Chapter -11Cute letter

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I wake up the next day reading a beautiful handwritten note on my bedside table saying.

"Dearest Ella,
"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up this morning,
last night was a very lovely evening, see you later my sweet angel.
      Loving you Forever

I held the notes in my chest filled with overwhelming happiness, I never felt this happy before, it feels like I'm on cloud nine right now.
I never had a boyfriend in my entire existence so all this raw feeling is freaking new to me and I like it, especially if you have a good-looking boyfriend, plus the possessiveness he shows to me, I kinda like it but of course not so much, I still like my freedom a bit.
"Ella... My love ... Are you awake?"I flinch in shock as Dalton's mind link to me asking If I was awake already, my mind links back.
"Good morning...thanks for last the way, I got your note, I love it" I heard him laugh on the other side.
"Don't mind it my love, anything for you. I love seeing you fall asleep, though there's this part I didn't know you had when you sleep..." he teased me and I quickly acted on defense.
"And what did you mean by that? what did I do when I sleep? Did I have drooled while I'm asleep? Or did I snore?"Oh my gosh If I did any of that... That's a big turn-off. I quickly run into the bathroom to check myself in the mirror,
I was stunned seeing myself, my hair is a mess and I kinda have some dried drool from my lips to my cheek.
my eyes went big from embarrassment...
oh no!!!
This can't be happening.
I miserably look at myself in the mirror.
Then I heard him laugh again on the other side...
I feel like I can melt down right now from embarrassment, and his not making me feel any good for an early morning greeting...
"Yeah... Yeah... Laugh all you can..." I said annoyed at myself.
Because hearing him laugh makes my heart flutter...
Even if his teasing me now.
"I'm sorry, I'm amused by how you think everything my love...
whatever you do, whatever you are, there's nothing to change, I love everything about you.
I like the simplicity in you. It's so natural, so don't think much and hurry up so I can see you in the classroom "he said sincerely which melts my heart.
"Ok, see you later.."
After that, our mind link was off
He didn't reply But I don't mind cause right now I feel like I'm on cloud nine again with all those sweet words he said, I wish this would never end ...
But though I felt happy still the sorrow and loneliness he had for a century of his life makes me feel sad... No wonder he act harshly yesterday, if you just felt for the very first time those raw feelings you're so sensitive and possessive trying to protect those raw feelings that' person showing to you and I understand well, I think if somebody tries to take away Dalton from me I'll do the same or maybe much worse.
I sigh damn!
In just a few days of staying here in the Academy, my life was rolled upside down... It's like a whirlwind that changes my entire life.
Then an idea popped into my mind.
Ok, that's it! I will make him happy every day of our life, I will fill all those years he was so lonely...anyways who else can do that other than me?
I snapped out of my thought and prepare myself for school and of course for Dalton.
After I took a shower, brush my hair, put on some lipgloss, and spray some perfume.
I wore my basic attire and which was shirt fitted jeans, a hoody jacket, and wedge shoes.
Satisfied with how I look in the mirror.
I head my way to Abi's room.
Just in time, I was nearly at her door, she went out and smiled at me.
"Hey, good morning Ella"
"Good morning Abi, shall we?" I ask her and offered my arms for her to wrap around her arms. She giggle at my gesture and took my arms and smile.
"To the food hall... Let's feast before hell" she joked as she pointed with her finger the way to the food hall.
We both laugh at our crazy action...
At the food hall after we had our food we sit far away from the crowd of students, of course, to avoid hearing their talking and weird looks at me.
While I eat human food Abi's drinking her meal, we heard our names being called we automatically look up and see William waving his free hand while holding his tray of food with the other.
Me and Abi wave back and motion that he can join us.
"Good morning Abi, Maricella, thanks for letting me join you" he greeted us cheerfully.
Abi talks back" duh? What's so big deal,? You're cute and cuddly anyways " she reaches for him and pinches his cheek...I reacted quickly
" wooh... I smell something fishy out here..."I teased them William just held his cheek and blush ...
Me and Abi Laugh
I pat his shoulder,
"Sorry, we're just joking... " what shocked me is his reaction after, he then held my hands and look me in the eyes ...
"It's ok Maricella, " he said and look at Abi's side.
" I'm sorry Abi, I like already somebody else.." And then he looks back at me still frozen with shock.
"And that's you, Maricella. Will you give me a chance to prove my love for you? will you accept my love?" He asked wholeheartedly... I was so shocked at what he said that I can't even say anything... It was Abi, first that gather back her composure...she stood up and unlinked my hands to William's grip.
She quickly says" excuse me....?! What did you just say?! For your information ... I have my soulmate and he's here in this Academy...and mind you Ella also has the same ... And she met him already two days ago...So before you assumed something ask first!!!" She smirks...
It was then when I gathered my composure that I move backward in my chairs ...looking at William's face he was devastated after hearing what Abi said...he look me in the eyes full of hurt...his eyes change in a brief moment from brown to red but then back to brown again ... He then changes his expression and smiled like nothing and abi both glance at each other after seeing his change of expression ...
William Notice it and says
" Well, I can't push myself to someone that has a mate I right?" He looks at us
We both cleared our throats and Abi was the first to talk back.." are you sure you're fine? You're not angry or something?" He smiled warmly.
"Why would I be angry? I have a wide understanding of many things... I surely am shocked for a second but I understand it quickly... Please I'm sorry for what I've said to you, Abi. And to you Maricella. I hope you don't change, I hope this stupid talking about me didn't affect our new friendship... I would be devastated if I lose both of you because of my stupid talking" he said full of regret I can't just throw him away because he liked me... He's been nice and polite all this time... It's not so bad to give him a chance to be our friend ... I looked back to Abi to see her expression she look at me and we both nod at each other like we both thought the same. I  stared back at William who has a face so sad ...
I move a little bit towards him with enough distance and patted his shoulder ...he looked up, and I smiled warmly, I saw his face change from sadness back to William I first met on the Bus...
"It's ok William ... We're not that bad to treat you like that.." I reassured him.
" yeah ... It's true let's forget about that and finish our meal " Abi smiled  back at William
"Why thank you ... Ladies I'm sure am lucky to bump with you guys here... I wonder why I haven't seen you guys back there in Faith Academy "
"Uh. Uh. Uh.." Abi wiggled her index finger left and right direction ..." our building is on both opposite sides of the campus. That's why I think it's impossible to bump into each other "
I smiled at both of them...
We heard the bell ring and we decided that the three of us should go together to the classroom just like nothing happen...
Though it worries me a bit ... I set aside those thoughts.
We sit at the same place where we sit yesterday  William sits at the east end next is Abi and me...I held out my notes and pen when we all heard the door open ...
Dalton came in wearing a white long sleeve polo with light brown pants and Gucci loafer shoes... The sleeves were folded up to his elbow showing off a bit how well his body was built...
All the ladies start to expose themselves, sitting so seductively in front of him. Making a puffy eye, or just directly showing that he can have them if he wanted to...
I was cut off by observing when Abi Pulled gently the jacket covering my arms. I look at her and saw how irritated she was... I bet she saw also how these ladies react to Dalton...
" This is so annoying, those women just sit there in front of him showing off their body ... I bet they're not even here to study ..." Abi murmured in disgust
I just smiled back at her...
" don't mind them Abi, he not affected by them" we both look back at him, I heard Abi gasp and cover her mouth as she saw Dalton just staring at me with a smile. That makes all the girls start to look back behind them,
at us......
I quickly acted like I was busy with my notes and Abi did the same...
I mind linking to him.
"Damn it.. Do you want us to be harassed by Princesses ?!"

"Hey, my sweet angel... That was very odd of you to use that word  to me..." He teased me again.
" never mind just don't look at me again.."
"Wooh holds on, I can't do that!" He muttered in protest.
"Well, you can glance at me once in a while but don't stare at me for a long time." I pleaded to him...
" ok .. Ok... Reward me with a kiss tonight before you sleep ..."
" what? That's not fair!"
I heard him laugh on the other side.
" I love you ..." He muttered before ending our link.
Damn!Sweet bastard!

After a few silent moments, the door slam open. A tall lean and sexy Lady wearing a black fitted dress came out of the door...
"Oh, there you are honey..." She went closer to Dalton and kiss him... Dalton was shocked and didn't move...
Hurt and jealousy flash on my face ...
I had this feeling to rush down there and full that straight black hair of that bitch...! Dalton felt my range which helps him recover from the shock.
He pulled her away from him, holding her wrist when she refused to stop.
Anger filled her perfectly beautiful face after getting the rejection from him...
"You can't do that to me?! " she stomp her feet and glared at him and looked around she stop in my direction and back to Dalton.
" we will talk later .."
She muttered those words before marching out and slamming the door.
Dalton was staring at the slum door before looking back at me with a worried face.
I mind linking to him.
" don't! Just don't please..give me a break and focused now on your lecture we can talk about this later  please....." I saw him nod, and I take it as a sign that he agree with me ...
He then starts his lecture and says sorry to the student for what they just witnessed...
Later on, the class was dismissed .....

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