Chapter 10

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Five days have passed, and Justin has remained in a deep slumber. Yesterday marked a milestone as they removed him from the breathing machine, and now he's breathing on his own. It's a small victory, but the waiting game continues for him to regain consciousness.

''Here,'' Jaxon's voice broke through my thoughts, offering me a cup of coffee.

''Thanks,'' I replied, taking a sip and placing the cup on the bedside locker. I sat back, resting my head on my fist.

''Do you think he'll wake up?'' Jaxon's voice held a hint of desperation, his face showing signs of exhaustion after spending countless hours by Justin's side.

''Of course he will. Your brother is resilient, and despite the medication keeping him sedated, his strength will prevail,'' I reassured him, offering a small smile of encouragement.

As I absentmindedly rubbed the back of Justin's hand, I couldn't help but ask about Jaxon's mother.

''Has your mom gone home?'' I inquired.

''Yeah, my dad convinced her to take a relaxer and get some rest. Whether she'll actually sleep or not, I'm not sure,'' Jaxon replied with a weary nod, his gaze shifting back to Justin's still form.

I returned my attention to Justin's face, searching for any signs of movement. A flicker of hope ignited within me as I thought I saw a slight twitch in his eyelids. I sighed deeply, feeling disappointment.

''I thought his eyes twitched,'' I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Jaxon examined Justin for a moment before letting out a tired sigh.

''You haven't slept in five days; tiredness is catching up on you,'' he remarked. I nodded, acknowledging the exhaustion that weighed heavily on my shoulders. Downing the last of my coffee, I crossed my legs and absentmindedly traced shapes on Justin's hand, tenderly kissing the back of his fingers.

Suddenly, I felt a slight movement in his baby finger. ''Justin?'' I called out, sitting up with a surge of hope. His eyes twitched again, and the monitor began beeping erratically.

''Shh, hey, relax, okay? I'm right here, you're fine. Just try to relax; it's okay,'' I reassured him in a soothing voice, squeezing his hand gently. He responded by gripping my hand tightly.

''Jaxon, get the doctor!'' I urged, and he dashed out of the room. ''That's it, nice light breaths. Can you open your eyes?'' I encouraged Justin, his eyelids fluttering in response. I shielded his eyes from the harsh light, and he slowly managed to open them.

''Hey,'' I whispered, relief flooding through me as his eyes met mine. They closed again slowly, and just then, the doctor and nurse entered the room.

''Can you wait outside?'' they requested, and although hesitant, we nodded. Justin clung to my hand, unwilling to let go.

''Pidge-Pidgeon,'' he whispered in a groggy voice, struggling to get my name out due to the tube and his dry mouth.

''I'm here, I'm not leaving you,'' I assured him, my heart squeezing at the sound of his attempt to speak. I glanced at the doctor, who nodded in understanding. With one hand, I rubbed the back of Justin's hand, while the other hand firmly held onto Jaxon, not allowing him to leave my side.

I winced as the nurse removed the tube from Justin's throat, causing him to gag and start coughing.

''Can you tell me your name, son?'' the doctor asked, offering Justin a drink of cold water to soothe his scratchy throat.

''J-Justin B-Bieber,'' he managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper.

''Okay, Justin, I want you to follow this light, alright?'' the doctor instructed, shining a light in his eyes. Justin followed it obediently, and the doctor glanced at the monitor before addressing him again.

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