Chapter 3

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   Immediately the bell  rang for break, Tej ran to my seat and literally dragged me along to the cafeteria not even waiting for Tiwa and Zoya because normally, we always go together.

I'll hear an ear full from Tiwa today. Telling me how she understand that Tej is my boyfriend but then i shouldn't disregard the duties of a bff and that friends wait for each other..... blah.. blah.. blah...

"I heard Victor is new in the country and his father is Thomas Eze! The owner of the C&C enterprise!".  Tiwa made her appearance known startling me.

When did she get here?

"Infact Victor arrived few weeks ago precisely 2weeks ago and do you know that he and his mom hasn't being in Nigeria since when he was like 3?"

Wow! So much information can go this viral in like 4hrs? Kudos to the ofofo team in this school.

"No i didn't". I answered thanking God inwardly that she isn't overreacting because of the 'left behind issue'.

Who is Victor by the way?

"Victor is....?"

"Seriously?" She deadpanned . "Victor is the hot newbie." She rolled her eyes at my ignorance .

"Oh". I  looked down at my food remembering the disapproval look he gave me in class.

"There he his." She pointed  at a  confused looking Victor.

He's probably looking for where to sit and have his lunch.

"I'll invite him over to our table before anyone one does." She sounds excited.

Umm.... I don't really appreciate the idea of a new person joining our table.

I looked from Tej to Zoya and they seem all cool with it.

Wait. That reminds me, Zoya has been dangerously quiet since classtime. I should ask her what happen later.

And Tej? I wonder if he's heard anything we've uttered since. Let me tell you why. He said he didn't eat before leaving home this morning because he wanted to spend time with me before the assembly.

So sweet right? Can your boyfriend ever?

"He's coming". Tiwa announced.

"Hey Victor, welcome to our humble abode as you already know i'm Tiwa." Tiwa welcomed smiling with some kind of bow, i think.

How dramatic can this girl be ?

"Zoya". Zoya introduced courtly.

"Crystal." I mumbled mainly because he doesn't even seem interested in knowing my name.

Am i over thinking?

Everyone's attention seem to be on my direction but i know it wasn't me they are looking at but - Tej. He has not introduce himself, the poor guy is busy devouring his food.

You know the reason.

"Babe". I called his attention.

"Hmm hon" He muttered still eating.

"Your name". I told him.

"Wha..... " He looked up. "Oh sorry.  Tej" He extended his hand for handshakes which Victor shook awkwardly.

We started eating shortly with Tiwa talking non-stop.

"So..... I heard you just came back from America". I heard a voice that sounded too similar to mine and i mentally face-palm myself for even talking.

"Yh". He nodded curtly eating his food.

"I'm sorry to say but your accent doesn't sound like one from America since you claimed to have being there since you're a kid."  I said making Tiwa, Tej and Zoya to look at me.

Maybe mean but i wanted him gone from this table.

"So?" was all he said looking at me with his brow raised.

"So......I was expecting atleast a better accent or....... No disrespect but you don't even look rich" I said in total.

"That's because i'm not." He retorted.

"And you claim to be the son of Thomas Eze the owner of C&C enterprise." I scoffed.

Something flickered in his eyes at the mention of his father but it was gone as soon as it appeared making me wonder if i had imagined it.

"My father is rich, i'm not." He said.

"That doesn't make any sense if you ask me........."

"And i didn't, did i?" He cut me off rudely.

"No but........."

"Look here pretty girl, you seems to have done your home work on me or should i rather say class work since it isn't even closing yet and you already   know this much about me".


But he wasn't done.

"I don't get good vibes around you and i'm not interested in keeping a conversation with you so i'll advice you  stop trying to struck up one with me." He finished off rudely.

what the hell!

"Excuse you." I was pissed, very pissed. "I'm not trying to struck up any conversation with you."

"Well it doesn't seem like it to me a while ago." He raised a brow.

"Then its in your head."

"Thanks Tiwa for inviting me over, Zoya and Tej." He called their names totally ignoring my exsistence. "I'll see you guys later." He stood up carrying his plate and left.



Tiwa and Tej called the same time.

"What? he started it." I defended .

"No you did." Tiwa snapped pointing her index at me. "Can you imagine? telling him he doesn't have american accent as if its your business!"

"You guys noticed too so don't pretend".

"So?" Tiwa glared at me. "I'm really fed up with your rude behavior Crystal. It's like you are immune to human feeling and doesn't know how others feel when you talk to them like you just did."  She finished and then she walked out.

I turned to look at Zoya.

"Zoya you are with me right?"

"No, actually". She answered and then she left.

I looked at Tej and he just looked down.

"The only reason i'm staying back is because you are my girlfriend and i care about you but what you did was very wrong Crystal".  He said.

Woah. That's the first time he's ever called me by my name.

Fuck this!!

Hello lovely readers.

So first of all i want to appologize for the short chapter.

What Crystal did was very wrong but e be like sey she don meet her match 😂.

Any Victor lover in the house say : who deyyyy!!!!!!

And Tiwa's lover make a shout out too.

Vote, comment, share.

Ok. Bye everyone for now 👋👋👋

C u when i c u.❤❤❤

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