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She strolled through the empty halls, almost feeling them pulse with the magic and secrets she knew they held.

It was quite uncommon to find the vast halls of Hogwarts empty unless of course you decided to go strolling through the building at two in the morning. That was exactly what the character we are now following (Calanthe Bloom if you're curious) was doing.

She had spent a long time perfecting the charm, and so now the fourth year was strolling through Hogwarts protected by a very strong disillusionment charm. She was very proud of herself for no one knew what she was doing, nor did anyone know what she was planning or that she could acomplish such a spell.

Finally, she reached her destination - the entrance to the Room of Requirement.

With a pleased smile, she walked down the length of the wall, eyes screwed up in concentration as she silently chanted. Once she had passed three times, she hesitantly turned around and looked up to see a small door in the expanse that used to be bare wall. She quickly headed inside and shut the door.

When she looked properly, she observed a small, dark room with black painted walls and a stony black floor. Her bare feet grew slightly cold as the stone embraced her body heat as she moved closer to the centre of the room, where a small table was standing with a large stone bowl. The bowl had runes etched into the side and was glowing silver with a flowing substance that was mesmerisingly beautiful.

But Calanthe didn't stand around to gape at the subtle beauty of the room she was standing because she was far more interested in the silvery substance. She moved forward, staring intently into the depths of the bowl, seeming to know some information that would possibly make more sense of the current scene.

Eager, the girl put her head into the bowl and in a flash of light, disappeared into it's dapths. She fell into a world where she began to watch the movie that the different scenes showed. Soon she realised that these were all someone's insane fantasies.


I can now reveal that this "bowl" was actually a pensieve, a container in which thoughts, memories and fantasies are stored in.

Pick for yourself which ones are real.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2013 ⏰

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