⭐️ Headcanon || 🇱🇷 Liberia [updated]

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WHOAH- Me? Updating this book? Couldn't be. Me? Also, updating with a character I haven't touched in a year? Pft- no.

No, but really. I love this girl so here's updated Liberia ❤️ My babe's changed a lot.

{ Over View }

✎ Country Official Name = Republic of Liberia

✎ Country Official Nickname = [none]

✎ Country Motto (English + Native Language) = ❝ The Love of Liberty Brought us Here ❞

✎ Human Name = Améolomu Chukwunyelo

✎ Human Nickname = 'Oma [rarely used]

✎ Country Age =

➡️ Independence Day; 175 [26 July 1847]

➡️ Since first settlement; 201 [7 January 1822] 

✎ Age = 193

✎ Date of Foundation = 26 July 1847

✎ Birth date = 26 July 1829 [18 years before independence]

✎ Zodiac = Leo ♌️ 

✎ Gender = Cisgender Female

✎ Biological Sex = female

✎ Pronoun(s) = she/her

✎ Sexuality = Straight demiromantic & demisexual

✎ Flag = 🇱🇷

✎ Race = African American

✎ Ethnicity = Liberian [not librarian.]

✎ Nationality = Monrovia, Liberia

✎ Religion = Christianity

✎ Main Language(s) = English

✎ Language(s) Known = German, Italian, Arabic, Portuguese, French,  Kpella, Bassa, Grebo, Dan, Kru, Mano, Loma, & Mandingo

✎ Language(s) Learning = [none]

✎ Language(s) wanting to learn = [none]

{ Personality }

✎ Personality = this is my favourite part, when I overexplain their personality. Love it. Anyways, I still see her as the type of person who takes no craps and stands up for her beliefs, whether it be political, religious, folklore, etc, she'll simply defend and say her opinions about it if anybody mentions those topics. Her OCD hasn't changed much either, however, I did change her trust in people a little bit.

1. Beliefs. I said she stood up for what she believes in, but what does this look like? Well, I'm glad y̶o̶u̶ *nobody asked. Liberia is that type of person who listens to everything. She has bad sensory issues in which she's very sensitive to sounds and hears everything. She can hear you writing from across the room, or walk outside the door just to find and hyperfocus on that noise until the next thing comes up. Ultimately, she can hear whatever you talk about too. If she overhears somebody talking smack about... let's use her country as an example... she'll butt into it to defend her land. She knows everything about anything when it comes to her country so she uses facts and data to support her reasoning and then hopefully end the conversation with the last word. She does this often, using facts, data, logical senses, etc, to prove a point with anything. On a political standpoint, she's better at understanding both sides of the situation but she'll still try to take the aspects I just mentioned to try and prove why [insert name] should be the new governor, ruler, president, etc.

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