Chapter 15. Unexpected Return.

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"What are you doing here?!"

There stood a pale and fragile Alyssa, her baby bump sticking out a little more than usual. Maybe it was just because of the tight fitting top she wore. Looking at her reminded me of the note. My anger was rising. It didn't help that she was standing next to Zayn. They were so close to each other, it was making me uncomfortable.

She wasn't supposed to be here. She told me she was going. That lying bitch.

"I said, what are you doing here?!" I asked Alyssa again. She looked up at me for a split second, before lowering her eyes to the floor again. Her eyes were puffy and red, obviously from crying. She opened her mouth to say something, then shut it tight. She looked at Zayn for him to explain why she was still here when she claimed she was leaving.

"Niall- " Zayn voiced started. I cut him off. I don't want to hear it from him. This was about Alyssa. The whole week has been about Alyssa. I've had enough.

"No, Zayn. I want to hear it from her. Why she decided to leave and then magically return, only for me to find her in your house? Am I missing something Alyssa? Do you not have feeling for me anymore? Does that day mean nothing to you?" I got to carried away that I just let her have it. I didn't even realize there were other people in the room.

"You leave because I ran off stage while I was dedicating a part of the song to you out of pure embarrassment, Then you get a text message from a "Mystery Person" telling you about my so called slutty past. If you haven't realized, It's all a bunch of bullshit. I don't use girls for sex! I've been with you through thick and thin, and this is what you do. " I stopped when she flicked her head up so face I'm surprised she didn't break it.

" YOU DO USE GIRLS FOR SEX. YOU TRIED TO HAVE SEX WITH ME! " she squealed. everyone was shocked, including me. She continued after a few seconds when her voice was calmer.

" I know how you treat girls Niall. So why would I bother coming back to you. You don't love me. You never did. You even brought a slut here too! After all we've been through." Lovely, she's blaming the blame game. This doesn't even make any sense. What the fuck have I done to her?

"Well excuse me," I say stepping back to where Cari was standing and put my arm around her waist, " Cari isn't a slut. She's a friend of Harry's. And I do love you, can you not fucking see that? And don't you dare say after all we've been through. This whole thing is your fucking fault! You left me. So don't blame me for all this. I tried to support you through all this, and then you leave. And when you do return, you fucking go to Zayn Malik. Yeah. You know Zayn. HIS BROTHER RAPED YOU! "

Cari grabbed my arm and started to rub it. Alyssa threw herself on to Zayn. I wanted so badly to go and separate them. But Cari pulled me back. Alyssa was in tears, Zayn kept rubbing her back and kissing her forehead. This was making me sick. I only now realised that the boys had left us.

"Mate, I suggest you leave. You've been her through enough for one night. " Zayn's voice was harsh.

"Sure, I was just about to leave. Tell Alyssa," Sarcasm and disgust rolled off my tongue," That when she starts to have a little more common sense and actually realizes what shes doing, To call me." And with that I walked out the door with Cari and into the car.

Then I just cried. And cried and cried and cried. I don't care anymore. This was hurting me. I was supposed to help raise her child. and now she's giving me some bullshit stories that don't make any sense.

I clung to Cari for dear life. She brushed my hair and rubbed my back. After a while, I calmed down enough to talk.

"Listen Cari I- " I was cut off.

"No, if your going to apologise, I don't want to hear it. You have nothing to apologize for. She clearly doesn't realize what an amazing person you are. I know I have. Don't waste your time trying to fight for her if she isn't willing to fight for you. Did you see the way she looked at that Zayn guy? "

"I Tried not too look at them." I grumbled.

"But listen, I am sorry. The firs night I meet you and I've already dragged you into all my shit. You shouldn't of had to witness that. I'm sorry Cari."

And with that, she kissed me. I was a little taken back at first, but I gradually kissed her back. Our mouths moving together in sync. The kiss wasn't heated or lust filled. I was Passionate, Meaningful. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I got that when I kissed Alyssa, but this was different. This made me feel so alive. It was cute and sweet. After a while, she pulled away. She looked at me and smiled. I returned it. We gazed into each others eyes.

Her eyes, My god. They were beautiful. They were an ice blue color. They mesmerized me. I couldn't help myself. Looking in her eyes made me slowly forget all about Alyssa.










Hey guys. So, I know I haven't uploaded in forever. But its because I didn't get the 10 votes. I got double the reads which was amazing, but from now on, I need those votes. I'm going to cut it down to 7 votes though but increase the reads a little bit.

So when I get 7 votes and 13 reads, I shall upload. I will only upload earlier than that if I have a really good idea or if I am bored. hhahahah

Read, Vote, Comment, Follow <3

Taylah xx

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