Chapter-49 The Consequence

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Two days later.

After the incident two days ago, Maricella finally made a decision that will change everything.
Today is the day that she will mark King Theo, though deep inside her heart she felt wrong, the fact that after this she could be with Dalton is worth the risk.
Besides, She doesn't want a war wage between the demon world and the earthly world.
Nor does she want so many lives to perish because of her.
It's funny how she fancy history, yet when she discovers how cruel the Kings and LandLord were a long time ago. How they mistreat the poor people who work and offer their lives for them. She began to loathe those heartless blue-blooded Royals, but In the end, She also became royalty.
An ordinary student from Faith Academy who becomes a princess married to a Demon Prince and soon to be crowned as the New Demon king of the Demon world.
Faith must be something you can't fight off or just disregard because it will always find a way to strike you.
A knock on the door brought her out of her trance.
Martha came inside the room.
She's wearing a black long sleeve cotton shirt partnered with navy blue jeans and flat sandals. She looks so fresh and vibrant, and it made her smile, knowing they shared the same feelings for this day.
" He's waiting for you in the office, and Petula is here too," Martha announced, unsure if she will smile or not.
Knowing what she was thinking, Maricella stood up from the bed and walked near to her.
She grabbed Martha's hand and placed it around her arm while guiding her out of the room.
" It's good to know she came back to witness this. I have to apologize to her for being rude the last time she was here.
I know she did it for the sake of saving our kind, and after two days of thinking about the whole situation, I realized that she did the right thing.
I know Dalton will never agree to this setup.
He'd rather use his influence and power to raise a war than go through the pain of losing me." Thinking of what her husband might do if this was revealed to him before Theo can capture her. The war might have started before somebody could even stop it. She heard Martha sigh in relief.
" I am glad you finally realized how complicated the whole situation is, Maricella.
Don't worry. I'll help you explain everything to them." Martha gave her a reassuring look.
" Hmn, Right! Thank you, Martha. You've been such a big help to me. Please forgive me if I doubt your sincerity." Both stop walking facing each other.
"No. don't say that I understand everything and I know how confusing and hurtful what transpires to you these past few weeks, but for now, let's focus on resolving this obstacle in front of us so we can go back to our normal life." She gave Maricella an encouraging smile while patting her shoulder.
" Thank you, Martha," She uttered before giving her a bone-crushing hug.
They both end up teary-eyed, laughing at themselves because of how funny they look right now.
"Are you ready?"Martha asked when they reached the front door of King Theo's office.
It's kind of weird but after the two talked two days ago.
They somehow end up being friends.
King Theo demanded that she have to call him by his name so he could do the same to her. Maricella agrees, not doubting if he has hidden motives for being helpful. Thanks to his mark, She somehow bonded to his feelings. She can feel if he's faking things or not. Maricella took a few in and out deep breaths before she nodded her head to Martha. " I am ready. " She breathed out.
Once they entered the room.
Petula welcomed them with a warm hug.
" Ohh, it's good to know you agree on this, Princess. I know this is a tough decision for you to make, but I promised you after this, everything will be back to normal." Petula ensures her.
" Thank you Petula, please forgive me for being rude last time we met," She apologized to her, but  Petula just waved her hand, disregarding it.
" Nonsense, it is me who needs to say sorry, the fact that this problem will finally resolve made us both even. Am I right?" Petula asked teasingly.
She got what she meant and smiled back at the priestess.
" Right," She mumbled back.
" Come, let us do a briefing before you start completing the mating bond." Petula chirps encircling her arms to her and leading Maricella to the couch.
" Hi," She greeted Theo when he came near to sit on the single couch next to the double-seater couch where she was sitting. On the other hand, Martha was seated in a separate lounge on the left side next to Petula.
" So now______" Petula was about to say something when Theo cut her words in mid-sentence.
" Wait, before you say anything, Petula, you all need to hear what I need to say." Theo's voice is coated with urgency and unrest.
All of them stared at him, waiting for what he needed to spill.
Satisfied that he caught all the attention, he cleared his throat and started explaining.
" I was so frantic about this moment that I completely forgot about the consequences of what we will do today, Maricella.
There's something you need to know." He trails off, glancing worriedly at her.
It made Maricella's stomach churn like she was sensing something wrong is going to happen.
" What is it, Theo? " She asked worriedly.
" Do you remember the fellow king of mine that lives in England? He died because he walked in the daylight ." He pauses for a second, waiting for her response.
She bobs her head remembering it.
" Yeah, I read about him in my second year of studying our history." She shrugs her shoulder, wondering where all this talking will lead him.
Frankly speaking, she hates riddles.
" Well, for sure, that book didn't tell the whole truth about his death. He has a human mate. They were married back then, but one cunning prince from the Blue Blood Fairy got an interest in his wife. Knowing her husband was suffering like me deep inside, she wanted to help him.
One day the Queen can no longer keep it all to herself and she started telling her problem to her only best friend.
Blue Blood Fairy was known for its ability to shift into things, change their appearance, or even copy other people's faces.
The Queen doesn't know that her best friend was not her real best friend but, the Blue Blood prince. Knowing her secret, he finally finds a solution to have her for himself. He told the Queen about a Prince from the Blue Blood Fairy that knows the cure for her husband's illness. Without a doubt, the Queen immediately visited the Kingdom of Fairy without telling her Husband about it.
She meets up with the Prince and the blue blood fairy prince lies to her.
He told her that she needed to be unbound to her King before they could start the ritual to help her husband walk in the broad daylight.
Not thinking much of the consequences and the thought that this is for the good of her husband. She agreed to be unbounded to my friend and was tricked to be bonded by the Fairy Prince." Theo paused again, studying my reaction.
But my growing impatience from his story made her snap at him.
" Look, Theo, I'm sorry, I assumed that many of you guys love to tell a story, but I don't get it, cut the crap, and can you please go straight to the point? You know this is so out of our story." She saw Theo twist his lips mouthing to say a word but don't know how to start it.
" So? " She mumbled when she saw his lips form a thin line.
Sighing, he continued.
" Maricella, You have to hear the end of the story because it is related to us." He patiently said,  which made her grunt at him but eventually, she resigned and nodded, She let him continue with the story.
" So, The Queen was devastated when she found out the truth about the fairy Prince lying to her with everything.
She threatens to kill herself if she can't be unbounded with him.
Growing fondly for the Queen, the Fairy Prince can't bear seeing the human Queen kill herself because of his selfishness.
So he un-bond her, sending the Queen back to her real mate. But one thing the Prince doesn't know.
Once a mate is unbonded from her real mate and then re-bonded to another immortal, she will forget everything about her real mate and the previous mate she had. It's like all her memories related to the two mates she had were wiped out like both never exist." Everybody gasped, hearing the last sentence of King Theo's story.
" No?! That can't be possible! Tell me, Theo, this is just a joke, right?!" Maricella desperately pleaded going down on her knees in front of him.
She can't bear the thought of forgetting everything she shared with her husband.
" Please, Maricella, Forgive me. I wish I can say that, but it is all true" Theo kneeled leveling himself to her, his eyes laced with regret and sadness.
Maricella tried to search deep within him but she failed to sense any hint of lies coming from him. The fact that she might forget everything about Dalton causes her immense pain and sorrow.
She felt Theo engulf me in a hug, but she pushed him away.
" This is all your fault! " and with that, her hand landed on his face.
Martha and Petula were in shock, not expecting Maricella would do what she just did. The numbing feeling, together with stinging pain, made her handshake.
Tears start freely streaming down her cheek like a running river coming from the mountain. When she looked at him she didn't see any hint of anger coming from Theo. Instead, he hugged her again, mumbling I'm sorry. Feeling his warm body pressed on her shaking body,  Maricella can't help but cry. She clutched his shirt, letting out all of her bottled feelings. Having known that she won't remember the father of her child makes her feel like somebody pierce her heart into pieces.

An urgent knock on the door made both pull apart from each other. A worried Moira came in, which made them stand up and glance at her.
" What is it, Moira? " Theo asked
"Forgive me, my Lord, for interrupting, but there's an urgent call coming from the border of the castle. A flock of Demon Army is marching toward the enchanted forest." She informed. Martha and Petula fidget in their seats hearing the news.
" This is not good; we must do this now, King Theo. This war must not start." Petula stood up, worriedly glancing at Theo and Maricella.
Theo was somehow in deep thought, accessing the problem thoroughly.
" Maricella, if ever you proceed on this, I know you and Dalton are destined for each other no matter what. I promised I would help you with all my knowledge. I will be the one that would explain to them about your current situation. They will, for sure, understand. What matters most is that after this you're now free, and Dalton can make you fall in love with him again please think this over. The lives of many depend on you now.." Martha said, looking so worried and sad.
Maricella nodded her head in understanding. She can't let this war start. No not because of me. She reached her hand to Theo, making him stare at her.
" Let's do this." She said to him, which made him look her seriously in the eyes,  the way she's seeing it Theo is weighing how convinced she is to decide on completing the mating bond. After a moment of silence, he finally spoke.
" There's no backing out." He's still giving her a chance to turn her back away, but she didn't budge from where she stands, letting him know that she's fully aware of her action.
" Maricella, please know that I genuinely regret what I did to you and your mate, and if there's another chance to see you again,' i prinkípissá you.
I wish we could still  be friends."  Maricella nodded her head in understanding while a few tears slid down her cheeks.
" I feel the same. I wish after this you will live your life in happiness and not let yourself get old in this castle find your mate, Theo. I'm sure he granted you one. You just have to search for her if she's not showing up." She forced a smile closing her eyes for a few minutes, remembering the loving face of her husband, Dalton.
How his gentle lips perfectly glide on hers. His signature scent never fails to bring her bliss.
The warmth of his body always made her feel she was home whenever he embraces her. It pains her that in a few minutes, she will no longer have all of these good memories, but things can't be offset, and now she must do what needs to be done to stop this war from happening.

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