🌙 ❝ There will Always be a Duo in a Trio ❞ || 🇩🇿🇿🇦🇮🇳

182 11 15

⮕ India makes an apperance way too much lmao

⮕ Shii- I completely forgot it's Madagascar's independence day. I should've written something for them instead-

~ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ~

⮕ 🇮🇳 India; Cis Female (she/her)

⮕ 🇿🇦 South Africa; Female [intersex] (she/her)

⮕ 🇩🇿 Algeria; Cis Male (he/him)

~ 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭t ~

⮕ South Africa used to concider Algeria and India as her best friends until South Africa and India got a little too close and Algeria just doesn't matter.

⮕ I don't know what this is. Its not exactly a vent & rant because some things are fake but it's not exactly fiction either.

⮕ I'm actually regretting this chapter. I should've written a Mozambique × Madagascar thing for their independence day or at least something for them.

~ 𝐏𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰; 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 [🇩🇿] ~

   There will always be a duo in a trio. It doesn't matter how close they may be, how long they may have known each other, or how much the 3 hung out at the beginning. Two of them will always be closer together and cherish each other more.

     Algeria paused, looking down at the paper in front of him but his vision was too blurred to actually make a single word out. He wrote that. He knows he did. His mind read it as he wrote it, so why did he not believe it? Possibly part of him wanted to believe it wasn't true. That he was over-exaggerating, tired, or going through another depression episode. But as he thought more about it, the unsettling realization he was writing a non-fictional story was all too real.

     He threw his warn-out pen into the trash next to him and sighed. Ranting to somebody out loud was so much easier than writing to yourself because you didn't have to reread and visualize it all again. You couldn't physically look back after you finish your sentence, and you could walk away when you were done. Being all by yourself with a paper in front of you and the feelings you swore you'd never let control you written on it was tougher than he'd imagined.

     He wishes he could have seen it coming. He wishes he could have avoided these feelings, and avoided this chapter all together. But now he felt it impossible to ignore. He was always known for catching on too late.

     South Africa and he were close friends since the 1950s. He remembers the day they clicked so vividly, I mean, how could he not? He was ranting aloud to himself about how neglected he felt by United Nations and was pretty much going around to anybody who would listen for help. His mental state had gotten so low and he'd neglected help for so long that he was desperate for somebody—anybody—to help him.

     She did.

     She noticed and approached him that day, holding her hand out with the most generous smile he'd seen in a while. He couldn't possibly doubt her.

     She listened to him as they sat in the meeting room alone late that night. They weren't supposed to stay this late, and they knew, so they hid under African Unions desk and whispered. Whenever a night shifter came in they would silence themselves and then giggle about it after. How they weren't caught surprised him since he talked to her for so long and you'd think at some point somebody would notice something odd but no. The issue was leaving where they were finally caught by Nigeria trying to sneak out. Even so, the run was a blur and he barely remembers anything. Just fearing the following morning when he had to face her again.

     They grew closer over small things such as their people moving into each other's nations. Algeria even trained her for a few months and even after she left to go to somebody else she would always return and offer them to hang out. He gave her... everything. He gave her weapons, he gave her money, supplies, surveillance, he gave her a lot. Sure, they had their disagreements but their alliance still grew and he... he... grew to love her.

     He was aware of her relations with India at the time, don't think he didn't. In fact, she told him about her all the time and encouraged him to get along. And so he did. He got along with India to make her happy. The 3 soon became known as a Trio and were together often because South Africa was like a magnet and attracted both of them. Because South Africa and Him were from the same continent they got to spend more time together throughout meetings and events but India was still a major part of he'd life and he would never take that away. They were close. She and India were close. India and he were eh? That was the dynamic, but it felt fine.

     He noticed himself starting to be excluded as months went on. You know those videos where 3 people are involved but only 2 hug at the end and the third is off to the side? That's what he was. He was the third one. The two hugged, talked, and shared all the time while he read his book beside Soa. She looked over occasionally to ask him questions but his answers never seemed to satisfy her enough for a conversation so she turned back. She answered his messages a lot slower, rarely picked up the phone, and he even had to ask to join her rather than have her even offer it to him. It grew worse over time. It grew worse to the point he caught himself unable to look at her without feeling guilty or sad.

     Tonight wasn't the exact night he noticed his friendship falling apart. Actually, he'd noticed from the moment India's face lit up when she saw her their friendship was going to fall apart. The day he choose to believe, and understand this was it was harder. The day he saw her all in her wedding attire and prepping herself for the moment it was officialized and the moment they kissed was when it all hit him. As he sat in the back row, as he wasn't invited to any of their close friend pictures, as he wasn't even spoken to by anybody but his sister when it all hit him. As he was on the verge of crying and had to pull over because his vision blurred so much when it hit him.

     He didn't matter anymore.

     An uncontrollable sense of anger made him stand up and slam his hand against the paper. He picked it up and crumpled it, holding it so tight he felt there was no possible way it could be readable through all the crumbles. Yet opening it back up again, the words remained. He felt his heart quicken and his head throb while he tried taking in a shaky breath. He sat back down, staring at the crumpled paper with no sight of looking away while he reached out for a working pen.

     It's not the fact she found somebody else. That wasn't the case at all. India is a wonderful person with a vibrant personality and the happiness she deserves. She was much better than me in so many ways, who wouldn't want her? What hurts me the most was how easy it was for her to drop me. How easy it was for her to make new friends and especially how easy it was for me to not matter. I'm back where I started; neglected, losing faith, and longing to leave.

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