Chapter 3

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The next morning came up pretty quickly. When Lewis woke up around 730, he noticed his wife not in bed. He then noticed the smell of bacon and pancakes coming throughout the house. He decided to get up and take care of his morning hygiene, that's when images of Aaliyah plastered across his mind. He then remembered he had her number, and decided to send her a good morning text.

"Good morning, beautiful!"

"Good morning king!" she replied.

Lewis couldn't help but blush reading that message. These are butterflies he hadn't felt in a long time. He asked her what she was doing, and she stated she was trying to figure out what to have for breakfast. Lewis jumped at the opportunity to see her, even if it meant for a little bit.

"How about we go and grab something together?"

She happily accepted, and said they could meet in 30 minutes at the breakfast spot up the street from her house. This prompted Lewis to put some pep in his step. He hurriedly finished brushing his teeth and got dressed, and sprayed on one of his favorite colognes.

He met Melanie in the kitchen, who had just finished making his plate for him. She greeted her husband with a kiss, and said "good morning babe, here's your breakfast."

"I'm sorry honey I'm actually going to head into work early today."

Melanie's eyebrows furrowed as she was immediately confused. She reminded him it was almost 8AM on a Saturday, and that he doesn't work weekends. Lewis gave his wife the excuse that he was going in to help with some paperwork. He also reminded her that as a VP, there's never really any days off. He kissed her on the cheek, and then rushed out of the door, leaving his wife to stare in utter confusion for about 90 seconds, because she knew this wasn't something he usually did.

Lewis pulled up about 15 minutes later to meet Aaliyah, she already had a booth waiting for them. He walked up and greeted her with a warm hug, taking in her scent of the day. He joined her, told her to order whatever she wanted, and they spent the next hour getting to know each other even more. Half the time, Lewis wasn't fully listening. Instead, he stared at her, admiring her lips as she talked about her goals and dreams, wondering what they'd feel like pressed against his. Aaliyah noticed him trailing off.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, you're beautiful."

Aaliyah blushed. She knew she was having inappropriate thoughts herself. Yes, he informed her he was married, but he also told her their marriage wasn't in the best space. He was a well educated, successful man with manners, Aaliyah knew he was the perfect man for her, and that she could maybe one day give him what his wife couldn't.

She thanked him for his compliment. Lewis took her hand and gave it a soft kiss, sending a feeling through Aaliyah's body she hadn't felt before. It even make her shiver. Lewis immediately noticed this, but he kept his thoughts to himself.

Lewis grabbed the check, paid, and they both walked out. Even though her house was right up the road, Lewis offered to give her a ride anyway. They pulled up, and Lewis got out with her to walk her to the door properly.

"This was really nice, I enjoyed it. Let's do it again".

Lewis agreed, and then wrapped his arms around her waist to give her hug. Aaliyah melted in his arms. When they both pulled back, Lewis went in for a kiss, and Aaliyah had already met him halfway. The world seemed to have stopped as they fought to breathe. Aaliyah pulled back as she was getting rowdy, knowing she had to go inside to get ready for work. Lewis knew he needed to slow down, but he couldn't help himself.

"I'll see you later?"

She nodded, and then went inside. Lewis then decided to go home.

About 6:00PM rolled around and Lewis noticed he'd spend the day catching up on his shows. His wife was gone when he returned home this morning, tending to one of her restaurants. Which was perfect, because the scent of Aaliyah was definitely on his clothes. Lewis paused his show and sat in silence for a moment, thinking about what was happening. Was meeting Aaliyah a sign? Is she the one he's supposed to be with? All kinds of thoughts were running through his mind, as he didn't know what to do. Even if he was to be with Aaliyah, he know leaving Melanie would leave her devastated, and not to mention their families. Their families were very close to each other, as they fed off the love Lewis and Aaliyah had for each other over the years. But was it time for a change? Quite frankly, the more lewis was overthinking, the more annoyed he got.

Melanie walked in the house about an hour later. She went to greet her husband, finding him in the bedroom scrolling on his phone. "Hey," she said, and leaned in to give him a kiss. Without thinking, Lewis jerked back, avoiding her. Melanie got instantly annoyed, asking what his problem was. He gave her a dry "nothing". But Melanie knew that wasn't the case, and wasn't going to let this go. "Don't tell me it's nothing, what the hell is wrong with you?" Lewis slowly looked at her with a look of disgust, which then caused Melanie to have a look of worry on her face.

"You wanna know what my problem is? You. It's YOU. You walk around here all the time like shit is okay. It's NOT. We've got all this shit, and what's gonna happen when you and I leave this earth? Where's our shit gonna go? Who's gonna live here? Who's gonna take over our businesses? Have these thoughts ever occurred to your ass? It's been 13 years Melanie, what the fuck are we supposed to do?"

Melanie was completely blind-sighted by her husband's random outburst. They had this conversation many times, but never emotionally like this. She was at a loss for words for a minute.

"What the fuck do you mean what are we supposed to do? We've talked about this numerous times! Why are you acting surprised like you didn't know what was going on?? You think I WANT this? That I WANT to not be able to have kids? My body has went through 3 miscarriages, I'm not taking it through a 4th. Believe it or not that shit is traumatizing. The audacity of you to stand here and talk to me like this, sounding like you're BLAMING ME for why we don't have any kids!"

Lewis was so enraged he was talking without thinking. "IT IS YOUR FAULT!" He yelled.

Melanie paused. So did Lewis. They both stood there in silence for 2 minutes, both at a loss for words.

"What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" she asked him.

Lewis didn't know how to answer that without hurting her feelings. And even though he was having thoughts, he apologized to his wife for his comments. And then said he was going to go out for a minute to cool off. She didn't even respond.
Lewis left, got into his car, and called Aaliyah. "You busy?" "No, is everything okay?" "I need to see you." "I'm at home, come on." Lewis then drove Aaliyah's house.

Frustrated and emotional, Lewis pulled up 20 minutes later. Aaliyah was waiting in her living room, and met him at the door. She immediately could tell that something was wrong. She took his hand and led him to the living room and sat him on the couch. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Lewis shook his head no, knowing he just wanted to forget the argument he had just had with his wife for a while. He looked at her, placed his hand on her cheek, and inched towards her. The kiss quickly turned passionate, leading Aaliyah to climb on top of him while he was sitting on the couch. He kissed her lips, her neck, her shoulders, her breast, anywhere his lips could reach in that position.

Lewis cupped her bottom, picked her up, and carried her to her bedroom. They both quickly got undressed, as they were both inching for this moment to happen. Lewis then realized he didn't have a condom, and why would he? He had a wife of 13 years, condoms were completely forgotten about. He asked her if she had one, she shook her head no.

They both stared for a minute, but once they both gave each other a look, they realized neither of them cared, and continued. Lewis was thinking of nothing in that moment, but to be inside of Aaliyah. As they started, the world seemed to have stopped. They made love for what seemed like hours. It's a good thing Aaliyah's neighbors weren't close by, and that she lived alone, because it wasn't a quiet session.

Lewis felt as if he had a point to prove, giving Aaliyah all the energy he could muster up. Nothing in that moment could deter Lewis, thoughts of his wife didn't even cross his mind as he pleasured Aaliyah. This, as Melanie sat home on the phone with her good girlfriend, telling her how she's called and texted her husband, but he's yet to respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02 ⏰

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