Chapter 2 The class has ended.

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" Hey Ella, you know what? A week ago my mom consulted my future to an oracle (a white witch). She predicted that my soulmate is in Academy Trust " She giggles.
I can see the excitement sparkling in her eyes.
" That's great! I'm happy for you Abi," I murmured back and smiled at her.
" I know right?! Thanks Maricella." She giggles again like somebody is tickling her heart. I make my eyes big and put my index finger to my lips to form a "shus" . Then I point out to our homeroom professor to warn her that she's making a noise.
She smiled and copied me, nodding her head  knowingly and kept quiet for the rest of the class.
I sigh to myself, I find it's a bit weird for somebody to ask an oracle to tell their future, I mean everyone knows they have a soulmate somewhere out there but the question is why can't you wait for it to come?
Why chase after it? if it's your mate then whatever happened it will still be the same right?
The bell rang and our class was dismissed.

Since there's a strict regulation about teens below eighteen  spending time outside Abi and I decided to go earlier back home. We may not be that poor but we value our parents hard earned money so spending on a coffee in a cafeteria is such a waste of money when you can drink it also at home while having a pleasant conversation with your own family.
Abi and I parted ways in the second alley before my house.
I was opening the gate when I noticed an unfamiliar car parked in our garage.
I wonder who our visitor is?
As I enter our home I called  my mom.
"Mom, I'm back." I yelled while taking off my shoes and placing them in a shoe rock. When I passed by the visiting area I saw a woman in her mid forty smiling at me, I smiled back and greeted her.
" hi"  It was then that my mom came out of the kitchen with a brooding smile plastered on her face.
" Hi honey, come sit next to my friend Martha." I was confused but didn't bother to say anything.I followed what my mom said and sat next to the lady she called by the name Martha. When I glanced back at my mom's face she had this suspicious pleasing look that made me wonder what she's up to? Sensing my questioning gaze my mom finally spoke.
" Honey this is my friend Martha Adam, she visited me to say hello but since tomorrow is your birthday, I ask her a favor to read your palm, she's an oracle ,a very good and precise one." My mom procured a smile from Martha.
I rolled my eyes and suppressed my protest.
Argh! I can't believe I'm also doing this?!
Glancing back to my mom she got this pleading look that I can't say no.
She's good on this..
Glancing back to Martha, I forced a smile to plaster on my face.
I wanted to roll my eyes again but held it in,I can't believe I'm letting my mom do this to me.
Damn those pleading looks of her!
Martha asked permission to hold my hand and  without hesitation I gave it to her. It's completely fine since I don't believe it. Martha took my hand and put it in between her palm and then she began to chant a prayer.
I couldn't understand a word she said but felt her power surging underneath my palm. It was very warm yet soothing that my muscles started to relax. I think I might actually fall asleep. I pinch the side of my leg and focus my mind  on what Martha was doing. After a minute she opened her eyes and looked straight into my eyes, her pupils turned white for a split second, it was a very shocking discovery .
I started to feel odd and uneasy about what she's going to say..
" Dear, Dear." She muttered out.
"Though you feel like an outcast for being a not so fully fledged vampire there's still good on it. Tomorrow will be the start of your quest for true love. You will meet your Other-half , your match, but you must endure the pain, the sadness. You must understand and accept things in order to be happy at the end." She smiled lastly and patted my hand. I didn't know how to react with this revelation.
I felt a mixed emotion knowing I might see my mate tomorrow, there's this deep happiness blooming in my heart but at the same time I'm scared.
I feel like I'm not ready yet for this new chapter of my life.
Feeling uncomfortable, the need to escape is inevitable.
I  made an excuse that I'm heading to my room to do some homework before walking out I thank Martha for seeing my future.

It's been a few hours past after Martha left but what she said still echoed in my head.
Why did she give me a riddle?
What was that supposed to mean?
Why must I endure in order to be happy in the end?
There's a lot of questions in my head without an answer and my mom wasn't helping at all. After Martha left my Mom was so happy explaining to me about my Mate. She said every living being ,mortal, immortal, has a destined Mate, you will know it to yourself once you look at each other's eyes.  My mom didn't care about the rest of the words that Martha said. The only thing that registered in her head is that I will meet my soulmate.
sighing, I lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling.
"Whatever!" I mumble out.
I shouldn't waste my time thinking about this mate-thing.
All I want is to be happy, finish my studies and prove in the society where I live that i can be somebody more than what they expect me to be.
But although my mind is against this soulmate thing.
My heart  says  the opposite.
I'm torn, I can't stop wondering who he is, what he looks like?
What rank does he have in our society?
Somehow I got excited knowing I can possibly meet him tomorrow.
Realizing what I'm doing I tapped my forehead and scolded myself.
"Come on Maricella, stop dreaming and focused on your study"
That night I became restless.
I woke up the next morning from the knocks on the door.
I haven't slept much thinking stupid stuff last night.
I saw my mom show up at the door.
"Honey, wake up already we should be packing your things but first let's have some breakfast together. Dad didn't sleep yet, he's waiting for you downstairs. " My mom informed me. A  sweet smile tugged on my lips knowing my dad was still waiting for me.
"Ok mom, Coming. " She nodded at me and shut the door.
I quickly got out of the bed and cleaned myself before heading down the stairs.
I saw my mom and dad waiting for me in the kitchen.
The dining table looks so presentable in my eyes, there's a lot of my favorite mortal food. Mom prepared far too much than I originally expected her to do.
I mean cakes, blowing candles was enough to make me feel happy.

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