Chapter 2

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I observed the body some more and I noticed he was shot twice in the head, twice to the leg and and Six time to the chest, now that's gruesome.

"Miss Robertson" someone called from behind me

I turned back to see one of the investigators. "Mr bob, good afternoon"

"Good Afternoon" he said as he approached the body.

"They say it was a robbery gone wrong" he said as he bent down to pick a bullet by the body to put it in the evidence bag

"That's not the scene provided here sir" I replied

"Yes you are right" he replied as he stood up "whoever did this must have planned ahead"

I nodded my head in agreement and we began looking for clues.

"I'll get this examined in the lab" he said pointing to the bullet"

Some people came in to take the body for an autopsy and I continued looking at the crime scene.

After some time, I found some finger prints on the side of the bed, I was expecting to see more bullets but I didn't, that was definitely strange, since the man was shot 10 times, there are meant to be 10 bullets in the room but we only found one, there were some specs of blood on the bed too but they seemed very faint. I took the finger prints for sampling and I went back downstairs.

I looked at the window again and I realized something strange, the window was broken but the glass was outside not inside, this shows that the person(s) who committed this crime must have been inside when the window was broken, this is definitely another clue to show that this was a homicide.


When I left the house, I walked towards one of the women who was crying, and I decided to ask her a few questions.

"Hello ma'am" I said softly

"Hello" she replied

"Do you know what happened?"

"Not really though, but I saw someone walking out of their house yesterday and he seemed really suspicious"

"How do you mean 'suspicious'?" I asked curiously

"Well, he seemed to be having an argument with Mr Robin and he was not happy when he came out cause he stormed to his car and drove away telling Mr Robin that he'll be back" the woman completed

"I also heard an argument coming from their house earlier today but it sounded more like a female voice to me" another woman concluded

"Okay thank you" I replied and they both nodded, he was such a good man and we just want closure.

"We will try our best" I replied as I headed for my car.


I was able to obtain the 911 recording from that day of the murder cause I needed to know what went on during the call, I walked to my room and began playing the recording.

911 dispatch : This is 911, what's your emergency

Mrs Robin: Hello my name is Mrs Ann Robin, we... we just got shot, someone came in to rob us and he shot both of us

911 dispatch: where are you calling from

Mrs Robin: xxxxx street house number 4

911 dispatch : okay we just sent our ambulance and they are on their way

Mrs Robin: please be fast

911 dispatch: Are you feeling okay

Mrs Robin: kinda, just a little dizzy

911 dispatch: who is the other person there with you

Mrs Robin: My husband

911 dispatch: how is he

Mrs Robin: not so good

911 dispatch: is he breathing

Mrs Robin: I'm not sure...

911 dispatch: hello are you still there?

Mrs Robin: no he's not, I don't think so

911 dispatch: is the shooter still there?

Mrs Robin: no, he just left moments ago

(Siren sounds heard from afar)

Mrs Robin: The ambulance is here

911 dispatch: okay ma'am they'll attend to you immediately

So Mrs Robin was the one who called 911.

I decided to go pay her a visit at the hospital, since she was the only witness to the incident.

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