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Everywhere is hurting – from my head to my chest, to my hips and to my legs. I refused to take the pain killers. I kind of guess it would hurt even more when it wears out.

All I can think about is my broken phone and camera. It's not that I couldn't afford a new one, it's just that I hate spending money on the same things that I have that broke. The camera could never be replaced since it was a gift my parents gave me when I graduated from university. I stare at the broken parts on my lap and start sobbing thinking about them.

I'm crying so hard that I did not notice someone entering the room until I felt the warmth of the person's embrace. It startles me because I know it wasn't Bam. I quickly collect myself and wipe my face with the back of my hands.

"Here," A hand comes into my blurred vision with a tissue.

I accept it silently. After cleaning my face, I look up and see the same woman that was here yesterday.

"Thank you," I thank her and look down.

She takes the seat beside me, "The camera must mean a lot to you."

"My parents bought it for me after I graduated, it's my first camera," I don't know why I am comfortable in sharing my life with her. "They passed away 3 months ago in a car accident."

"I'm so sorry," She replies empathetically.

"Thank you."

Her head turns to the table in front of me and notices that there's a tray of food untouched.

"Do you want something to eat?" She asks gently.

I play with my fingers as I reply to her, "No thanks, I'm not hungry."


"Miss Manoban? Dear, you've not touched your food?" An older nurse came in to check on me.

"Madam, could you bring her some porridge please, I'll ensure that she eats," Jennie politely requests. The nurse nods and quickly exit the room.

5 minutes later, she returns with a warm bowl of porridge and Jennie takes it from her.

"Lisa, I know you don't really feel like eating but could you please eat some so that you'll have the strength to recover?" Jennie pleads.


Jennie draws the tray table closer to me with the bowl of porridge resting on it.

"Tsssskkkk... Ahhh..." I hiss as I raise my right arm.

"Lisa, you're hurting, I'll get the doctor." Jennie stands up but I stop her.

"No, it's okay. Everywhere is hurting, I didn't want to take the pain killers they offered."

"I'll feed you then," Jennie picks up the bowl and scoops a spoonful of porridge and blows it before bringing it to my mouth.

I stare at her in shock, but she nods her head for me to take it in. She does these 4 more times before I tell her I couldn't take anymore.

It was silent between us, but it didn't feel awkward.

"How's your mother?" I ask.

She stares back at me with surprise, "She got on the plane back to New Zealand before I came over. She wanted to personally thank you and see you before leaving but I told her you needed rest."

"That's good to hear," I smile back softly.


"Excuse me," Jennie said before she stands up to answer her phone. "Okay, thank you."

She hangs up and turns to me, "Lisa, I will be back in 5 minutes, I'm just going to step out to take something alright?"

"Sure, of course." With that I am left on alone.

Bam said she's a singer? How does he even know? I decided to turn on the tv in the room since I really have nothing to do. And as if the tv heard my thoughts, I see the same person who was in my room earlier on tv.

'K-Pop Princess, Jennie Kim pushes comeback promo by a week due to personal reasons.' And random photos of her plaster the screen.

Just then Jennie walks in and I look at her, in shock. And she looks between the tv and I.

"Lisa.." She carefully approaches.

"Wow.. Okay. Don't look so worried. I'm not going to sue you or anything. I'm not interested in that, if that's what you're worried about," I am beginning to wonder if she's being nice so that I wouldn't go to the media.

"I..." She steps closer, still feeling uncertain.

I look out the window thinking of the words to say, "I didn't save your mother because I knew you were famous. I didn't even know who you are, no offence." She lets out a small chuckle. "I know what it's like to lose a parent to an accident. I lost both. I don't even know who the driver was, they got away with charges because they are rich. You don't have to visit me if you think you'll need to talk me out of suing you or anything. That's not who I am."

"I'm sorry, it's just my instinct to respond this way because I've been thrown in face with such things. But when it came to you, I'm genuinely concern," Jennie explains.

I look into her eyes and I don't doubt her, "I believe you."

"Thank you, I bought you something though, I hope you wouldn't think I'm bribing you," She lets out a nervous laugh and raise her hand holding a bag.

"Hmm?" I tilt my head in question and receive the bag from her.

"Oh my god?" I gasp. It is a new phone and the latest camera model in the market. "Jennie, I cannot accept it, it's too much." I try pushing the bag back to her.

"No, you can. You saved my mother. That is something I can never repay you. Please?"

"Only if you're sure."

"Absolutely!" Jennie beam with the biggest smile.

"I... Thank you Jennie..." Fresh tears fill my eyes.

"Hey, why are you crying??" Jennie scoots closer.

"It's been a long couple of months. I don't know why I'm crying," I laugh between my tears.

"You are a very strong person," Jennie comforts.

I look up to her and smile, "The news said you pushed back your work for personal reasons. If it's because of me, I'd feel bad."

"Don't worry about it. No harm done," Jennie assures.

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