Unpleasant fallout

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Marinette's ears started to ring, she couldn't even hear her own thoughts. Her head throbbing in pain and her legs weak and pained.

Her eyes started to water because of how hard she kept them shut, bringing her hands up to hold her head like it was being pushed to the front.

"Princess Justice, I am ShadowMoth. You want to prove wrong everyone who wronged your innocence~?" This voice was not one she ever expected to hear this way. What is happening? Why can't she hear herself? Her larynx was burning and she couldn't even scream, her throat closing.

Lila had frozen in spot, too scared to make any sudden moves. She could only watch the helpless girl in front of her suffer as she thought about what she had done to get her to this point.

She didn't regret a single thing.

The man continued, seeing how he had an impact on the victim. "Don't you want to be justified?"

And that's all it took for her eyes to widen, as she felt her heart stop for a single second. He knew exactly what button to push to get her to join him in his evil doings. 

"Yes..." She replied, her muscles relaxing as she felt the headache fade.

"All I want in return, is Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous. Can you do that, Princess Justice?" He said, his voice low, persuading her deeper in his control.

"Yes ShadowMoth" she slowly reached to the earrings hanging on her piercings, when her hand suddenly froze and she pulled her arms back down to her sides.

'It seems like I still have some control', she thought to herself.

She felt the heat rising from her toes all the way up to her head, purple and black fog covering her body and disorienting her mind, her vision black.

Her purse had transformed in some type of wand, an old scale carved on the front. Her suit was simple enough, a skinny-fit bodysuit in all kinds of shades of magenta and dark purple with a tiny skirt attached to it, perhaps to add on the princess title. It's design consisted of dots and stripes. Atop her head rested a black tiara, decorated with gems of a dark pink hue. A mask covered her face, coloured in black and purple.

"Couldn't you make it any better? Whatever." She rolled her eyes to the man controlling her mind.

"Now you. You're coming with me" she smirked deviously at the petrified figure standing in front of her. She pointed her wand straight to her and her wand immediately trapped her in a realm.

"Perfect." She laughed maniacally, hoping off the bathroom to the yard, where the students watched in horror as she made more and more people turn to thin air.

"Marinette!" Adrien screamed, reaching his hand out, despair present in his face and voice.

"Awhhh, you showed up to the show? Want to participate?" Princess Justice hollered, jumping towards the boy.

"Wait, Princess Justice! Get away from him or I will remove your powers!" ShadowMoth demanded and Marinette's inner consciousness could've sworn she heard him worry over Adrien.

'Could he...?

No, there no way' she pushed the thought away, forming a reply to utter to get him to shut up.

"Do not fret, ShadowMoth. I only want him to enjoy the show!" She promised, hoping he would buy it.

And so she trapped Adrien in the wand's realm.

The people of Paris weren't too fond of her. She couldn't understand why. All she wanted was to reveal the truth, to bring justice. To get revenge.

She released her classmates from the wand, trapping them in a room instead. The room had a glass window and it looked more like an investigation room than anything.

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