✧.* e. kirishima, tiger

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hero name not mentioned!
allows you to shift into any animal of the feline family; cat, tiger, lion, etc.

in which your boyfriend showers you with love when you don't seem to have any for yourself.

࿐ ࿔*:・


— 𝙀 𝙄 𝙅 𝙄 𝙍 𝙊  𝙆 𝙄 𝙍 𝙄 𝙎 𝙃 𝙄 𝙈 𝘼 —𝙁 𝙀 𝙇 𝙄 𝙉 𝙀

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YOU STRUGGLED TO fight back tears at the sight in the mirror. Tracing your fingers along the stretch marks, loathing the visible reminders of how imperfect you were.

Suddenly, the tears began to roll down your cheeks; unable contain the amount of self-hatred any longer.

It felt pathetic, standing in only a t-shirt and undergarments, crying at your reflection. Every day, negative thoughts ate away at your mind, consuming it completely. The entirety of your self-worth held itself in your physical appearance. A dry laugh left your lips.

How was a hero unable to save themselves?

Your sobs muffled the noises of your boyfriend entering the house. However, he was thankful for that. He wanted to surprise you with your favorite takeout after his patrol.

You've been a little off recently, and he wanted to do something to make you feel better. His sad attempt at tip-toeing was only successful due to your cries drowning out the noise.

Once at the door, he recollected his composure before entering. Eager to surprise you and see that smile he loved so much. His hand twisted the knob and he took a breath.
"Hi baby!" He grinned, "I brought you some—" his eyes, once lit with joy immediately darkened.

His shark-toothed smile dropped into a frown. There you were, crying at the sight of your own reflection. S/c fingers trembling as they ran over the stretch marks on your body.

His unannounced presence caused you to jump, snapping you out of the trance.
"Sh-shit Eijiro," you attempted to wipe away the tears. "I didn't see you there, how was patrol?"

Ruby eyes bulged out further. Were you serious? He had just caught you in the act of crying and you decide to play it off like no big deal?
Suddenly, guilt began to pool in his stomach. How many times has this happened? How many times have you felt weak with no one to help you?

He couldn't help but blame himself. What kind of boyfriend was he? Regret washed over him. He wished he had checked in more, kept a closer eye on your habits, or even—

"Eiji," a delicate hand cupped his face. "You don't need to blame yourself for anything."

He almost chuckled at how well you knew him. But the guilt returned. Feeling horrible for not catching onto the situation sooner.
"Is it..." He hesitated. "Stretch marks again?" His voice lowered.

The silence was more than enough to answer that question.

Stretch marks were a natural side effect of your quirk. With the constant going in and out of different forms, your body would change in size constantly. You've tried everything possible to get rid of them. From ointments, creams, and oils; yet nothing worked.

You always felt great after saving someone. But that would alway wash away the second your hero costume came off.

"Love, look at me."
His words snapped you out of thought.
"Sit on the bed," he grabbed your hand, guiding you towards it. He let go as you obliged, removing his mask.

After sitting, your thumbs fumbled with each other. He knelt on the floor and made eye contact with you. Ruby eyes so full of compassion and love whilst he drew small circles on your thighs.
"I'm gonna kiss every mark of yours okay?"

Your eyes widened with fright, the insecurities rushing to your mind. However, he quickly hushed you.
"I know, I know. But when I say that I love you; I mean every part of you. Even the parts you hate."

He placed soft kisses on every stretch mark and whispered loving words against your skin. At first you were tense, but he smiled as your muscles loosened.

All negative thoughts began to melt away little by little thanks to his words.
"You're beautiful."
"An angel."
"I'm so lucky to have you."
"I love you."

You were convinced he would get cavities from all the sweet things he was saying.

Eventually, he hit a spot that was more ticklish than the others. His head snapped up as a small squeak came from you.
"Everything okay baby?"

"Y-yeah, just a bit ticklish there."

Then, a mischievous grin came to his face.
"Where? Right... here?" He began attacking the spot with more kisses.

"Yes!" Giggles erupted from you. "Eijiro stop it! You asshole!" You stifled in between laughs.w

Thankfully, he stopped with a sigh of satisfaction.
"There's that perfect smile."

"Oh shut up," you playfully smacked his arm. "I'm far from perfect."

"In my eyes you are," he nibbled at his lip at the sight of your clouded eyes. After a brief silence, he spoke again. "Do you know what your stretch marks remind me of?"
You hummed in acknowledgement.

"They remind me of tiger stripes." Pure, genuine, love in his eyes. Your brows slightly furrowed in confusion.
"They remind me of how unbelievably strong you are; reaching the top ten before me might I add," he chuckled. The cloudiness in your eyes slowly began to dissipate.
"Your unmatched determination and the amount of people you've saved." His words caused your body heat to rise; your cheeks turning a slight red hue.
"Even back in high school, I was always awestruck by you. Though, I was too dumb to realize it was probably love." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Y/n," his eyes searching yours. "I've loved you then and I love you now; nothing will ever change that, I promise."

The silence initially scared him. Especially when tears began to roll down your face. He began to panic. Did he say something insensitive?
But those thoughts subsided as you tackled him with a hug.

"Thank you Eijirou," your sobs muffled into his shoulder. "Thank you for making me feel like something beautiful." You retracted and lifted your lips into a soft smile.

"Of course, love. You should feel that way because you are. I'm convinced I'll never stop falling for you."

"Ditto," you chuckled before planting your lips on his, the takeout long forgotten.

But that didn't matter to either of you.

For being held in his embrace was all you truly needed.

࿐ ࿔*:・

╰₊✧ ゚⚬𓂂➢ HIHII!! here's a short and sweet oneshot!! kirishima is most definitely boyfriend material. i'm not really a fan of how it turned out but oh welll lmao, i hope you guys enjoyed!!

i'm so happy i'm back on a roll with all my oneshots too :,)
see you next time!!

with love,
˖ gia

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