Act 1: Avalice

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In the cold blizzards of Avalice, one stood on a cliff. His eyes were yellow that would shine through darkness. His fur was grey and he wore brown gloves and boots. The brown gloves had a ring on the top with two on the side.

The wolf's face had an eye patch on his left eye. He held something in his hand. It was a white flower. A small tear comes out of the wolf's eye.

He puts the flower back into his satchel and breaths in the cold air. He sees a meteor heading straight for Avalice.

???: Not my problem.

He leaves as soon as the meteor hits. Who is this figure you may ask? Well, you will find out in due time.

The ship crash lands in the snow and a figure steps out. They jump into the air and land on a cliff. Turns out, it was Brevon. He looks at his crash landed ship.

Brevon: NOOO!

Three days later,
In a valley to the East...

Sonic was falling throughout the portal.


Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice calls out to him, one that didn't sound like Shadow's.

???: Hedgehog! They need you!

Sonic: Who's there!

He felt as if his mind might have been playing tricks on him.

Sonic: I just hope whatever is on the other side isn't too dangerous.

A bright light blinds him. The portal spits him out. He gets sent into a tree, knocking him out. A loud ringing was heard as he slowly closes his eyes.

Sonic's Dream...

???: Sonic, Sonic, are you there?

He opens his eyes to find himself in Windmill Isle.

Sonic: How did I end up here?

Somebody taps his shoulder. The hedgehog turns around and sees his friend Chip upside down, scaring him.

Sonic: Woah!

Chip: Haha! got ya!

Sonic: Yep, you definitely caught me off guard, buddy.

The two walk to the cliff and sit down, admiring the sunset.

Sonic: You know, Chip. I've come this far and I wasn't able to do it without you!

Chip: Really?

Sonic: Yep! We'll traveled all across the globe to recharge the emeralds and put an end to Dark Gaia.

He takes out his braclet.

Sonic: This is what you left before...

Before he can even let a tear fall, Chip hugs him, surprising the blue blur.

Chip: There's no need to cry Sonic. No matter where you go, I'll always be by your side.

Chip slowly fades away in Sonic's arms.

Sonic: I'll never forget you.


Sonic wakes up, breathing hard. Sweat dripping from his face.

Sonic: Where am I? What is this place?

He looks around, unfamiliar with his surroundings. He finds a familiar bracelet that was next to him

Sonic: Chip's bracelet? How did this wound up here?

He grabs it off the floor and puts it on.

Sonic: Looks like I'm not Mobius anymore.

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