Welcome to The Villians World (Chapter 11)

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       Few minutes had gone by since Irene arrived in the cafeteria. Both Grim and Irene had been sitting at a table waiting for Ace to arrive.

Five more minutes roll around and they are still waiting for ace's arrival. 
While waiting, Grim started to get a little fidgety so Irene ended up holding him and petting him. He didn't want to admit it but he actually enjoyed it.
Finally after 20 minutes of waiting...
"I bet he up and bailed on us." Grim growled. "You actually might be right Grim.... let's go look for him." Irene answered.
"C'mon Irene. I don't care if we gotta drag him kickin' and screamin', he's washin' those windows!" Grim said while hoping out of Irene's arms.
'Oh boy.' Irene thought as she imagined ace kicking and screaming while they drag him by his feet.
The two got up and began the hunt for Ace.


They walk to a hallway of class rooms. The first one says '1-A' on the sign above the door. Grim bursts through the door. "Where's Ace!? You can't hide from us!"

"Uhhh Grim.... No one is here." Grim looked around and realized that there was no one there.
Right before they walk out...
"Oh, I wouldn't say that. I'm here." A voice could be heard but... where was the body.
"Bwaaaaa!!!! That painting just talked!!" Grim shouted and coward behind Irene's hair.

"Yes and...? Is a talking painting really such and oddity at this school? The lady in the portrait on the wall talks too. As does the gentleman in this portrait on this one. As long as a portrait has a mouth, why wouldn't it be able to talk? Is that really so strange?"

"Ah, you see sir, back in my world paintings wouldn't actually speak unless they are from movies or stories." Irene tried to give the gentlemen in the painting an explanation.

"Well, your 'usual' and my 'usual' clearly differ. Shall we agree to disagree on the matter?" Irene nodded to confirm.

"Now, you seem to be searching for someone." Grim popped out from behind Irene's hair.
"We're lookin' for this guy called Ace.
He's got messy hair and a heart drawn on his face." Grim explained to the painting.
"Ah, I know the one. A new student, I believe? Today was his first day at school. I think he went back to his dorm a while ago." The painting answered.
"Huff! So it's true! He's trying to ditch us! Do you know which way he went?" Grim huffed in anger.
"The Door to the dorms is in the eastern building." The picture told them.
"Come on Irene! Lets go chase down that human!" Grim said and took off.

Irene watched Grim run out of the room without even saying thank you.(rude) She looked back at the painting an smiled. "Thank you so much sir!" And then ran off after Grim.
"What a nice young miss." One of the ladies in a painting spoke.
"Indeed, she is a rather lovely Lass." Another painting of a man spoke.

Heh another cliffhanger. I'm so mean aren't I. 😏. Lol the last part man. I dunno why I made them have accents but whatever lol. Hope you Home slices are having a lovely day/night. Also Happy Birthday to Azul and Happy late Valentines 💀

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