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In an empress's empire in the city of Shekaphia, there lived three princesses. The oldest, Duchess Ameldia. Ameldia is a charming and graceful person. She is mostly recommended to be the next empress in the kingdom. The middle child, Duchess Nyota, is recognized by helping the homeless and peasants. The empress would demand Nyota not to treat the homeless how she would like them to be treated. And lastly, me Duchess Rue. I am not really chosen and expected to be the next empress because of my personality and how I act, so I get treated unfairly. I don't expect myself to be the next empress either, so who would've thought this would happen?

Seven years ago, me and my sister were getting our education by an enchanter.

"Wake up, Rue!" The enchanter yelled. I leaned back and forth in my seat in surprise.

"What was I saying?" The enchanter opened his book.

"I wasn't listening." I spoke.

"If you want my attention, try to talk about something interesting." Ameldia giggled behind me.

"Princess! Your manners! Do you really want to get punished by such foul language!" The enchanter turned his head to Ameldia.

"Princess Ameldia, as the oldest you should teach the others who lack behavior and knowledge." Ameldia looked at me and smirked.

"As you were saying, each human follows the rules of the empire they came from. We can go anywhere by following the empire's rules. Elves like us follow the Empire of Shekaphia, mermaids follow the Empire of Phidon, land humans such as the half bear human and half wolf humans follow the Empire of Zhoria, and lastly the people who soar in the sky that consists of fairies and ravens, they follow the Empire of Iyhaka."

I didn't expect Ameldia to remember all of that.

"Perfect! Princess Rue should learn from her highly skilled sister." I rolled my eyes.

"Princess Rue, the empress is expecting you." informed a stranger I'd never met.

I stood up from my seat, "Her?" I asked.

"Hey! Do not refer to our majesty as just her!" The enchanter looked at me.

"Yeah, yeah." I scoffed.

I had to walk a mile from the school to the palace. I saw guards everywhere and they all bowed down to me only because I wore the crown. When I arrived, the empress wasn't happy with me.

"You're still causing a ruckus?" Her voice echoed through the room.

"No, your majesty." I bent into a respectful bow.

"You're indeed the most beautiful out of your two sisters. Too bad you have your father's dirty hair."

I kept confidence and still bowed to her to show respect.

"I've decided to sell you to another kingdom to marry prince Calixto."

I suddenly lifted my head, "What!?" I shouted.

"Who said to raise your head, do not raise your voice to the empress!" She exclaimed.

"Your majesty! Excuse me for saying, but I'm only fourteen! I'm still a child!" I shouted.

"No discussion. You knew this would happen one day or another." The empress pointed at me, and the guards were threatening to charge at me.

"How can you sell your own child?" tears started streaming down my face.

"I used your bloody fingerprint, so your marriage is already settled under the gods!" She threatened.

I felt that the empress was going insane.

Rue {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now