Chapter 12: Suitcase in Hand.

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*Niall's Point of view*

Well, I've got to say, that was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life. Ever.

Imagine dedicating a song to a girl (which is your best mates sister..) and started to sing the song and then the girl appears out of the darkness like a bloody ghost.

And whats even more embarressing is that I ran off stage like a little girl.

And started crying......

Yeah, not what you want to happen.



Liam said that Alyssa went home after that little shenanigan. Danielle took her. He also said that i was a dickhead and i shouldnt of reacted the way i did.

"Was i that bad?"

" I would say Terrible, but i would be lying."

I groaned and put my head in my hands.

"I hate life." I mumbled. Liam just laughed and patted my shoulder.

"Look mate, i get that it was embarresing and all but you should talk to her about it. It worse if you leave it and pretend it didnt happen."

"That's exactly what i want to do."

"Then forget about forgetting it and talk to her. Tell her how you feel."

"Right. Like she'll want to talk to me after i ran away from her."

"She'll know it wasnt because you saw her, it was because she heard you talking about her to Nick. Mate, She likes you. I know she does. Just talk to her, tell her how you fee it goes from there. Just no funny business."

I had to giggle at that. But Liam was smart enough to figure out why i was giggling.


I sprinted out of the room, laughing to myself. But I stopped when I heard a loud bang and screaming.

A mad Liam isnt one of my favourite types of Liam..

Hopefully he doesnt kill me.....





*Alyssa's point of view*

The whole car ride home i was thinking about Niall. I somehow managed to block out Danielle and her chattering.

Maybe I should just leave. Niall probably wont talk to me anymore. Regardless of his "feelings" towards me. That's even if he has feeling for me. He's probably just using me.

I thanked Danielle for dropping me off and walked inside. I threw my hand bag on the couch and laid down on the floor. I just started up at the ceiling, thoughts running around in my head

Does he love me?

Is he using me?

Should I leave?

Maybe I should kill myself?

What's with the negative thoughts?

Hello, I was raped twice, got pregnant with one of my rapists, who turned about to be my brothers best mates psyhco twin.

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