19 | not his type

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I HAVEN'T REALLY BEEN OKAY for the last couple of days. What Tom said has stuck in my brain and I can't get it out no matter how hard I try. I'm exhausted, not even exhausted. I'm sick of feeling like this–of feeling like it was my fault.

Friday rolls around quicker than I expected considering I haven't done much but wallow in my bed and leave for snacks and water. I also try to forget the way JJ comforted me when I couldn't get into the house.

A wave of nausea washes over my body when I think back to that moment. God, I've never been more embarrassed in my life. The way I sobbed and I sobbed until I couldn't breathe. And he was there. He hugged me, he calmed me down.

Fuck. I need to stop thinking.

It's safe to say I've been avoiding him since. Absolutely mortified.

But tonight is the party on the beach and Daisy said I have to go, get myself out of the house and distract me for a little bit. I know she's trying to help but I'd rather curl up in a ball and watch movies alone. It's safe to say I'm feeling a little fragile.

Despite my protests, we're here. On the beach.

I don't feel like drinking because of my current state. Bad emotions and alcohol don't mix. Not in my head anyway, I'll end up a bawling mess if I'm not careful and that's the last thing I need right now.

Isaac greets me with a hug and I sit with him and Daisy and a few of our old school friends for a little while. Sipping on my lemonade and keeping silent.

"Hey," Isaac nudges my knee with his when Daisy takes over the conversation. I turn towards him and look into his warm friendly eyes. "Everything okay? You seem a little quiet."

I hum in response and flash another fake smile I'm good at showcasing. "Yeah. Just tired."

He doesn't take his eyes off me for a moment, analysing my expression. "Sure?"

"Sure." I nod.


I glance down at my almost empty cup and stand from my seat. "I'm gonna grab a drink." To get myself out of this conversation before it escalates and I don't want to talk about my feelings at a party.

The sand rocks against my trainers and I wrap my cardigan close to my chest, the wind stronger than it has been at the beginning of the summer. I lean forward for a can of Sprite and pour it into my plastic cup to pretend that I'm drinking at least.

A familiar presence approaches at my side and I don't have to look to know it's JJ. I can tell from the way the hairs on my arms begin to stand and my breathing changes. Whatever he possesses in his aura, it's fucking dangerous.

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