Chapter 5: The "Reunion "

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While the Afton kids were there, Bulma and the others revised the plan a bit, so that it can a little more convenient for them.

"Ok, Now let's get this plan into action. Everyone know what they are doing right?" Bulma asked.

Everyone apart from the Afton Kids shook their heads. Noticing this Goku went near them and asked, " Do you have any questions?"

"Yeah I do," Michael asked. " What does Chi-Chi look like?" He asked.

Goku happily responded with, " Well, Chi-Chi has black hair that is tied into a bun. And she is wearing a purple dress with an orange undershirt. She really likes wearing purple. I hope that's enough information."

With Chi-Chi's description in mind, Micheal could easily look for her. After all, he is a genius. Michael was caught off guard when Elizabeth said, " Michael! That's such a cool coincidence. Daddy also like wearing purple!"

"Liz, Michael said that he didn't want you to talk about him." C.C said.

" But-", Elizabeth got cut off, " No buts Liz. What I said is final. He doesn't deserve to have the title of father." Michael said, trying to control in anger.

Bulma watched all this in curiosity. She wondered, 'Who is their father and why does Michael hate him so much?'

She was trying to find a reason but stopped once she heard Vegeta yelling at Goku saying that they should hurry and find Chi-Chi.

Bulma left her thought behind her and went with the group to find her Best Friend.

In the Meantime,

Chi-Chi was walking around the isolated area, she could feel a glare on her.Then, in the blink of an eye, she was pinned down to the ground by a familiar person.

"Henry" She whispered.

"Missed me, William." He said with anger evident in his voice.

"I don't go by that here. My name is Chi-Chi." She nervously answered.

" I don't care what you are called, William. You are still the same Insane, psycho that killed my daughter!" He screamed.

"Let that go Henry. I already died. Just like you wanted. I'm a new person in this life. I have 2 children that I love dearly and I would do anything for. And I have a husband who truly cares for his children even if he's away a lot of the time." Chi-Chi tried pleading with Henry, but Henry honestly didn't care.

"You should have been a better parent from the start." Henry said. Just as he was about to slice Chi-Chi's neck he was blasted with one of Vegeta's Galik Guns.

"Stay away from my Wife, you bastard!" Goku angrily shouted. Vegeta then got his walkie talkie and told the whole search team that they found Chi-Chi and a strange man.

While the others were on their way, Henry lifted himself from the ground and and just stood there. Watching their every move.

Bulma and the Afton kids were first on the scene.
Michael looked surprised when he saw his uncle there with a knife. He then turned towards the woman with the purple dress. He doesn't know why, but she looks identical to his father. Though they were barely visible, she had the Sprinlocks prints on her.

And that's when Michael knew. The woman in front of them was his father. The man who ruined his life


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