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Hearing my annoying blaring alarm at 6am was not ideal. Like who the fuck could be calling me right now? Annoyed, I reach over to my nightstand, pick up my phone and see that it was my mother who disrupted my beauty sleep. Oh for fucks sake.

"Hello" I answer with my barely there morning voice. Suddenly the  voice I recognize oh so beautifully of that of my mothers, is cutting through the speaker of  my phone and stabbing my ear.

"Bueno, Porque chingados no me has contestado? Te estuve llame y llame ayer, onde estabas?" She says. 
(Hello , Why the fuck haven't you answered me? I've been calling you and calling you since yesterday. Where were you ? | Spanish )

"Ma, tengo 24 anos. No te tengo que pedir permiso para salir, Ya no vivo con usted." I say.
(Mom, I'm 24 years old. I don't have to ask you permission to go out. I don't live with you anymore. |Spanish)

Truth be told , I was at the club yesterday until 4 am  but she doesnt need to know that.

"Mija estaba preocupada por ti. No le contestabas a nadien. " She says more camly now
( Honey, I was worried . You wouldn't answer anybody| Spanish)

My mom has never liked what I do for a living. She wanted me continue with school, get an education just like my sister did , and live a white picket fence life. It wasn't until my senior year of highschool that the terrible fate I thought I was going to have ,didn't happen.That summer , I was getting offers from some of the biggest modeling agencies . I signed to IMG in December of that year, I was only 16 when I signed to IMG and to get a contract you had to be over 18. Luckily I convinced my parents to agree, I'm pretty sure they never thought that me signing at 16 to a modeling agency, could have taken me so far. My mom says she only has one regret in this life and it is that of her letting me sign to IMG. I wonder if she thinks that everytime I buy her a birkin, or the time i bought her, her dream home. 

"Si es que mi telefono se descargo y nadien tenia cargador, I'm sorry que no le conteste" I answer, getting up from my bed and walking towards my bathroom.
( Yea it's because my phone died and no one had a charger. I'm sorry I didn't answer| Spanish)

"Bueno tambien te llamba porque, El Sábado es bautizo de Julio. Y yo y tu papa queríamos saber si vas a traer un muchacho ¿" She says in a now happier tone.
( Well I also was calling because Saturday is Julio's baptism. And me and dad were wondering if you were going to bring a guy | Spanish)

Of course, I knew that Saturday was my nephews baptism. They made me pay for it because it was " The God Mothers duty".

" Usted y papa? O no mas usted mom. " I say slightly irritated because it's too early to be dealing with this.
( You and dad ? or just u mom| Spanish)

" Ay que importa , vas a traer alguien o no ¿, o vas a traer ese novio que tienes" She says the last part with disgust.
( Who cares, are you going to bring someone or not? Or are you bringing that boyfriend of yours?| Spanish)

" No, no voy a traer nadien. Trey esta fuera del país Porque?" I say.
( No I'm not bringing anyone. Trey is out of the country. Why?| Spanish)

" Es que van estar unos amigos del esposo de Eli, y te quiero prestentar uno bien guapo y alto. Creo que te va gustar" She says.
( It's because some of Eli's husband friends are going to be there and I want to present you to one he's handsome and tall.I think you'll like him.| Spanish)

" Mom,Tengo novio. Y  ademas Yo ya se los tipo de amigos que tiene Josh" I say.
(Mom, I have a boyfriend. And plus I know the type of friends Josh has| Spanish)

" Ay que tiene. El padr-" She says.
( So what. The god-| Spanish)

"Bye mom, I love you" I say as I end it cutting her off.

My mom thinks that because I have so much money and power now, that every man I meet will be intimidated and soon all the money I have will start to get to my head. Little does she know it already got to my head. Which is why shes so worried, and trying to find me a better boyfriend.

I walk down the stairs of my penthouse, as the sunrise of New York peeks thru my ginormous glass windows and greets me. God I love New york. I moved to New york when I was 20, My whole life I thought there was no better state than California clearly I was wrong.

As I stroll into the kitchen, My nose is greeted with the rich smell of coffee.

"Good morning, Olga" I say to one of my house maids. Startled, she slightly jumps and turns around to meet me.

" Good morning , Miss Diaz. I did not expect you to be awake so early. Is something wrong ?"

" I dont think so, My mom woke me up and I suppose I decided to start my day earlier today." I say slightly chuckling

" Ok Miss. Breakfast will be ready shortly" She says as she quickly turns around and calls the other maids to come help her prepare brekfast.

Olga is the maid I trust the most, and since I'm so far away from my grandma, Olgas presence gives me the same sense of comfort that my grandma gives me.

I open my computer and check my emails to see if anything important was sent to me, I also go to check on my social media. As, Im looking at my instagram, I get a call from my manager.


"I need you to stop whatever your doing and turn on your TV right now" He says.

Quickly , I go to turn on my TV and put on E! Channel.

My heart drops.

Its Trey.

Pictures of Him kissing girls and video of him taking them to his hotel room.

"Are you watching? Hello?" My manager Kai says

I press the end button as tears threaten to spill out of my eyes. Not tears of sadness but of anger. Trey knew I was hosting a charity gala in a month and was counting on him as my date and one of the biggest sponsors. Its not the first time hes cheated on me, but after the first time the rest just made me numb to his actions. As sad as that sounds.

I hear footsteps walking towards me and look up too see my manager, Kai. What the fuck how'd he get here so fast ?

"Oh you poor thing" He says as he starts to pull me into a hug.

"Josh, Im not crying of sadness" I say as I slightly laugh wiping my tears

"Than why are you crying?"

"Because I'm fucking angry. All this asshole has done for me is get me in scandal after scandal. Im so done with him."

" Oh honey, finally you open your eyes." he sighs with relief

I look at him as I slightly laugh and slightly push him off me

                                                                             ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒𐐚 ° ˚ ₒ

First chapter done! honestly I'm slaying this author shit so hard. We still have yet to meet our male main character, I say we because I'm barely about to meet him too. Like I'm coming up with things as I type so in a way its the first time I'm reading it too. HAHAHA. Bye my queenies.

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