Welcome to the Villains World (chapter 9)

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Howdy Home slices, it's ya girl Tired! Ok I dunno what to say sooo, Enjoy! Lol


"Unlike a certain....cat."

"Myahhh!!"Grim yelps in disbelief while Irene took a step back with eyes wide with shock.

"Pffft... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Ace laughed uncontrollably
"Come on, you're the ones who turned orientation into such a fiasco!"
"A little girl who was summoned by the Dark mirror who can't even use magic and the monster who wasn't even summoned at all."Ace said flatly with a wide smile.
"Took everything in me to not burst out laughing."

Grim and Irene looked at him with shock. 'How could I have trusted that he had good intentions.' This thought ran through Irene's mind

"H-hey! You don't have to be a jerk about it!" Grim stammered.

"So, in the end neither of you got admitted and now your both janitors. Priceless!" Ace bursted into a laughing fit while Grim was getting madder by the minute and Irene was at a loss of words.
'This is why I stopped talking to people in the first place.'Irene though as she glanced down at the ground.

"What did you just call me!?!" Grim said with an angry look

"And you're both clueless you don't even know who the Great Seven are. Not even one!" Ace said with a sad look on his face.

"Maybe before you try getting into the academy again, you ought to take a second crack at kindergarten?"
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Ace laughed once again.

Grim let out a low growl. Already knowing what's about to happen, Irene had to attempt to try and stop them before they start fighting.
"Please, let's all just settle down before it gets worse...." Irene spoke but her voice trailed off as she noticed none of them were paying attention.

"Well anyways, been a blast teasing you guys! Oh and unlike you two I actually have class to attend, so byeee!"
Ace said while turning around and began to walk away.

"Hey! Know one walks away from the Great Grim." And with one big breathe Grim began blowing blue flames towards the bully. Which this made Ace jump and run to the side to avoid getting roasted.
"No one makes fun of Grim, Master of Fire! I'm gonna make that explodey-head of yours explode all over again!" Grim said with a smirk.
"Explodey- head!" Ace said with a pretty mad expression.
And with that they began to fight. Grim blowing his blue flames and Ace making wind appear and blowing the flames away from him.

Some other students must of heard all the commotion because a small crowd began forming around the fight.
Irene just shook her head at this. Normally she would be the one in the fight, well it was always one- sided, her being the punching bag. She just prayed that the two won't start destroying stuff.

With one blow from grim with his flames and a wave of the hand from Ace with his wind making the fire go towards... THAT QUEEN OF HEARTS STATUE. Without any thoughts but one which was: Don't hurt the statues. Irene bolted towards the statue and thrusted herself in the air and blocking the flames that came forth and getting hit by the heat of it. Before hitting the ground she let out a shriek in agony.

As Irene hit fell the could hear the gasps of the watchers and then silent as the world became black.

                     ~To be continued~

Yea Ik another cliffhanger 💀 I'm sorry it was just to good to not put one here. Anyways hope you enjoyed and also HAPPY  1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY TWISTED WONDERLAND LOVERS!!!!! Heh Ik I'm late 💀 lol hope you home-slices have a good day/night byeeee~ 😎

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