Chapter 3. Like Old Times...

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Kyles POV
"Hey Stan!" I chirped, a little too happy to see him. He smiled and I just wanted to grab him and kiss him. Buuuuttttt I couldn't because first of all, he'd be disgusted. Also, my mother's standing right there looking at me like I'm supposed to say something. Then she just nods and fakes a smile.

"Well! You two boys have fun! Don't stay up too late!" She finally says breaking the awkward silence.

"Okay! Come on Kyle!" He said pulling me up the stairs. Once we got to my room, I sat on my bed and checked my phone. Still no messages from Kenny. I look over at Stan and my heart skipped a beat. His shirt was off and he was only in navy blue sweatpants plus his hat.

"Dude, what happened to your shirt? If you're getting ready for bed, it's only 7:00." I giggle, still in shock. I couldn't stop staring at his perfection. I looked down a little past the abs at his v-line which was also perfect. He was just so damn hot.

"Oh.. Yeah I thought it was later. I don't feel like putting it back on I'll just keep it off." He laughs. Oh god Stan why do you do this to me? Don't keep It off... I'll be eager to kiss you! I mean, you're hot but damn..

"Okay. Hey, sorry for asking and we don't have to talk about if you don't want to, but how are you and Wendy?" I risked asking that question...

"Oh no, it's fine," he walked over to my bed sitting next to me. Damn those abs.. "We're uhh.. Okay.. I guess. Okay I'm lying, she's so pushy and bossy.... But can I tell you something?"

"Yeah sure, anything."

"Okay well... To be honest, I don't think she's the problem at all. I think I just don't love her as much anymore. I mean, it's just fading away ya know?"

"Aw really? Man, I'm so sorry." I saw that he was in pain which hurt me. I hate seeing him sad.. It was quiet for a while until he asked me a question I wasn't really looking forward to answering.

"Kyle? Have you ever been in love?" He looks up at me and I gulp, blushing. I wanted to tell him I think I'm in love with him but I said this instead..

"Well, umm.. I've been in a couple of situations where I thought I was in love but I actually wasn't. There's a difference between liking someone a lot and actually loving them. I believe that you don't actually love someone in that way, unless you're meant to be together and you both know that." I say, sounding really gay... This conversation got really serious, really quickly.

"Wow. Thanks Kyle! That was surprisingly helpful!"

"Woah wait. Do you not love Wendy?"

"I-I don't know.. How do you know if you love someone?"

"You'll know Stan. I promise you, you'll know." I gave Stan a small smile and I could tell I was blushing. My phone starting going off and for me, that was good because whoever texted me, just saved my ass.

"Hey you got a message from Kenny. It says, 'Holy fuck dude! Are you serious? This is fucking sweet! Are you going to tell him? Also sorry it took so long to text back this phone is a piece of shit but I'm lucky I have it. Even if it's the worst phone you can get at least I have one.'" I grab my phone and texted him back immediately.

Holy fuck dude! Are you serious? This is fucking sweet! Are you going to tell him? Also sorry it took so long to text back this phone is a piece of shit but I'm lucky I have it. Even if it's the worst phone you can get at least I have one.

Yeah I'm serious! And I'm not going to! He'd be disgusted by me and wouldn't want to talk to me ever again! Do you accept me?

Well yeah I accept you dude! You're one of my best friends why wouldn't I? Stan's one of your best friends too and he wouldn't be disgusted I'm sure he'd understand.

I deleted the messages so Stan wouldn't see them and then we went downstairs to play video games.

Time Skip!
3rd person POV
The rest of the afternoon was spent by playing video games and eating junk food.

"Okay boys! You need to start getting ready for bed! Stanley you can just sleep in the bed with Kyle I'm sure he wouldn't mind would you bubbie?" Mrs. Broflovski stayed. All she was wearing was a gown because she was going to bed. The two boys raced up to the red head's room and got changed.

Stan's POV
We were getting dressed for bed and Kyle had no shirt on, nor pants, just boxers, digging in his closet for something to wear. I had on a blue shirt and dark sweat pants.

Kyle finally found something and when he turned around I was so shocked. For such a small boy he sure was muscular. I mean he wasn't like, bulked up, he just had a little muscles in the arms. Kyle was smaller than me in every way possible. Shoe size, muscles, height. Everything; but it's okay because that's what makes him cute-wait what?

Short and boring I know but it's almost 4am and I'm really tired.😂😂

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