Chapter 1

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Uncharacteristically clear weather graced the sky above Gotham city, though the false sense of joy didn't prevent the horrors and crime that were a daily occurrence in Gotham City. Inside the GCPD, police and detectives sat at their desks, taking statements and doing paperwork.
Each person was blissfully unaware of the black car that pulled up at the front of the building.

Darling had been at the Falcone house discussing details for a new gig when she overheard some of the men talking about how a new detective, Jim Gordon had shot and killed a snitch, Fish Mooney's umbrella boy, Oswald Cobblepot. That had been a couple of days ago, giving the amethyst haired girl time to process the information. And she did, she thought thoroughly about that fact right up to this moment, as she walked through the doors of the GCPD precinct.

Darling weaved through the desks in the bullpen and up the short stairway to the few desks in front of the captains office. The girl stopped beside Harvey's desk, catching his attention while she stared into the room with open glass windows, Jim Gordon on the other side, speaking with his captain. She looked away from the man when she heard Harvey's voice.

"What are you doing here Darling? Did something happen?"

He asked, sitting up in his chair. Darling only answered him with a smile and a shake of her head. Her smile dropped when behind her she heard a door open and the unfamiliar voice of the man she come to see.
"Lets go Harv, case won't solve itself...hey, you're the singer right?"

He asked, just noticing Darling when she turned around. She didn't say anything, none of the three spoke, and the only sound that came from them silenced the entire precinct, a sharp, loud slap. By the time everyone's eyes turned to the group, Jim's head was turned to the side with his hand covering a quickly reddening cheek. Still, no one spoke. No one said a word as Darling calmly turned around and strolled out of the station.

Jim turned to his partner, a hand print forming on his cheek.
"What the hell was that about?"

Darling's heels clicked on stone floor as she walked into the Falcone mansion. The Don called on her apparently to book her for an event, and he said he had a present for her. She was ushered into the crime boss's study by some men in suits with very big guns, each one with a tough face, offering her a polite, respectful smile.

She held a neutral expression on her face as she entered the Don's office, offering a sweet smile when he stood and kissed the back of her hand before returning to his seat.

"I heard you slapped James Gordon in the precinct this morning. Is that true?"

He mused in an interested tone, leaning forward in his chair for her answer.

"It is sir. He said something that I found offensive. And if I may, I would rather not repeat it."

She replied politely. Falcone seemed pleased enough with that answer and didn't ask any further questions about it.

After that they began discussing the gig he was booking her for. He wanted to pay her to sing at the Wayne's memorial service as a gift to Bruce Wayne to say he was sorry for his loss. Darling knew the Waynes well, she used to sing at many of their events, pretty much all of them really.

"Now that that's finished. Your gift"

The crime lord said enthusiastically to the girl across from his desk who held an indifferent expression on her face. Falcone wasn't exactly the best gift giver in Gotham. This was solidified when he pressed a button on his desk comm.

Strolling into the room was a pale bald man clad in a black suit, silver polished guns catching her eye in holsters under his jacket. She knew who he was, though only by reputation.

"Given the death of the Waynes, I've decided you're too precious to be left to the city. Victor here will protect you."

Darling pushed off the back of the chair she was on, sitting forward with her hands resting on the desk.

"forgive me sir, but I fail to see how an assassin could be considered a gift"

The assassin in question looked down at the singer, his gaze lingering as he seemed to examine her with great interest. It was probably the hair.

"That's because you don't know me yet"

She ignored the assassins playfully sarcastic remark.

"Your life is the gift, and Victor will make sure you keep it"

His response earned an eyebrow raise from the girl, and a suspicious look toward Victor. However, she quickly wiped that away and slapped a smile on her face.

"Thank you sir, that's very kind"

Soon after, Darling was excused and she made a swift exit from the Dons office and mansion with Victor following closely behind.

The two walked in silence back to the car that had brought the girl here, Victor holding the door open and sliding in the back seat after her. Half of the car ride was quiet, until Darling finally decided to talk.

"So, you're what? My bodyguard?"

She asked while staring out the window, watching as grey buildings flew passed the car, each one looking exactly the same as the last. She caught his reflection in the glass, his head ticking in her direction but soon settling to face forward as he had been.

"I am whatever you need me to be. Your bodyguard, your assassin, your driver."

Darling scoffed at his words but didn't say anything more, turning her head to stare at the back of the seat in front of her.

Darling looked out the window of the black car when it stopped in front of an old building.
"Here you are ma'am."

The driver said politely before the woman got out of the car and walked around to the pavement.

"Thank you Jeremy. I may be a bit, don't leave the car running."
She said sweetly, before turning her head to finally look at the assassin through the window of the back seat.

"stay in the car"
she ordered, pulling the hood of her jacket over her head while walking toward the buzzer board, trailing her finger down the buttons until she reached the right one, labeled 'Gertrud Kapelput', and pressing it down until the gate in front of the apartment building unlocking.

The wallpaper in the hall was peeling off and there was water damage in multiple places. No wonder the rent was so low. Eventually she reached the right door, the only one painted over and neat looking. Taking a deep breath and pasting a smile on her face, she knocked three times on the door and it swung open, showing a woman with crazy grey hair and a mismatched outfit.
"Hi Mama."


I apologize for the long wait on this chapter, I will try to post more frequently from now on. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

The Darling Of Gotham City//Victor ZsaszWhere stories live. Discover now