chapter twenty-four

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A few days have gone bye after I last saw Harry and Elia and a few before winter break is over and we'll have to go back to uni.

I decided to invite them to go ice-skating with me because it's still really cold and the snow didn't melt away yet so we'll have to use these last free days properly.

Elia runs towards me as soon as she spots me waiting in front of the door and I pick her up, throwing her into the air once before catching her again what throws her into a fit of giggles. She buries her face in my shoulder. "I flied so high", she says, then turning around to Harry who's smiling at us, "Daddy did you see how high I flied?"

Harry nods with a grin, walking over to us as well to hug me tightly, pressing a quick kiss to the side of my head before he pulls away again. "So amazing, honey, you looked like a bird."

Elia giggles again before she gets comfortable on my arm, apparently deciding to not walk on her own.

We walk to the centre where there's a big ice rink and lend some skates at the small booth. We sit down at a bench right next to it and get into our shoes before we help Elia, Harry doing her left foot while I do the right one.

"Ever been before?", I ask her and she shakes her head before smiling excitedly. "I don't think I do so well but you and daddy help me so it's all good."

I smile, brushing over the top of her hair once. "It will be, yes, darling. Okay. Are we ready?"

She nods, taking each one of mine and Harry's hand before we help her get of the bench slowly, lifting her up so she lands on doesn't fall.

It takes her a bit until she's comfortable on the skates and walks to the rink with us, our hand wrapped around hers tightly so she doesn't fall.

"Okay", Harry says, "Ready, baby?"

She nods excitedly and grins up at us, her beanie slipping onto her face. "Super ready."

We get on the ice with her and she pretty much slips immediately what she comments with a quite "Oops. Didn't know it's so slippery."

"It's ice after all", Harry says, smiling, "I'm going to get that penguin over there for you, alright?"

She nods. "It's gonna help me drive?" Harry nods before skating over to the small penguin, picking it up with one hand and coming back, all in one smooth motion.

"How the hell are you so good at this?", I ask, smiling because of the broad grin on his face and the way his eyes light up with happiness.

"I used to go with Gemma and my friends a lot when I was younger. Haven't been in quite some time."

We skate very slowly at first, trying to get Elia used to the ice as she keeps on falling. She wears a helmet though and never falls badly so she comments them with a small sigh or giggle every time before getting up again, holding onto her penguin and continuing to teeter over the ice, looking as adorable as possible.

"How about you hold on to me and Louis now?", Harry asks after a few very slow rounds and offers Elia a hand, "I feel like that'll be more fun."

She nods, letting go of the penguin, able to hold her balance and rather walk than skate a few inches before she holds on to our hands.

I smile at Harry once and he smiles back, eyes crinkling, before we start going slowly. I'm nowhere as good as Harry but I at least didn't fall yet and definitely can go with Elia's pace so we're all good so far.

"Are we gonna go a little faster?", Harry asks Elia, smiling excitedly and she nods.

Elia squeals a little scared but still happily as we go faster, even surpassing two kids in front of us, Elia not doing anything but being dragged by me and Harry.

"It's so fast", she screams, a bit of panic among the fun in her voice.

"Too fast?", Harry asks, but she shakes her head, curls flying into her face.

"Maybe it's too fast for me", I say and Harry laughs, looking so happy, so careless, so at ease. I never want him to feel any differently ever again.

We go a few rounds more before we decide to take a break because Elia would have to be dragged along if we went one round more, a tired look on her face as we head out.

"Hi", someone calls, and I look around to see where the voice is coming from. Taylor and Joe are walking towards us from a bit further, both waving as we sit down on the bench again.

"Hi", we all call back, Elia waving excitedly. "It's Taylor and Joe", she explains as if we didn't know and grins.

"What are you up to?", Taylor asks even though she can obviously see.

"Returning our shoes cause this one is tired already", Harry says, tickling Elia before kissing her on top of her head.

"No, I just want a waffle", Elia whines.

"We wanted to get one too", Taylor says, "Do you wanna come with us, Elia? Then dad and Louis can go skating for a bit."

She smiles at us and Elia immediately nods, looking at Harry. "Do you wanna skate more daddy? Cause Taylor gets waffles with me and Joe."

"That okay with you?", Harry asks, slipping Elia's regular shoes back on.

She nods, so we say our goodbyes, thanking Taylor and Joe and agree on meeting here again in about twenty minutes before they leave for the booth that sells waffles.

Harry smiles at me, leaning forward to kiss me onto the lips quickly, pulling away before I can even respond to it. "Been wanting to do this for the whole time", he mumbles, blushing as he says that and it makes me want to hold him close forever.

We head back to the rink afterwards and drive a few rounds, even doing a race which he obviously wins by far, being way faster than me.

"I'm gonna help you", he says, grinning as he grabs my hand and fits his finger between mine. We go way too fast for my opinion and I'm sure I'll fall and die any second because Harry is not slowing down at any point as he drags me along.

"I thought those were my last minutes", I say out of breath, leaning against the barricade to catch my breath.

Harry laughs, putting his hand on my hip before leaning forward to kiss me again, softly pressing me against the barricade.

I push him away just a little. "I was not done catching my breath", I say what causes him to laugh and roll his eyes.

"You can do that afterwards", he mumbles against my lips, already leaning forward again before connecting them completely, wrapping his free arm around my upper body so I don't slip on the ice.

I put my probably way too cold hand into his neck and he hisses at the sudden cold, laughing against my lips.

"Stupid winter", he says, still staying close.

"It's quite lovely with you though", I say, smiling up at him.

I can feel his chest move against mine as he nods. "I like you, Louis. A lot."

I remember I can't tiptoe on skates so I let my hand rest in his neck despite the cold, pulling him down to kiss him properly this time, without interruption.

"I quite like you too, Harry. You're pretty wonderful."


hope you liked it <3

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