You rip what you sow

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The dark haired princess stumbled on the rooftop, the rain pouring heavy and loud on her and her surroundings.

The cloudy skies of Paris filled her senses as the leaped from building to building. She looked around for any akumatized villains she had to get rid off. 

She landed on the park she always goes to on her free time, you know, the fine line of time between hero work, school work and school itself. The civilians around her rushed away, screaming in terror and hurrying inside houses.

Her expression changed, she became confused in a second. What happened? Why were they running away from her? They were cheering her name days ago?

"An akumatized villain! Run!" She heard a person scream from behind her. 'Oh. Right.' the event reminded her. She watched her step for the fallen items of the hurried people that had just abandoned her in the park, kneeled down and made her way to the rooftop of another building.

Proppeling in the air, she managed to spot a nice spot to look over from the sky. A skyscraper-like building she'd been in more times than she can count.

She walked closer to the edge, settling down. She watched from the top, seeing the citizens go on with their lives even when the rain poured on their heads and they got drenched in water.

She wanted to be as carefree yet careless as them. They looked like even if the rain was causing them problems, they did not mind. Instead, they embraced the situation.

She longed for the feeling of closure and an embrace. She wanted to be able to do the same. She wondered for a second, had she ever been relaxed since she was given the miraculous?

She felt her head throb in pain and she pushed at her forehead right away, attempting to soften the pain. Of course, headaches don't go away easily, they stick with you.

The sound of a stick clashing on the floor made her snap and jump to the sound, eyes falling upon the figure of the black cat.

"It's okay, it's me Marinette." He said, putting one hand up in the air in defense, hoping she'd take the hint and wouldn't attack him.

If he was going to be honest, he still was completely on guard towards her as he hadn't figured out how she learned that his father was ShadowMoth before he did, but he hid it well.

The girl held back, stepping away and going back to the warm spot in the edge, dangling her feet off the roof. "Are you here to de-evilize me, Chaton?" She voiced confidently, looking at the fog surrounding the Eiffel tower.

"Not really, but I'm very fond of the nickname use there, princess" he answered, keeping his utterance calm and approachable, to not alert the enhanced-sensed girl in the edge.

"Well then what do you want?" She asked, her voice now sounding cold and unwelcoming, her eyes droopy and her gaze threatening in his eyes.

"...I wanted to talk." He replied, stepping slightly closer to the princess. "I already said I'm not negotiating here. Now if you're going to waist my time I might as well make you dissapear too, kitty." She spat back, grasping the wand on her side.

"WOAH!" He raised his hands back up, scurrying back to his previous spot. "I'm not here to negotiate Marinette." He finished his sentence, pinning his gaze in hers, trying to look intimidating.

The girl released the grasp in the wand and let her hand fall back to her side. Her guard was still up and she was completely alert of everything around her. This could've been a trap.

Chat Noir believed in Marinette. He knew that she was still there and she was willing to fight the akuma. Maybe her will wasn't enough at the exact moment, but he wished to make it stronger in any way possible.

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