chapter twenty-seven

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I sit there for a while, having taken both of Harry’s hands in mine as I patiently wait for an explanation. He doesn’t really seem like he’s gonna start talking anytime soon, so we sit there in silence for a while, both staring at our hands in Harry’s lap.

“My parents were distant when I was younger”, he suddenly breaks the silence, “So I, I kinda have learned to hide my emotions. And I tend to appear rather unemotional to people who don’t know me.”

I nod, already having noticed that. “And, um, well I’m good with hiding them. And bad with showing."

“And you’ve kinda helped me? Crying isn’t a thing I usually do, not around others at least. And I trust you, so, I can do that with you, and I appreciate that. I can be happy as well and bored and neutral and annoyed and you allow me to show that.”

I brush some curls out of his face and lean forward to kiss him right below his temple. “I’m very happy you feel like that. And I trust you too.”

He smiles softly, then trying to concentrate on what to say again and frowns. “Well, back to what I was saying. I shut down. I’ve been doing it since forever. I remember sitting behind the Christmas tree, on Christmas Eve while everyone was in the living room laughing, as a child because there was too much happiness and joy for me to handle. Too many emotions. It’s been better since Elia came because God, a baby or toddler does have many emotions, but from time too time I still can’t help it.”

I press my lips together in a bit of sadness as I imagine baby Harry sitting behind the Christmas tree all by himself.

“Yeah. So, this is unusual for me because since Ophelia, I’ve never been this close to anyone, but I guess this time it was this emotion getting too much. The trust and commitment and the adoration and us getting too close. I suppose I shut away and didn’t even notice. I just chose to ignore the messages, there was no second thought put into it.”

I nod. “Okay, baby. I don’t know how that feels like but I think I can imagine. I get it that’s fine.”

He shakes his head. “No. Because I really like you and if you weren’t so amazing, I maybe would’ve messed it up already. I probably will sooner or later anyways.”

I frown, moving even closer with my chair so my knees are touching the sides of his thighs.

“No, come on. Stop that, you’re not gonna mess anything up. We’re gonna get better at dealing with each others’ flaws and we’ll not fight this easily again. And we’ll be boyfriends one day and say “I love you” for the first time some day.”

There’s a big smile spreading on Harry’s face now and he looks at me a little hopefully. “That’s what you want?”

I roll me eyes. “Obviously, Harry. We’re dating. We like each other, I have the feeling that Elia likes me too. This is going to work, babe.”

He pulls me in quite suddenly so I’m falling against him, able to wrap my arms around his neck last second as we hug each other in an a little awkward position.

“I shouldn’t have talked to you like that”, we both say at the same time, chuckling little afterwards.

I peck his lips and brush over his cheek with my hand. “You’re fine, darling. It’s okay.”

“Thank you”, he quietly says, wrapping his ankles around mine, “I appreciate you listening and all. Very much so.”

I smile, nodding, wanting to lean in for another kiss right when someone comes storming into the kitchen, a broad smile spreading across her face when she sees me.

“Hi, Louis”, she says, sounding surprised, “I didn’t thinked you are here.”

She runs over to me and reaches her arms up inorder for me to pick her up and sit her down on my lap. She smiles as she leans in to peck my cheek and afterwards rest her head against my chest. “Daddy let me watch TV so long”, she says, grinning.

“I suppose that’s my fault.” I smile, ruffling through her curls.

“You staying for dinner?” I shrug, not having thought about it yet.

“Please, daddy, Loulou, can he stay and eat with us?”

Me and Harry both shrug at the same time before he nods. “Of course, he can. What are we making?”

“I suggest we make pasta with egg”, she says, grinning, “Isn’t that the best?”

“You can have that”, Harry agrees and she already runs of to the fridge to search for some eggs. “We’ll make some tomato sauce?”, I ask Harry and he nods with a smile, stealing a quick kiss from me while Elia searches for eggs and isn’t looking.

We cook and eat all together, Elia being giggly and kissing my cheek at least two times more, Harry smiling at me from across the table for the whole time and I feel so happy the whole time.

I sadly have to head back afterwards though because we’ve only got one more day before uni starts again and we both have a lot to do.

Elia runs off to the bathroom to brush her teeth while Harry accompanies me to the door. I get dressed before turning to face him again and sigh. “Wish the break would have lasted longer.”

“Me too”, he mumbles, placing his hands on my waist and leaning forward to press a kiss to my lips. “Are we gonna see each other soon anyways?”

I shrug before nodding. “We’ll manage for sure.”

He smiles as well. “Um, so, it’s my birthday next weekend, and, I don’t know, do you wanna come over? It’s not going to be anything special, but, yeah, it’s just gonna be very boring, but-“

“Babe”, I sigh, shaking my head, “You silly. As rude as it sounds, I would’ve come over without you inviting me. We gotta celebrate you properly.”

He smiles, kissing me again before pulling away, opening the door for me. “Okay, Lou, then we’ll see each other next weekend. Have a good week.”


second chapter for today because I was basically forced :')

no chapter tomorrow cause my day will be busy af anyways

hope you like it <3

wishes for a prologue? (altho idk how many i can use cause part of it is written already)

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