off, Jace had thrown up in the waters as Visenya shook her head. I laughed and looked towards Winterfell, it was nice being back. My dragons landed and I raced towards them, embracing them as the snouts had nuzzled me.

"My Nieves, so protective. You probably get it from my brother." I spoke to Nieves, she let out a small but playful roar as she nudged me, Grey Ghost and Fireheart craved the same attention as the growled.

"Yes, yes, wait your turn. My sweetlings, so needy." Showing affection to them both, Rhaenyra walked up and Nieves came closer to her and Syrax.

"I think your dragon may have a tiny crush on Syrax, don't you think?" Rhaenyra told me, I laughed as Syrax and Nieves curled around each other, their tails playful hitting each other.

"I miss this, when my mother would come out and play with us on her dragon. I  miss her." I spoke, Rhaenyra nodded slightly.

"Who was your mother?"

"Rhaella Targaryen." I responded, Rhaenyra looked bewildered at me as I uttered my mother's name.

"You're a Targaryen? But the hair and eyes."

"I am a bastard, yes. My father concealed who my actual mother was for my safety. My mother lived up until my eighteenth nameday where the Lannisters came and killed her." I told her, she rubbed her hand on my arm.

"Oh gods, that is terrible to hear." I shook my head and placed my hand on top of hers.

We stood for a while before heading into Winterfell, the people there were greeting Cregan and Visenya as I walked up. One man was talking rapidly about a dragon and I walked over to see what it was about.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I heard talk of a dragon? What kind?" I asked, wrapping my arm around Visenya's as she grinned.

"An ice dragon. One of the fairytale your mum tells you at night, its was spotted around the White Waste. The bodies of the men who faced its wrath have not been found." The man spoke, Cregan looked at me and Visenya as we pondered about the information.

"Thank you, Ser Harold. We'll take this in consideration." The knight nodded and briskly walked off.

"Ice dragons? But mother said those were nothing but a myth, a fable that was use to haunt little children." I spoke, Cregan rubbed his temples as Visenya groaned.

"Cregan, I hope to the gods that your not thinking of finding it, who knows what it could do." Visenya spoke, I turned to see some people gathering around as another ship had docked.

I let go of Visenya as I stepped forward to the group, Cregan and Visenya following closely. We saw people get off and I froze, it was the Hightowers, all dressed in the infamous green. A knight stepped off and cleared his throat, I saw Rhaenyra clutch her stomach slightly as Daemon looked ready to pull out dark sister.

"Mother Queen Alicent Hightower, King Aegon Targaryen and his wife, Queen Sara Snow. All accompanied by the Hand of the King, Otto Hightower!" The knight shouted, I waltzed over to the pair and lightly held Rhaenyra's hand, she smiled softly at me.

Me and Cregan both saw Sara dressed down in green, she spotted us both and ran over to us. Cregan saw nothing but a traitor to our family and backed up when she tried to hug him, she turned to me but I looked away, Daemon stepping in front of me.

She stood by Aegon as she walked back, Helaena giving her a small smile but nonetheless, this still wouldn't do for Cregan.

"What are you doing here, Hightower? This is Winterfell, not Dragonstone." Cregan asked, Aemond stepped up.

"We're here to stay for a while, just a couple of days then we'll leave." Aemond caught sight of me and I froze. When we got to Dragonstone, I was found to not be pregnant, the gods heard my call. I felt Rhaenyra tighten the grip she hand on my hand as Daemon stepped closer.

"I also just wanted to see my wife, Amara. I've missed her so and I think its for us to be together again." Aemond said, Daemon sighed and took out Dark Sister, pointing it directly at Aemond.

"I'm sorry to inform you, Aemond but she isn't your wife anymore, starting now, anyways." Daemon said, Aemond lifted a brow.

"And why is that?"

There was a beat of silence before a grin spread wide on Daemon's face.

"Because she is to be wed to me and Rhaenyra."

A/N: Ooh, the girls are fighting!

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