
539 21 1


Daisy Timber

I escaped, well I didn't escape but I saw a door that I thought would be my escape, my safe haven. I thought if I can just get to that door then everything will be ok. Maybe I am just trying to convince myself that like I have many other times. I can get home to Sam, I'll apologize profusely for what happened with Dimitri. I would tell him I finally figured out that I just want to be with him. No one else just him. I won't send and I to move forward, not back. Those are all of my thoughts as I stood there hiding from three vampires who would shove me in a cell and trade me for my sister.

If Kate heading ruin everything in life then we'd be ok. I wouldn't be in this situation. Eventually they got up from their seats, that beautiful and you're like looking girl walking away gracefully, she's anything but that. I hope my grip onto the two guns I held, both of them tightly. Watching the door closed behind them I step out making my way across the room to the door. One that's only a few feet away. At that moment the door the three vampires just left open again. A guard stepping back in to clean out his dish really quick, I wanted to dive back into my hiding place, no use now since it is too late. His I haven't met my own yet.

"Keep going Annabelle I'll be there in a sec- hey! Annabelle I found the girl. She's going out the other door!" the guard shouts out as his eyes capture my own.

"Well run after her you idiot!" Annabelle screams.

"I am!" the guy shouts back to her as he stares at me a second before going to chase me. I didn't want to give him the satisfication of actually getting me though.

I rays toward the door yanking it open. Freedom, that's what it really is. I run out, the guards quicken steps behind me. The place was rectangular, almost like the setting of the mall. More guards coming from the doors on the side. Taking the gun out again shooting, each one through the heart never missing. I've always been better with guns than I have with a knife.

They surrounded me, I stood with my back against the railing. Behind the man was the door, one that led to the outside, it's too wide open with the wind blowing in. Its like it was inviting me to come out. The tips of my fingers felt the suns warm graph before I'm abruptly pulled back, the cool metal door slamming shut. My freedom, it was gone.

I fell to the ground, my hands never left the grip of the gun as ice you at the vampire in the head getting up I run all the way I came from, looking for another way out. At that moment of vampire hit me in the side. Prepared for his next hit a duck. A different vampire out of my line of sight managed to hit me again. I let out a howl of pain. Running I make the mistake of looking back. Heading face forward the next thing I know I'm falling over the railing. Screaming piercingly loud before I hit the ground. Everything went black.

Screaming I wake up from my sweet, sweat drenching my body. My oversized t-shirt clinging to my body making it feel dirty. Looking over at the clock the time changes to three o'clock in the morning. Laying down in bed and staring at the ceiling I groan. I hadn't been able to sleep a whole hour,

more like half of that.

Getting up from my bed I strip my clothing off as I walk to the bathroom. Once inside I put the shower on still cold one. Stepping inside I sit down letting the water cascade down my body. I pulled my knees to my chest hugging them. This is what I usually did when I kept having a nightmare the past few weeks.

I had another nightmare again, sure that's practically how I died. I died fighting for my life, I tried to escape and get back to my pack. I didn't want to be exchanged for Kate. So I thought, and then I fell over the edge of the railing while fighting a guy. Then I died, shortly after my breathing came back, my body had to get over the official shock of my death. Later I found out in about blood in my drink with her blood. Instead of dying I came back to life.

He's A Hot Jerk (MMAJ #2) (Leaving Unfinished Finding New Project)Where stories live. Discover now