Chapter 2

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It was Friday, and after a long week of work with business meetings back to back, conferences, and sometimes day long events, Lewis and his coworkers knew that a nice cold tall glass of beer was just what they needed. Lewis had just filed the last of his paperwork and was tidying up his office around 6:45 when his coworker Phil walked in. "Hey man, we're headed to the bar. Are you coming?" said Phil. Lewis nodded his head yes and immediately jumped up. On the way down to the garage where their cars were parked, he sent a text to his wife Melanie, letting her know he was going to have a drink with the guys. She was still tending to one of her restaurants in the midtown area, so she stated that she would see him a little later.
    The fellas pulled up to the bar with loose ties and pockets, feeling at ease that they had some time to relax. They all walked into the bar that had become very familiar with their faces, and went and sat at the hightops. Lewis ordered a Heineken, his favorite beer, and chatted with his buddies about the long work week they had. Lewis was ordering his third beer, when a stunning woman walked up with a tray of Hennesy shots, asking the fellas if they would like one. Lewis and the young woman immediately locked eyes, he could smell her Pink Sugar fragrance through each nostril, and became mesmerized by it. The young woman handed out shots to two of the other fellas, and Lewis motioned that he'd like one as well. When she had gotten closer, Lewis couldn't help but smile. This woman was beautiful. Her honey blonde, curly bangs, sat perfectly on her caramel skin. Her eyes were light brown, and the lashes she wore really made them pop. She didn't have on much makeup, just a little highlighter and some lip gloss. Lewis made his way down to her body. She was about 5'4, and petite. Her fitted top and black shorts hugged her body nicely. You could tell she worked out.
    Lewis took the shot from her and asked how much he owed. She said, "that one's on me". Lewis looked pleased, and flashed a white smile at her, which made her blush. And since that was the last shot from her tray, she had a little downtime. Lewis asked for her name. Aaliyah. It was like music to Lewis's ears.
    The time was now 9:15, and Lewis had completely forgotten that he had come there with his coworkers. Aaliyah's shift ended at 8:45, and she took the time to come sit with Lewis and the conversation hadn't stopped. Lewis found out that her last name was Brown, she was 27. No husband nor children, and she had been a waitress at this bar for about 5 years. It was the no children part that they realized was the biggest thing they had in common.
    "Do you not have kids because you don't want any?" asked Lewis.
    "No that's not it, I just haven't found the right person to have them with yet," she said.
    Lewis had truly admired that about her, and he couldn't help but think maybe this is not just a coincidence.
    "So what's your excuse?" Aaliyah asked.
    Lewis hesitated on getting too personal about his wife's fertility issues. Although he did inform Aaliyah he was married, he knew his wife wouldn't appreciate him telling a woman he had just met that she had three miscarriages and couldn't bare him any children. Still, Lewis felt some kind of connection with Aaliyah that made him feel like he could tell her anything.
    "My wife and I have been having issues with it. We sort of stopped trying after the third one didn't work." he said.
    "Oh, well maybe it's a reason you ran into me today"
Lewis couldn't help the smile that plastered across his face, because he knew deep down he had felt the same way.
    "Well, I better get going. The buses don't run very often after 10."
    "Well hey if you need a ride home I'd be happy to give you one. I'm not sure I feel okay with you waiting on a bus by yourself at this time of night." Lewis couldn't help himself. He knew his wife wasn't pressuring him to come home, and if she was, all he had to do was send her a text that he was still out with his coworkers.
    Aaliyah accepted his offer. Lewis said goodnight to his coworkers, and then met Aaliyah outside by the front door. She was rather impressed with his orange Corvette that they had walked up to.
    "Hop in," he said.
    Aaliyah was more than happy to. She lived about 20 minutes from her job. While pulling up to her home, she thanked him for the ride, and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.
    "You know, I'd like to see you again if that's okay with you."
    Aaliyah was already pulling her phone out for him to put his number in it, and said she'd text him tomorrow. Once Lewis finished, Aaliyah kissed him one more time on the cheek, and got out of the car. Lewis made sure she was fully inside her house before pulling off.
    Lewis pulled up to his home he shared with his wife with the biggest smile on his face, but he knew it wasn't because he was happy to come home to his wife. It was because of the woman he had just met, that same woman that could change his life. But Lewis knew he couldn't walk into the house too happily.
    When Lewis had gotten to their bedroom, Melanie was surprisingly already in bed sound asleep. It must've been a long day. Lewis decided to go take a nice shower before getting in bed with her. While in the shower, images of Aaliyah flashed into his head. Her petite body, her caramel skin, the way she let her curls pop, her perky breasts, the images alone were driving Lewis crazy. As he tried not to be too loud while he pleasured himself to images of her, he knew eventually he'd want the real thing.
    He finished his shower, threw on his boxers, and got into the bed next to his wife, drifting off to sleep about 10 minutes later.

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