Chapter 3: "Tell Liam What??"

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Hey guys! I had spare time so i decided to upload a new chapter!

warning: mild swearing, talking about sex...

sorry if this chapter is boring. I try to make them as interesting as possible

Read, Vote, Comment, Follow <3

Taylah xx 

*Nialls point of view*

" Niall, would now be a bad time to tell you that I'm pregnant?"


How did this happen? Well, of course I know HOW it happened. I guess what I mean is why. Alyssa is one of the most innocent girls you've ever seen. I don't understand.

How can she be so stupid? Having unprotected sex. Not taking a pill. Not getting rid of it! She's not even 18 yet. She has her whole life ahead of her!


It was his baby. It had to be. Alyssa hasn't been with anyone else

"Niall, is eveything okay?" She cooed.

"Okay? How is this okay? You have a thing inside of you! Whats the bet that you haven't told anyone! Have you told Liam? Or your parents? Or Danielle? Or Michael? Since I assume he is now going to be the father of this thing."

" It is not a thing! How dare you call her a thing!" Oh no. She's already assuming the gender of the baby. This means that she plans on keeping it. She can't keep it. How will she support it? Money wise, no problems. But family and friend wise, that would be tough. The 'baby' wont even know it's father.

" She? How do you know its a she? How do you know anything about babies? YOU'RE 17. " I could feel my blood boiling inside of me. I know that everyone has done sex ed in school, but it was the best I came up with.. 

" And your not that much older than me. So shut your mouth. And i have a FEELING the baby is a girl. And for your information, I have told people. They seemed much more willing to support me than you."

" Do you think i would want to support an 17 year old whos stupid enough to go around having unprotected sex?" That did it. I could practically see the steam coming out of her ears.

" I'm sorry my ex boyfriend RAPED me after I told him it was over! And also, sorry for not killing my baby. I guess to you that seems like the right thing." Her words were as cold as ice.

Raped? She was raped? I feel like the biggest dickhead in the world. I was lashing out at her when the poor girl was raped by her boyfriend of two years. And no matter how hard she tries now, she will never get rid of him, because every time she looks at her child, its going to remind her of him.

Wait. Hello, she can't keep it. She can't have a baby at 17.

" I-I-I'm sor-ry. I didn't know."

"Yeah, no one ever does. They just assume that i'm just a whore who offers my body out to random men whom I don't even know. " she literally spat out her words.

"Look, I'm sorry. Have you told Liam?"

" Told Liam what?" A deep British voice filled the room. I turned around and faced my best friend Liam Payne, face concerned and worried.

Obviously he came into the house while we were arguing. He has a spare key to my house, just in case I'm drunk and he has to take me home. ( hehehehehehheheheheheh. take me home :3 ) I hope he didn't hear.

"That I can't believe that I wasn't told about Danielle! I was so upset!" Alyssa's cheerful voice came back to her body.

" I'm sorry Lissy Poo. I forgot. Now stop being a drama queen and come give your brother a hug."

I sighed. Liam will be furious when he finds out.

Liam looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Everything okay , mate?"

"Everything fine, Li. Just a few things I need to think about."

I shoot a look in Alyssa's direction and I find that shes already looking at me. Her look is cold or harsh. Its more like begging. She doesn't want to tell him. I guess not yet. He has to be told sooner or later.

" I suggest we go get ready for tonight. " Liam says in a giddy voice.

" And what are we getting ready for?" I matched his tone, with a little less enthusiasm.

" The Lads are all going out for dinner to celebrate Alyssa's arrival. Which means both of you are coming."

We groan in sync.

"Great! See you guys at 8 at The Chapel! love you!"

And with that he slammed the bedroom door and left. We didn't start to talk again until we hear Liam's car drive away.

*Alyssa's point of view *

I just told Niall i was pregnant.

What the hell was I thinking.

I told Niall over my brother. My own flesh and blood. Why? What's so special about Niall?

Everything. My mind whispers to me. He is the only person that treats you like an actual human being. He is the closest thing to a bestfriend that you've had in a while. Don't push him away, Alyssa.

"Alyssa? Hello? " Niall snaps me out of my thoughts and pulls me back down to earth.

"I'm sorry. What?"

"You need to tell him. You can't keep him in the dark forever. Soon, he and the rest of the people you haven't told, will soon find out. What's the first thing that will start happening to you when you become pregnant?"

"You get bigger boobs?" That made him chuckle.

"Besides that. What is the first thing people notice?" I knew what he meant.

"Your stomach." My voice sounded no higher than a mouse.

" Exactly. Do you think your going to maintain that beautiful figure forever? Pretty soon you will get a little bump.  Then everyone will put two and two together and realise that you're pregnant. " he sighed.

"Promise you'll tell him Alyssa. " he looked deep into my eyes. His blue eyes sparkled slightly.

"I will. Just give me time."

Niall gave me a nod and headed towards the door. he grabbed the door handle and looked back at me.

"Alyssa, If i ever find Michael. I will kill him. " and with that he closed the door.

I slumped onto Niall's bed.

Oh Niall. If only you knew that it wasn't/t Michael  who got my pregnant.

It was Zayn.


Another cliff hanger. I'm Sorry!!! I will really try not to do these so often.

sorry for it being so short, but i have dancing so yeah :)

i will upload when i get 10 reads or on wednesday night

Did you guys expect that at all? That it wasnt michael, it was actually Zayn?

All will be explained in the next chapter :)

P,LEASE NOTE: nothing i say here is true. especially about the boys.

so please dont crack it at me, or them. this is all fiction

peace out!

Taylah xxxxxxxxxx

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